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==Your Background==
==Your Background==
Backgrounds are a chance for players to write their history before the age of 18 and continue it with chapters as new things happen.
Here are some important things you need to know about backgrounds, incase you ever plan to use them.
COMPOSE BACKGROUND takes you into the Achaean editor, where you can write your background down. Please be VERY careful, as you can never alter this once it is saved. We strongly recommend writing it offline, running it through a spell-checker, proofreading it, proofreading it again, then submitting it when you are completely satisfied.
COMPOSE HISTORY takes you into the editor to compose a new chapter of your background. Like backgrounds, they can never be altered once saved.
COMPOSE HISTORY TITLE <CHAPTER #> <DESIRED TITLE> (perhaps this would read, COMPOSE HISTORY TITLE 7 Chopping the Redwood Tree) assigns a title to a chapter number.
VIEW BACKGROUND <CHARACTER> (perhaps this would read VIEW BACKGROUND SARAPIS) shows you the background of the person you choose, assuming they have allowed you to read it. You can also simply VIEW BACKGROUND, without supplying a name, to read your own.
VIEW HISTORY SUMMARY <CHARACTER> shows you the chapter summary of the person in question. Omit the character to view your own.
VIEW HISTORY <CHAPTER> <CHARACTER> (perhaps this would read, VIEW HISTORY 7 SARAPIS) will show you a specific chapter in detail. Omit the character to view your own.
SET HISTORY PUBLIC/ALLIES/PRIVATE to control who can view your character background.

=Class and Skills Learning=
=Class and Skills Learning=