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(water lord battlerage)
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* Can walk on water.
* Can walk on water.
* Can breathe underwater.
* Can breathe underwater.
* Wield the [[Pervasion]] skill

- Wield the [[Pervasion]] skill
===Abilities in [[Battlerage]]===
|description=A rain of freezing death.
|syntax=MANIFEST ICICLES <target>
|required=14 rage
|cooldown=16.00 seconds
|detail=Forge an array of lethally sharp icicles from the vapour that eternally surrounds you, casting them at your target to deal damage.
|description=Leave them an uncoordinated fool.
|syntax=MANIFEST DEHYDRATE <target>
|required=14 rage
|cooldown=23.00 seconds
|detail=Pull the sustaining fluids from your target, leaving them dizzy and entirely unable to act in a coordinated manner.<br>'''''Gives affliction: Clumsiness'''''
|description=Sometimes a less subtle approach is required.
|syntax=MANIFEST AQUAHAMMER <target>
|required=17 rage
|detail=Form a giant hammer from water, then bring it down upon translucent shields to utterly destroy them.
|description=One cannot outrun the rain.
|syntax=MANIFEST NEEDLERAIN <target>
|required=36 rage
|cooldown=23.00 seconds
|detail=Bring down an icy rain of needle-sharp spears upon your foe, dealing massive damage.
|description=A terrible deluge indeed.
|syntax=MANIFEST WATERFALL <target>
|required=25 rage
|cooldown=23.00 seconds
|detail=Bring down a deluge of water and ice upon a target, dealing massive damage providing they are either hindered by being weak or having the aeon affliction.<br>'''''Uses afflictions: Weakness or Aeon'''''
|description=Reclaim your due.
|syntax=MANIFEST SWELL <target>
|required=30 rage
|cooldown=42.00 seconds
|detail=Draw the vital waters from your target, reducing their health periodically and bolstering your own(*).<p>* This is weaker damage than a standard damage over time battlerage attack due to healing you on each of the ticks.</p>