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(adding Sarapis quote from forums about how it's a broad subject matter and there's no way to cover everything)
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Completed and approved entries will be entered into the guild's manuscript in Delos for IG reference.
Completed and approved entries will be entered into the guild's manuscript in Delos for IG reference.
Something to remember, per [[Sarapis]]' note on [http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/comment/291082/#Comment_291082/a forum post]: "I also want to point out that this isn't black and white, even though approvals are by necessity black and white. There's a spectrum, and it's an immensely subtle and wide spectrum. There are no bright, clear, simple lines to be drawn and so it's completely inevitable, especially with something where we can't spend much time on it, that there'll be inconsistencies, both real and perceived. We work to minimize those of course but we'll never be able to get rid of them. It's just too broad a subject matter."
