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==What are Houses?==
[[:Category:Houses|Houses]] are collections of like-minded individuals who share a common purpose. They can be of immense help to a newbie by explaining skills, optimum placement of lessons in said skills, and of course goals to work toward. They frequently teach basic anti-[http://www.achaea.com/irex/helpview/help.php?q=THEFT theft], and are great places to make friends and learn more about [[Achaea]] in general. If you did not join a House during the [[Trial of Rebirth]], you may join one by speaking with [[Certimene]] in [[Delos]]. Before you commit to a certain House, however, you should decide what your character's interests and goals are. There are many Houses, so take your time. To view a list of houses, look at the HOUSE LIST. Each house will be listed similar to the following:
[[:Category:Houses|Houses]] are a collective of like-minded individuals who work towards the same goals, as well as aiding each other in said goals. They can provide useful support to newbies in the form of explaining skills and what to learn, giving directions to different areas to hunt, and providing goals to work towards. They also often provide training in antitheft. They are also a great way to meet friends and learn more about [[Achaea]].
These are only a few of the things houses can provide, but they are the most useful for newbies.
==Joining a House==
When considering what house to join, you should take the time to decide what your character's interests are and what you want him or her to work towards as a goal. There are many houses, so it can take a bit of time to research them all, but it can pay off in the end.
To view a list of houses, check HOUSE LIST.
Each house will be listed similar to the following:

  Short Name      A  In Which City  Long Name                        Patron
  Short Name      A  In Which City  Long Name                        Patron
  --------------  -  -------------  --------------------------------- ------------
  --------------  -  -------------  --------------------------------- ------------
  Sentaari        Shallam        The Sentaari                      Mithraea
  Crownmerchants  Hashan        The Merchants of the Crown        Ourania
The Short Name is used for commands involving the house. The A signifies whether or not they allow auto-induction via [[Certimene]]. In Which City describes which city the house is based in. (Some houses require you be a part of the city they are in.) The Long Name is the official name of the house. The patron is the [[God|Divine]] that has lent His or Her support to the house.
To view the information on a particular house, check HELP HOUSE <house short name>.
If you have already chosen your class, you may notice that some houses do not accept certain classes. There is a quick way to check what houses accept your class. Use HOUSE LIST <class name> to do so.
Assuming the house allows auto-induction, from here you can simply go to Certimene and ASK CERTIMENE JOIN <house short name>. You are now part of a house! Make sure to say hi on HNT.
If the house does not allow auto-induction, you will need to contact someone from the house that can induct you.
If you check HELP HOUSE <house short name> you will notice this
Newcomer aides:
Able to induct:

The ''short name'' is often used in place of the ''long name'' in casual speech and the usage of certain commands. The value under the '''A''' column details the House's policy on auto-induction via [[Certimene]]. - a 'Y' means it's allowed, and a 'N' means it is not. The next row shows which [[City]] the House is based in. Some Houses require that their members be citizens of their city, while the rare few are not based in any particular city. The ''long name'' is the official name of the house. Finally, the [[Patron]] is the [[Divine]] Who lends His or Her support and guidance to the House. To view detailed information on a particular house, look at HELP HOUSE <short name>.

Houses may place restrictions on what classes may be members. If you have a [[class]] (highly recommended!), use HOUSE LIST <class> to view all Houses who accept members of that class. Once you've decided on a House, and you know that it accepts your class, you can speak with Certimene to join. Given a 'Y' value for your House's '''A''' column, visit Certimene in Delos and ASK CERTIMENE JOIN <short name>. Assuming all went well, welcome to the House! You can speak on your new House's newcomer channel by using HNT <message> (the HNT stands for House Newcomer Tell).

You may contact anyone listed under able to induct and ask to be inducted. They will help you from there.
Of course, there's always the odd occasion that you cannot join via Certimene, whether the House not allow induction via Certimene or a matter of your higher level or age. In such a case, you should use HELP HOUSE <short name> to view their information. There should be a section entitled ''[CURRENTLY IN THE REALM]''. Any names listed there, next to "Able to induct:" can induct you if you speak to them privately.
