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(Finished previous summary.)
(304 AF, 306 AF)
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The island beneath which Sartan lies imprisoned becomes the scene of mysterious and disturbing manifestations. Chief among these phenomena is a stalagmite, located inside the island's mountain. Sartan's followers begin, like lemmings, to repeatedly impale themselves upon the object, their purpose unknown until some few reveal that they have been told that thus may they purchase the release of the Evil One from His bonds, with their blood and life essence. Others, through divine trickery, are told that impaling themselves upon the thing is a way of ensuring His continued imprisonment. Those who do not believe the lie, led by the Church and Oakstone work to prevent the continuous serial impalements, but their efforts are largely fruitless. Soon a miasmic, roiling, blood red fog begins to spread about the island, consuming vegetative life. Eventually the fog, growing in power and evincing an eerie quasi intelligence begins to spread to the continent, belching forth foul demons who terrify the populace of Sapience. Gaia, the Earthmother, becomes alarmed and, seeking to stem the horrific tide, causes an earthquake with which She hopes to sink the island, apparent source of the evil haze. Alas, the fog only spreads with renewed vigour. Adding insult to injury, the event seems to crush the bonds of Sartan, allowing Him release from His prison, whereupon he sets forth forming a new body from the now plentiful supply of
The island beneath which Sartan lies imprisoned becomes the scene of mysterious and disturbing manifestations. Chief among these phenomena is a stalagmite, located inside the island's mountain. Sartan's followers begin, like lemmings, to repeatedly impale themselves upon the object, their purpose unknown until some few reveal that they have been told that thus may they purchase the release of the Evil One from His bonds, with their blood and life essence. Others, through divine trickery, are told that impaling themselves upon the thing is a way of ensuring His continued imprisonment. Those who do not believe the lie, led by the Church and Oakstone work to prevent the continuous serial impalements, but their efforts are largely fruitless. Soon a miasmic, roiling, blood red fog begins to spread about the island, consuming vegetative life. Eventually the fog, growing in power and evincing an eerie quasi intelligence begins to spread to the continent, belching forth foul demons who terrify the populace of Sapience. Gaia, the Earthmother, becomes alarmed and, seeking to stem the horrific tide, causes an earthquake with which She hopes to sink the island, apparent source of the evil haze. Alas, the fog only spreads with renewed vigour. Adding insult to injury, the event seems to crush the bonds of Sartan, allowing Him release from His prison, whereupon he sets forth forming a new body from the now plentiful supply of
demonic fog. His new body is a horror to behold, mutilated, scarred, as though the evil once held deep within His heart, was now worn upon His face and form. Rejoicing in His newfound fortune, Sartan proclaims Himself Sartan the Malevolent. He takes control of the island that was once His jailer, imbuing its very stones with His essence. In an act that promises dire fortune at some point in the future, the Malevolent One calls His faithful unto him, brings into manifestation a monstrous edifice called the Baelgrim Fortress, and endows an organization calling itself the Maldaathi Knights upon the former, humiliated Infernals. Kaelin is appointed as leader of this new guild. With most of Achaea now at peace for the nonce, discussion and debate on the natures of so-called Good and Evil once again dominate the public news boards ad nauseam. Lately, debaters on the subject of the true nature of Chaos, oxymoronic as such a subject must perforce be, have also entered the fray. Achaea abides.
demonic fog. His new body is a horror to behold, mutilated, scarred, as though the evil once held deep within His heart, was now worn upon His face and form. Rejoicing in His newfound fortune, Sartan proclaims Himself Sartan the Malevolent. He takes control of the island that was once His jailer, imbuing its very stones with His essence. In an act that promises dire fortune at some point in the future, the Malevolent One calls His faithful unto him, brings into manifestation a monstrous edifice called the Baelgrim Fortress, and endows an organization calling itself the Maldaathi Knights upon the former, humiliated Infernals. Kaelin is appointed as leader of this new guild. With most of Achaea now at peace for the nonce, discussion and debate on the natures of so-called Good and Evil once again dominate the public news boards ad nauseam. Lately, debaters on the subject of the true nature of Chaos, oxymoronic as such a subject must perforce be, have also entered the fray. Achaea abides.
'''304 AF:'''
Sartan consolidates his power on the Isle of Evil and within Mount Mhaldor, which lay underneath Baelgrim fortress. Using this location as a magnet of evil, He acquires control over all of the landmarks, and destroys the one that most closely represented Chaos, the Cave of Golgatha. Finally, he renamed the Fist of Dameron as the Fist of Sartan. In a gesture of spite, he forever cut off the flow of essence to the Occultists Guild.
The Occultists, reeling from their loss of Necromancy, begin looking into their own past. Through the study of the Burning Times, they learn of an ancient power their predecessors wielded, and seek to reclaim it. Concurrently, the Church began their own investigations of their records of these times, worried what the Occultists may be up to. The result the discovery of a ritual in the past, that through some mistake had forever cut the Occultists off from their latent power. Through carrying out this ritual in the present, Shakti, Silverstorm, and Saruman led the Occultists to bridging the gap across centuries of the Great Occult Work, anchoring the two times, and giving the modern Occultists back the power of Occultism.
'''306 AF:'''
Gaia gives up her coherent consciousness to the forests, and nine forest spirits are formed. However, shortly after the forests became sick and diseased. Groves became unable to function, plant life began to die out, and animals became disturbed, to the point of bunnies becoming rabid. The forests themselves began to attack those within, and the spirits of the forest became distressed that without assistance or the Mother, the forests would soon die out completely. Following a Dreaming, and a later ritual, those of the forest were able to coax the Gaian Tree at the behest of Urania of Darkenwood to give up it's essence to the gathered spirits to empower them, thus making the Gaian Tree the Great Oak, as it lost his power. Balance was restored to nature, for the time, and a new Spirit of Nature was born to watch over the forests until such time as they had a stronger protector.
Rain and snow cleared out the rubble blocking the way to a monastery north of Jaru. Shortly after, the explorers discovered the ghostly monks roaming it's halls.
The flooding of Lake Vundamere from the rains has caused a lot of the rubble to be washed away as it receded, allowing exploration of the area around it.