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(Created page with "By: Juree Posted on: December 31, 2014 The two men enter the room. Estariah, Lord of the Morning of the Striders, newly proclaimed Caliph of the Jewel, sways a little on h...")
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Barkal stands. He bows slightly to his still seated lord. A small smile plays on his face. He knows his last question has disturbed his lord and accentuated the doubt that he knows existed in his lord's mind. Yet he had felt it necessary to do so - to make his lord more aware of the possibility that he may be wrong. Not that Barkal is not on the same page as his lord. He is entirely devoted to Estarah, his goals, regardless of his methods. But he has lived long enough to learn that a little doubt can open one's eyes wider. The truth is, to Barkal there is no right or wrong - whether Vizier Torh's exclusive ideas or his lord encompassing ones. There exist to Barkal only this moment from which leads to the unfolding of events onwards. That which happens is what's right - that is his philosophy.
Barkal stands. He bows slightly to his still seated lord. A small smile plays on his face. He knows his last question has disturbed his lord and accentuated the doubt that he knows existed in his lord's mind. Yet he had felt it necessary to do so - to make his lord more aware of the possibility that he may be wrong. Not that Barkal is not on the same page as his lord. He is entirely devoted to Estarah, his goals, regardless of his methods. But he has lived long enough to learn that a little doubt can open one's eyes wider. The truth is, to Barkal there is no right or wrong - whether Vizier Torh's exclusive ideas or his lord encompassing ones. There exist to Barkal only this moment from which leads to the unfolding of events onwards. That which happens is what's right - that is his philosophy.

[[Category:Bardic Merit Awards]][[Category:2014 Bardics]]