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(318 AF.)
(Year 326 ohgodwhywasitsolong)
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While this carried on, those of Twilight's Order carried out a ritual within the Shadow Realm, from research into the ancient methods of their Order. The ritual progressed in that twisted place, attended to by Sharbrena, Cleric of Darkness. As the ritual progressed, she began to siphon the darkness out of the Darkenwood itself to empower the ritualists and herself, causing great harm to Urania, the spirit of Darkenwood. As Urania cried out in pain, the ritual grew stronger until Sharbrena cackled, vanishing into the summoned darkness, while the ritual proceeded onward after that strange event.
While this carried on, those of Twilight's Order carried out a ritual within the Shadow Realm, from research into the ancient methods of their Order. The ritual progressed in that twisted place, attended to by Sharbrena, Cleric of Darkness. As the ritual progressed, she began to siphon the darkness out of the Darkenwood itself to empower the ritualists and herself, causing great harm to Urania, the spirit of Darkenwood. As Urania cried out in pain, the ritual grew stronger until Sharbrena cackled, vanishing into the summoned darkness, while the ritual proceeded onward after that strange event.
'''319 AF:'''
A key found in the streets of Kasmarkin led an intrepid group of adventurers to the tomb of Overlord Gruul, leader of the Arcanian mercenaries. But also in the tomb was a coinbox, that reacted to coins being put inside. Once enough had been donated, it turned into a chest. Only accepting silver bars, when it was filled, it became a vault. Gold bars were necessary this time, and when it was filled, the group was transported to a small bazaar in Delos, and discovered an alleyway which led to the Temple of Wealth and Trade. Solving the puzzle to give entrance to those assembled, they stumbled upon Prospero, just finishing his meal. And thus, the mortals dined with him, and he returned to the realms with them.
Screams split the night air, as Urania, the spirit of Darkenwood, cried out in terror and pain. Dark demons called qlippah were devouring the forest, and attempting to devour her as well. Both Forestals and the Darkwalkers rushed to aid, and through forming a ritual with the advice of Kalleah, the spirit of Hazel, they attempted to call forth the dark being that had sent these lesser demons, to banish it once and for all. The ritual took an unexpected turn, as they summoned the creature, but were no match for it's power. It devoured those leading the ritual, and laid waste to the assembly. Urania was nowhere to be found by this point. Through sheer force of effort and cooperation, and many deaths, the ritual was performed and the beast locked away, but those assembled grieved the loss of Urania to achieve it. Putting together a second ritual, they attempted to pour forth their love and energy for the fallen spirit. The circle became disrupted, but Malkyr, the Oracle of Demeter, pushed on and sent the energy regardless. Green light and darkfire danced across the sky as a rift opened, and Urania stepped out, looking healthier than ever. The place the rite took place in, would be forever changed.
'''320 AF:'''
A village hidden in the Southern Vashnars was discovered by Greywolf. Their inhabitants, the Aeraithians are a small race that can glide, but not fly, and speak a native language that is not achaean.
'''324 AF:'''
Eleusis awakens in the Eastern Ithmia and forms, led by Covenant Stormcrow, Tearstorm Le'Yuet, Riakar Nakanishi, Elsp Le'Yuet and Mysti La'Saen.
'''325 AF:'''
Urania, spirit of Darkenwood, suddenly cried out to all that she was in pain, peculiar given that a large amount of mortal and immortal time and energy had been going into cleansing the forest. Arcane and archaic remedies were sought, to little avail, most notably in Cyrene. Undead animals are sighted within the borders of the forest, as the situation wears on.
'''326 AF:'''
The illness of Darkenwood took a turn for the worse, as the sickness twisted Istishia, Queen of the Arachnoi, into a loathsome undead creature. Twilight admitted the undead were a side-effect of his own methods of trying to cleanse the forest, and working with Demeter they better sought a cure. Believing the cure to be found in a mysterious artifact in Cyrene, treekin marched into Cyrene and began to turn over stones and reduce streets and buildings to rubble, trying to find the artifact buried beneath it all. Indalecio spoke out against them, but his pleas fell on deaf ears as the treekin continued destroying the city for their artefact, until the baby blue dragon, Blu, slew one and chased the rest out of the city. In return, Twilight sent the qlippah to silence Blu so their work could continue, but the citizens of Cyrene rallied around their dragon, turning on the followers of the God of Darkness. The standstill wore on as Darkenwood continued to decay.
The followers of Twilight would not be stopped, however, and using the qlippah to assault the young dragon, the citizens fought, but it wasn't enough. Blu was defeated, and faded away to another realm. All that remained was half of an amulet, that Twilight claimed was part of the artefact they were searching for. The Dark Lord used the amulet to put Darkenwood into stasis, halting the undead spread, but not fixing it yet.
Eris with the help of Feliss, Miriyan, Khalid, Estach, Shakti, Aneila, Karyn, and others began an experiment with the Living Spire. As the spire was completed, a bolt of power shot up toward the heavens, and Eris approached the vortex this created, her own power growing. The force imploded, however, knocking Eris from the sky as chaos spread across the land, and when this chaotic energy touched the Darkenwood, none other than Slith was revealed. Enraged, Eris threatened to burn the Darkenwood down if it meant retribution on the man that had stolen her son, but Demeter pacified her enough to allow the gathered mortals to handle the situation, lest things get out of control. Chasing Slith all over the Darkenwood, eventually defeating the Prince. With his dying breaths, he revealed he had been working for Sartan all along. After stealing the young god, he let Sartan split his being in two, one leading Aegis off beyond the realms while the other hid beneath the Darkenwood and siphoned it's essence.
Sartan laughed at his pawn, and produced the child, binding him to the fissure beneath Baelgrim Fortress that had been storing the dark energies of the wood for some time now. Enraged, Eris tried to free her child, but the power of Chaos alone was not enough, and Sartan threatened that any further attempt would be met with the death of the child. Powerless to help her son, Eris turned on Twilight and Demeter, demanding to know why they continued their efforts in Cyrene while the Darkenwood was still being drained. They believed the cure could still be found in Cyrene, and continued to hunt it...and to the shock of mortal and immortal alike, Valnurana revealed herself and asked Eris not to blame them, as Sartan had deceived them with false visions.
Valnurana was asked how Sartan could deceive another Divine in this way, and to the horror of all, she admitted to using an ancient artefact to help Sartan in his scheme to destroy Darkenwood. Sartan merely laughed at these revelations, hidden within his realm, while Valnurana explained her only desire had been to seek vengeance on Twilight, and was as horrified as everyone else when they became aware of Sartan's scheme involving the stolen child god. When she became aware, she stole the artefact back, the Eye of Proteus, and promised to help free the child. The Garden convened, looking for new ways to tackle this issue.
Soon after, Demeter had a vision of clarity, and knew the other half of the amulet to still be within Cyrene. She came to the city, and demanded, angrily, that it's citizens allow her to look for it, while green lightning arced across the skies. None spoke against her, and pooling the lightning, she slammed it into the bridge she stood on, destroying it and frantically digging through the earth for the amulet. Finding it, she restored the damage as a token of thanks, before hastening to the Darkenwood. Both halves of the amulet whole again, Twilight gave his half to Demeter after they used it's combined power to return the arachnoi queen to normal, freeing her of the bonds of undeath. With the forest's decay stopped, it would take much to heal it. But at least it would have the chance to heal.
Twilight readied his troops for war, and Sapience waited with baited breath for what may come next.
Using the Eye of Proteus, the Divine could merge the power of their realms, and in doing so created artefacts of power in every city. The Well of Chaos was formed in Ashtan, the Fontis was formed in Hashan, the Cauldron of Infinity was formed in Eleusis, the Icerune Crater was formed in Cyrene, and Daybreak's Mirror was formed in Shallam. When empowered, each could produce a warrior, and given they were created from the same artefact as the fissure that caged the child god, their use would loosen the bonds that kept him there. The armies of Sapience, save Shallam who did not join the war, marched on Mhaldor to free the child god, some of which succeeded in getting through, and loosening the bonds.
A kris dagger appeared in the Mannaseh Swamp as a demonically female voice called out that it was time and demanding to be taken to the fissure. None were able to pick it up, save Stee, Knight of the Maldaathi, who promptly tried to take it back to the fissure. The forces of the Child's Army did battle with him, but eventually Stee was able to cast the knife into the fissure, where it struck the child god and revealed the true purpose of Sartan's plan. With the child struck with the kris, and the collected energies, he was able to revive Indrani the Demon Queen, who then fed on the essence of the child god to try and claim his power as her own. In the midst of this, Eris broke into the battle, and stealing her freed son away, prevented his death at Indrani's hands. Tucking her son into the Eileithyian Tree, she named him Pandemonium, and gave up much of her own divine essence to save his life, while he slept peacefully in the boughs of the tree once more.
Finally, using both halves of the amulet, Maklyr initiated a ritual involving those of many faiths, using the combined energy and power of those present to combine Urasia with Propasia, healing Darkenwood of it's evil taint. The forest now stands as a haven for both Nature and Darkness, as well as a reminder that no matter how grim the situation, mortal faith and Divine working can overcome it.