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#redirect [[:Category:Chivalry]]
'''Chivalry''' is the noble skill shared by the three knight classes: [[Infernals]], [[Paladins]] and [[Runewardens]]. Through Chivalry knights may gain the companionship of a falcon, become proficient in the use of ranged weapons such as bows, and learn devestating attacks to assault their foes on the battlefield.
===Abilities in Chivalry===
{| border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2
| bgcolor=#cccccc | '''Ability'''
| bgcolor=#cccccc | '''Description'''
| bgcolor=3366CC | Swordplay
| bgcolor=3366CC | Increased mastery of the shortsword
| bgcolor=3366CC | Falconry
| bgcolor=3366CC | Begin a relationship with a falcon companion
| bgcolor=3366CC | Weathering
| bgcolor=3366CC | Increase your ability to weather damage
| bgcolor=3366CC | Seek
| bgcolor=3366CC | Have your falcon spy out an adventurer
| bgcolor=3366CC | Glance
| bgcolor=3366CC | Look through the eyes of your falcon
| bgcolor=3366CC | Raze
| bgcolor=3366CC | Shatter the magical shielding of your opponent
| bgcolor=3366CC | Block
| bgcolor=3366CC | Use yourself as a blockade to prevent passage
| bgcolor=3366CC | Fitness
| bgcolor=3366CC | Master your breathing
| bgcolor=3366CC | Follow
| bgcolor=3366CC | Order your falcon to trail someone
| bgcolor=3366CC | Gripping
| bgcolor=3366CC | Maintain a firm grip on your weapons
| bgcolor=3366CC | Duality
| bgcolor=3366CC | Gain the ability to use two weapons at once
| bgcolor=3366CC | Barge
| bgcolor=3366CC | Barging on your opponents
| bgcolor=3366CC | Lunge
| bgcolor=3366CC | Charge in on your opponent from an adjacent location
| bgcolor=3366CC | Impale
| bgcolor=3366CC | Sink your blade deep into your opponent
| bgcolor=3366CC | Battlecry
| bgcolor=3366CC | Stun your opponent with a fierce warcry
| bgcolor=3366CC | Bowmanship
| bgcolor=3366CC | Gain proficiency as an archer
| bgcolor=3366CC | Wind
| bgcolor=3366CC | Further increase your accuracy
| bgcolor=3366CC | Aiming
| bgcolor=3366CC | Master your accuracy in shooting
| bgcolor=3366CC | Sturdiness
| bgcolor=3366CC | Stand firm against those who would move you
| bgcolor=3366CC | Razeslash
| bgcolor=3366CC | Simultaneously shatter an opponents shield and wound him
| bgcolor=3366CC | Deliver
| bgcolor=3366CC | Order your falcon to deliver an object to someone
| bgcolor=3366CC | Resistance
| bgcolor=3366CC | Curb the damage you take from magical sources
| bgcolor=3366CC | Crossbows
| bgcolor=3366CC | Gain the use of more damaging crossbows
| bgcolor=3366CC | Clotting
| bgcolor=3366CC | Reduce your bleeding
| bgcolor=3366CC | Rage
| bgcolor=3366CC | Shake off any lingering traces of pacifism
| bgcolor=3366CC | Retrieve
| bgcolor=3366CC | Command your falcon to fetch something for you
| bgcolor=3366CC | Startle
| bgcolor=3366CC | Order your falcon to harange an opponent's steed
| bgcolor=3366CC | Track
| bgcolor=3366CC | Order your falcon to trace someone
| bgcolor=3366CC | Defend
| bgcolor=3366CC | Guard another against attacks
| bgcolor=3366CC | Cleaving
| bgcolor=3366CC | Rend your opponent clear in two
| bgcolor=3366CC | Observe
| bgcolor=3366CC | Ask your falcon to report to you on an individual's condition
| bgcolor=3366CC | Arc
| bgcolor=3366CC | Swing your blade through the air
| bgcolor=3366CC | Mastery
| bgcolor=3366CC | Through intense concentration, obtain mastery of your blade
| bgcolor=3366CC | Darkbows
| bgcolor=3366CC | Gain the use of the infamous darkbows of Hashan
| bgcolor=3366CC | Warhawk
| bgcolor=3366CC | Equip your falcon with deadly steel talons
| bgcolor=3366CC | Engage
| bgcolor=3366CC | Damage a cowardly opponent
| bgcolor=3366CC | Swiftmount
| bgcolor=3366CC | Quickly mount or vault onto your steed
| bgcolor=3366CC | Fury
| bgcolor=3366CC | Temporarily raise your strength
| bgcolor=3366CC | Disembowel
| bgcolor=3366CC | Tear the entrails from your opponent
[[Category: Skills]]