Year 350

Revision as of 15:48, 4 June 2007 by Wikiadmin (talk | contribs)

The Year 350 events and championship games were held which saw the creation of a new world game: foozles. The Dragon Roncli walked away with the Staff of Nicator, having placed respectably in most events.

Championship Games

Overall Y350 Scores

Rank Adventurer Total Y4C Points
1 Roncli

Tumble Race

Rank Adventurer Y350 Points
1 Nimby 12
2 Roncli 10
Joint 3rd & 4th Adanedhel & Altarius 7
5 Hyperlith 5
6 Khoraji 4
7 Tsavonglah 3
Joint 8th & 9th Liberater & Asara 1.5
Tied for 10 Veron & Tow 0.25


Rank Adventurer Y350 Points
1 Khoraji 12
2 Asara 10
3 Nimby 8
4 Roncli 6
5 Dirgath 5
6 Paine 4
7 Senans 3
8 Adanedhel 3
9 Aragon 1
10 Aelis 0.5

Experience Event

Rank Adventurer Y350 Points
1 Koralin 12
2 Roncli 10
3 Trae 8
4 Jhui 6
5 Aragon 5
6 Blaise 4
7 Galrog 3
8 Carmell 2
9 Laorir 1
10 Lam 0.5


Rank Adventurer Y350 Points
1 Saffire 12
Joint 2 & 3 Navi and Trevalyan 9
4 Flelm 6
5 Paine 5
Joint 6, 7, 8 Covenant, Rivalyn, Mendax 3
9 Emergo 1
Tied for 10 Roncli and Jakar .25


Rank Adventurer Y350 Points
1 Jack 12
2 Roncli 10
3 Hyperlith 8
4 Paine 6
5 Anastae 5
6 Senans 4
7 Faunus 3
8 Skarash 2
9 Celike 1
10 Kalla .5