Ioje Compound

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Ioje compound
Leader Yili, the Procurer
Discoverer unknown
Enemies Quaskan rebels

The Ioje Compound is a rajamalan slave camp. High walls and razor-sharp fences surround the compound, situated beneath the blistering sun of Frysta on an arid, dusty world. Rajamala slavers call the complex home, plying their foul trade under direction of the Procurer. Escape is rare and risky, yet even as the ruthless rajamala venture into the World Tree in search of fresh, pliable assets, the compound faces resistance, the names "Eoleli" and "Quaskan" uttered with disgust and revulsion through the highest echelons of Ioje command.


The administrative centre

The administrative centre is a huge grey building containing offices necessary for managing the compound, including that of the procurer. A records room maintains files on product sales whilst a showroom offers display for prospective slave buyers.

The education centre

The white-washed education centre is a place of aggressive austerity, clustered with spartan classrooms attended by book-branded slave tutors and quill-branded scribes. The overseer watches his charges go about the business of slave indoctrination with an intimidating glare.

The fighting pits

Fist-branded warrior slaves inhabit the fighting pits of Ioje, the musclebound gladiators kept under close scrutiny by the general. The warrior slaves offer a challenge to any who wish to test their mettle against their fierce training.

The whorehouse

Candle-branded strumpets haunt the smoke-hazed chambers of the Ioje brothel, awaiting customers. Though the workers here all well-painted, they show signs of cruel mistreatment. Despite the martial setting, the proprietor of the establishment goes to great lengths to maintain the mystique of the house, soliciting visitors for small tasks and favours to do so.



The Ioje Compound is inhabited by rajamala slavers and slaves, including the following named denizens.