White Flames

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White Flames is a ritual shop located off Serpentis Boulevard in Hashan. Operated by Visionary Khystra, its wares include candles of various hues adorned with shamanic markings.


Mysterious robe - 650gp
Rich damask silk, dyed a deep and lustrous black is fashioned into this robe. Long tapered bell sleeves allow for ease of movement along with grace. Its thick cuffs are embroidered with silver thread into a pattern of kabbalistic symbols. This robe symbolizes the dark splendour of his inner body, made glorious through awakening of the higher powers of Eyn Sof.
Wooden bowl - 92gp
This simple wooden bowl is made of mahogony and its ritual function is apparent from the runes and religious symbols etched on its outer surface.
Candles - 30gp
The candles are made from wax gathered in the beehives kept by the Druids of the Ithmian Forests. A small wick extends from the top of the candle and inscribed upon the black wax are runes symbolic of the shamanic arts. They come in the following colours: black, red, silver, grey, blue, pink, green, white, orange, purple, yellow, brown, and gold.
Pentacle - 500gp
A fitting symbol of the element of earth, this pentacle is made of malleable wax and awaits cultivation by the spirits. It is a token of the body, the Temple of the Spirit, about to receive through the theurgic and telestic rites the influx of the divine self. The pentacle is a real expression of a complete thought and act of will; it is the signature of the mind.
Ritual chalice - 500gp
Passive and receptive, the Chalice is a true symbol of the Neshamah, the intuition and understanding which is ever open awaiting the supernal dew which daily descends from the highest regions for the pure of soul. In ceremonial magick, the Chalice is used but rarely, and then only in the highest invocations, to bear the libations; in evocations it plays no part at all.
Ritualist's sash - 1000gp
The ritualist's sash, like the ring of shadows, is a variation on the magic circle. It closes the robe and is wound three times around the waist before being tied or clasped in front. To put it on is to don a threefold occult circle of protection. If it is wound around the waist counterclockwise it attracts and focues Noxtralic forces within the body. When joined end to end and set on the ground it can itself function as a personal circle for the solitary ritualist, who stands within its circumferance.
Ritual platter - 225gp
This highly ornate platter is made of beaten gold and is decorated with various runes and religious symbols. It is large enough to hold food for about thirty people.
Ring of shadows - 1500gp
The band of this ring is forged from a dark, un-identifiable metal and has an intricate bas-relief of an ancient ceremony practiced within the Dark Order carved into its surface. The small gem mounted into the ring is translucent and glows with a soft inner light. The ring is inscribed with names of power and is a symbol of the wearer's mystical marriage to the art of Dark Ritual Magick.
Ritualist's circlet - 1500gp
A variation of the ritualist's cap, this circlet is a band that goes around the head at the level of the forehead. The band is in the shape of a serpent swallowing its tail, which is a symbol of infinity. The front of the circlet is surmounted by a raised cobra, with ruby eyes which symbolises the focus of will at the hidden third eye between the eyebrows. As a practical matter, the constant pressure of the circlet against the centre of the forehead is useful in focusing the awareness of the hidden third eye, the centre of will.
Bundle of incense - 75gp
Often used in religious ceremonies, incense produces a fragrant odour when burned. Bundled tightly to avoid moisture, you are unable to determine what scent this incense produces.
Water (crystal goblet) - 20gp
This goblet is made entirely of clear, facetted crystal that scatters the light. Though intricately conceived, it is light in the hand to make for easy drinking.
Bronze ritual knife - 500gp
Slightly tarnished with age, this heavy knife is made entirely of bronze. The straight razor-edge juts out of the hilt, ending in a sharp, upturned point where the blunt edge joins with it. The hilt, merely an extension of the blade, has several perforations along its length to slide the fingers into, providing adequate grip. Since it is a cutting instrument, one used for analysis and dissection, banishing in ceremonial magick is its prime function, and it should never be employed at all in works having as their climax the invocation of the highest.
Small stick of chalk - 250 gp
This slender stick of white chalk is roughly six inches long, and about half an inch in diameter. It rests within a small wooden barrel, which can be adjusted to extend the chalk out of the barrel's mouth to any length desired. Tiny, basic runes trace along the rough surface of the dark wood, carved into the material with some fine-tipped instrument. The chalk has a vaguely musty smell, and has the occasionally unwelcome tendency of transmitting milky chalkdust to any surface with which it comes in contact.
Delicate white silk cloth - 50gp
Embroidered with mystic sigils, this silken cloth has been finely woven by a meticulous crafter. The colour of pristine white snow, the delicate fabric is soft and sleek to the touch, adding to its comforting allure. The edges are hemmed with translucent thread, and finished with floral stitches in each corner.
Gleaming brass thurible - 750 gp
Gleaming with muted light, the rounded brass surface of this small thurible reflects a distorted image of its surroundings. An ornate sphere fixed atop a small brass stand, its upper half is punctuated by a series of small holes that open to release the fumes of the sweet incense that burns within. A long, slender chain of the same metal attaches to tiny rings on either side of the object, with a heavy brass handle halfway down its length that allows the thurible to be lifted and swung in ritual procession.