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(Created page with 'The bright green of the malachite mineral has lost no vibrancy from being ground into a powder. Minuscule specks of lighter shades are dotted throughout, adding to the multi-hued…')
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The bright green of the malachite mineral has lost no vibrancy from being ground into a powder. Minuscule specks of lighter shades are dotted throughout, adding to the multi-hued effect and the light dust shifts slightly in any breeze.
The bright green of the '''malachite''' [[mineral]] loses no vibrancy from being ground into a powder. Minuscule specks of lighter shades are dotted throughout, adding to the multi-hued effect and the light dust shifts slightly in any breeze.
When smoked, malachite bestows an anti-weapon field that lasts until taken down by others or you act aggressively.  

Pinches of ground '''Malachite''' are [[Transmutation|alchemical]] [[:category:Minerals|minerals]], which can be stored in the [[rift]]. Administered by smoking, it creates anti-weapon field that lasts until taken down by others or you act aggressively. Causes weapons attacks to rebound.
Its rebounding effect is directly analogous to smoking the [[skullcap]] [[herb]].
=====See also=====

