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Motto: Suffering melts the weak but tempers the strong.
Motto: Suffering melts the weak but tempers the strong.
Kresslack started as a Novice in the city of Hashan. He was inducted into the Black Lotus as a young Infernal, and trained his skills for a few years there after being adopted by Alasha and Shayne De'Verres and in time founded the Knights of Hashan with Sir Firey and his Squire. He eventually left Hashan to travel to Mhaldor, joining the Maldaathi and serving for a number of years and moving through the ranks. In time, he found himself joining the Naga. This was his House for many years to follow, having been inducted under Ulrike, with whom he was close. After Ulrike's departure, he decided to rejoin the Maldaathi and continued that path for a few years before he was cast out of House and City both due to accusations of treason.
An investigation was never launched to verify these claims, which were eventually proved false after many years had passed. In the meantime, he joined Ashtan where he was enlisted into the Ashura as Daimyo where he served for a long time. During his time in Ashtan, he moved up through the city ranks through his participation in numerous wars and services. Having been appointed as Admiral and Maritime Minister of the Bastion's fleet, which he used to launch a campaign against the Bastion's enemies wherever they were might be encountered upon the seas. He also helped found the Steel Bastion with Sir Vexlore, being the first Kordathen knighted and later serving as Sergeant until his eventual departure from Ashtan.
In time, having resolved his differences with Mhaldor and the past, he returned to Mhaldor where he remains to this day as a member of the Ebon Fist.