
Revision as of 05:08, 8 October 2007 by Krypton (talk | contribs) (clarity, "is is a herbivore" --> "it is an herbivore," not a denizen)

One of the animals found in the Menagerie of Hashan, the setontot is a seven-foot tall beast covered in dark brown fur. Its hairless palms possess three inch claws, yet despite this, the creature's blunt teeth indicate that it is an herbivore.

The trappers who delivered it to Hashan on the 25th of Mayan, 453 AF, claimed that it was a rare creature they had captured from beyond the Wall of Power. They were, however, unable to address questions about their travels, as the setontot broke out of its crate and slew them, causing ruckus amid the other animal exhibits of the Menagerie before finally being captured.