Auburn kinkajou

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Revision as of 20:09, 4 January 2018 by Halos (talk | contribs) (whats a kinkajou though? now you know)
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An auburn kinkajou is a playful artefact minipet hailing from the distant Atavian homeland that can be obtained only via the kinkajou talisman. Sleek, sun-hued, and simian, the nocturnal creature has small ears but large eyes which can see clearly beneath the canopies of the lowland rainforests of Azatlan.


(1) a kinkajou's tooth, level 7
(1) a collar for a kinkajou, level 7
(1) some kinkajou bait, level 7
(1) a kinkajou's tail, level 3
(1) a kinkajou claw, level 6
(1) a kinkajou's paw, level 5