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17:21, 20 March 2017 Under the Central Market.jpg (file) 113 KB Krypton In the sewers beneath the central market, my trusty storm bull Altemont and I defend my rat-slaughtering fiancee Khylandra from the notorious murderous superthugs. 1
17:21, 20 March 2017 Elemental Life.jpg (file) 79 KB Krypton The Elementals of a Mage: Sandling, Waterweird, Efreeti, and Aerial. Friends, companions, guides. 1
17:20, 20 March 2017 Fury of the Elements.jpg (file) 345 KB Krypton The fury of the elements shown in a fierce battle of Elementalism between a Tsolaa and Grook magi. Any resemblences to anyone is purely coincidential. 1
17:20, 20 March 2017 Caz.jpg (file) 456 KB Krypton   1
17:20, 20 March 2017 Vodun.jpg (file) 300 KB Krypton A shaman tinkering with a doll. 1
17:13, 20 March 2017 Aspects of Achaea -Combat-.jpg (file) 206 KB Krypton Naga ( Rajamala ) and Maldaathi ( Human ) against Magi ( Grook ) and Jester ( Human ). Naga having envenomed dirk, whip and death adder. Darkbow and quiver are here as well. Magi wielding elemental staff, has some enchanted rings and efreeti on his side. 1
17:12, 20 March 2017 Maldaathi Knight..jpg (file) 121 KB Krypton She is my big sister, a rajamala Maldaathi, beautiful an evil. That's what many say. I only know she is my sis. 1
17:12, 20 March 2017 Beneath the Streets.jpg (file) 195 KB Krypton Chalking up another victim, a murderous thug has brutally slain an adventurer. 1
17:12, 20 March 2017 Kasmarkin.jpg (file) 365 KB Krypton A young troll Arcanist gazes out over the ruins of the lost city of Kasmarkin. 1
17:11, 20 March 2017 Challenging Profession.jpg (file) 101 KB Krypton A Rajamalan Serpent contemplates his skill in a brief moment of rest. His eyes go empty as he prepares for the final strike, and apathy fills the void where emotion once flowed within him... Cold blood... The better to serve his purpose. 1
17:11, 20 March 2017 Makali, Goddess of Destruction.jpg (file) 181 KB Krypton Destruction wreathing from Her fingertips, the Goddess, Makali, stands prepared to unleash Her Divine energy upon the realm. 1
17:11, 20 March 2017 Spin.jpg (file) 364 KB Krypton A Magi spinning crystals. 1
17:11, 20 March 2017 Mojushai's beloved Mei-Ling.jpg (file) 455 KB Krypton She is indeed a great subject to practice on. I tried my best, but still fall miserably short in capturing much of that wonderful grace. Pay no heed to the big ham in the background, he was in the middle of a lesson. 1
17:10, 20 March 2017 Holy Guardian, Beloved Companion.jpg (file) 144 KB Krypton A grook priest and his angelic guardian. Within his webbed hands is a copy of the Holy Codex of the Church, and above him the angel companion he so lovingly calls Emelia. 1
17:10, 20 March 2017 You can die laughing....jpg (file) 179 KB Krypton Jesters are flashy, loud creatures by nature, and their skills reflect it as such. Suicidal mice that go BOOM, colorful firecrackers, various bombs to make your day suck, and Tarot, just for an added bonus. Isn't humor great? 1
17:10, 20 March 2017 The Spar.jpg (file) 191 KB Krypton A depiction of a fierce duel between a hippogriff-mounted Rajamalan knight and a Xoran magi. 1
17:09, 20 March 2017 Silvaria.jpg (file) 67 KB Krypton Silvaria snaps her fingers in front of you! 1
17:09, 20 March 2017 WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT MY HAIR!!.jpg (file) 301 KB Krypton On our way to Pash Valley, I commented on Sir Dallams hair... how was i suppose to know it was a touchy subject! pure PS 6, the runes supposedly are laguz lagua lagul and gebo(or was that gebu... bet you cant find the hammer one!) 1
17:09, 20 March 2017 Jester and Tarot.jpg (file) 208 KB Krypton A masked jester displays mastery over the magical and mysterious tarot. 1
17:08, 20 March 2017 Khalys, the Dove Lady.jpg (file) 321 KB Krypton At the Aviary in Eleusis, Khalys tends to the doves. 1
17:08, 20 March 2017 Self Portrait Parleone.jpg (file) 286 KB Krypton This my self portrait. I did this while I waited in Mhaldor for Gack to arrive with some shackles. So here I am with my Shield Tattoo and smoking some skull-cap (you can never be to cautious). I am also wearing a think long cloak and my trustworthy fieldp 1
17:08, 20 March 2017 The Magisterion.jpg (file) 289 KB Krypton The Magisters Dominar, Jor'keth, and Pryla'ket. 1
17:07, 20 March 2017 Riparium.jpg (file) 382 KB Krypton Xahlen, a merman guard, patrols the entrance to the undersea city of Riparium. 1
17:07, 20 March 2017 Still Life.jpg (file) 51 KB Krypton I designed and drew a still life consisting of my shortsword, longsword, assorted vials, and a peice of broken partially decayed fieldplate armor. All this was set against a simple cloth backround. 1
17:07, 20 March 2017 Approaching.jpg (file) 40 KB Krypton Selene, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. 1
17:07, 20 March 2017 The Runewarden.jpg (file) 72 KB Krypton Totem in hand and falcon on wrist, a feline knight stands watch over his beloved Cyrene. 1
17:06, 20 March 2017 Humgii....jpg (file) 395 KB Krypton One of my favorite creatures in the realms: placid, furry and eternally hungry. This is a linography of a humgii, white ink on black. 1
17:06, 20 March 2017 Puppet and Master.jpg (file) 248 KB Krypton My beloved fiancee, Khylandra, joins me in a portrait demonstrating both love and service. 1
17:06, 20 March 2017 Battle of the Scimitars - Light vs. Darkness.jpg (file) 261 KB Krypton Battle of the Scimitars featuring the God of Darkness Twilight and the now-gone Goddess of Light Aurora. This piece was inspired by the two statues of the said Divines at the Road of Eternity at Hashan (located near the crossroads). 1
17:05, 20 March 2017 Eleusian Woodcraft.jpg (file) 470 KB Krypton Come one, come all! Buy 2 vials, get 1 free! Orangewood, Zebrawood, Applewood, all available at Eleusian Woodcraft! 1
03:47, 20 March 2017 Turinu Jaydde-Stormcrow-Seir.jpg (file) 75 KB Krypton A well-loved Magi and Shallamite, my baby brother as I last saw him. 1
03:47, 20 March 2017 Siren paladin.jpg (file) 52 KB Krypton   1
03:47, 20 March 2017 Aalen Encounter.jpg (file) 459 KB Krypton Even though Lepida really likes basilisks, it is always wise to approach them with care. After all, they don't always appreciate snuggles immediately... 1
03:46, 20 March 2017 Atavian maid.jpg (file) 39 KB Krypton An atavian maid. 1
03:46, 20 March 2017 Caer Witrin Map.jpg (file) 432 KB Krypton   1
03:46, 20 March 2017 Going Home.jpg (file) 107 KB Krypton After so many decades of not knowing where their racial home resided, it's no surprise that joy would saturate the air when finally Arcadia was re-discovered and the Atavians of Achaea reclaimed their ancestral home. 1
03:46, 20 March 2017 Sleeping Blu.jpg (file) 60 KB Krypton A picture of the humgii, an Ice Mage, and Blu, who's sleeping, at night. I know you never see Blu sleeping but thought it would be nice to see him taking a nice rest from his long labors of protecting Cyrene. 1
03:45, 20 March 2017 The Lords Aegis and Sartan.jpg (file) 299 KB Krypton My best effort at depicting what went on in the skies above Moghedu several years ago, as these gods tested Themselves against one another. 1
03:45, 20 March 2017 Polyargos' Harpy.jpg (file) 349 KB Krypton A plague of the island, these vulture-like creatures patrol the area, ready to swoop down and attack any who dare raise a hand or sword against them. Cleanliness being a foreign ideal, be prepared to be pelted by a range of arsenal including dung! 1
03:45, 20 March 2017 Gifts of Woodlore.gif (file) 65 KB Krypton A Sentinel never lacks for allies in the defense of Nature. 1
03:45, 20 March 2017 Chaos Bringer.jpg (file) 182 KB Krypton A Siren Occultist - Smart, Beautiful, Deadly. The Chaos Lords have lent her their support, and in this case, looks most certainly could kill. 1
03:44, 20 March 2017 Imminent threat.jpg (file) 202 KB Krypton Noting a threat on the horizon, all prepare to use their skills to defend the group as a whole. 1
03:44, 20 March 2017 Runewarden Initiate of Honour.jpg (file) 35 KB Krypton Just some doodling while I sat in CC in Cyrene 1
03:44, 20 March 2017 Waterwalking on Lake Vundamere.jpg (file) 142 KB Krypton Me, waterwalking on Lake Vundamere in my funky waterwalking boots with my rapier and trusty moon tattoo, hunting carp. *hums* 1
03:44, 20 March 2017 World Map.gif (file) 496 KB Krypton Map of Sapience, Tundra areas and Isles. 1
03:43, 20 March 2017 Leech Hunt.jpg (file) 171 KB Krypton A Xoran knight hunts the giant leeches of the Cyrene sewers. 1
03:43, 20 March 2017 Ahh, Look what I've Found.jpg (file) 139 KB Krypton Yudhisthira, Dragon of Polyargos, has discovered yet another two-legged thing that wishes for his death. Unfortunately, this Atavian Paladin shall not be known for a slaying, but will be another example of Yudhi's burning contempt... And a meal for his wy 1
03:32, 20 March 2017 War Approaches.jpg (file) 448 KB Krypton The combined hosts of Lord Sartan and Lord Aegis are gathering force... 1
03:32, 20 March 2017 Viridian Sorrow.jpg (file) 139 KB Krypton After remembering my life as a Sylvan, I created this piece; a Viridian standing in an exterminated room. It is not only an attempt to get this powerful Sylvan skill on paper, but also to express the idea that even when all seems black and dead, Nature li 1
03:32, 20 March 2017 Summoning Sh'Fah.jpg (file) 93 KB Krypton Sh'Fah, the Kx'Khrah warrior in all his crystalline glory serves those who summon him, for a time... 1
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