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'''Harris, the publican''', owns the [[Eventide Alehouse]] in the [[city]] of [[Hashan]]. He is a friendly fellow and unafraid to show affection to his female customers. Between orders, he passes insults to [[Berford]], the brewer, who never hesitates to pass them right back.
'''Harris, the publican''', owns the [[Eventide Alehouse]] in the [[city]] of [[Hashan]]. He is a friendly fellow and unafraid to show affection to his female customers. Between orders, he passes insults to [[Berford]], the brewer, who never hesitates to pass them right back.

==Harris' Wares==
;Cognac (generous glass snifter) - 150gp : This heavy spirit has a sweet and warming taste; it sits in a pear-shaped glass wide enough to swirl a drink in, as is customary with a fine brandy.
;Apricot brandy (generous glass snifter) - 150gp : Apricot brandy is a rich drink that culminates with a long, fruit-filled finish. It sits pear-shaped glass wide enough to swirl a drink in, as is customary with a fine brandy.
;Absinthe (cloudy glass tumbler) - 170gp : This sharp-flavoured absinthe is said to be Sapience's hardest drink. It sits in a stout, clear glass tumbler featuring delicate etchings on its underside - a rounded "E" sits just above the simplified likeness of a lion-like [[lamassu]] of Hashan.
;Bourbon (glass tumbler) - 140gp : The strong bourbon whiskey will glide down anyone's throat with a soothing fire. It sits in a stout, clear glass tumbler featuring delicate etchings on its underside - a rounded "E" sits just above the simplified likeness of a lion-like lamassu of Hashan.
;Darkbrew (hefty glass mug) - 140gp : Hashan's signature darkbrew is rich and satisfying. Thick, faintly pearlescent glass constitutes the material construction of the bulky mug it resides in. Utilitarian in design, it is built to hold a foaming pint and perhaps serve as a bludgeoning weapon besides.
;Whiskey (shot of Night Terror Whiskey) - 200gp: This unremarkable shot glass contains a rather unpleasant-looking liquid. A deep black, it has the thick consistency of molasses, and the strong, acrid odour of burning flesh lingers about its surface. Thin lines of brilliant crimson shoot through it like lines of burning magma between black slabs of hardened and cooled lava, the intensity of the contrast creating an impression of faint red luminescence. From time to time, the shifting patterns move to create an image that looks vaguely like a pair of burning red eyes on a black background.
;Vodka (slender glass of bloody hunter's moon) - 700gp: A thick wedge of lemon, pressed tautly against the smooth walls of a slender glass, shakes delicate droplets of citrus onto the pulpy wash of liquid below. Clanking discordantly against the sides, generous ice cubes chill the tart, crimson mass to a near frozen state. The vibrant odour of strong vodka oppresses the thick mulch of pressed, ripened tomatoes within. Perky green foliage in the form of a thick sheaf of celery sits proudly in the centre of the mixture and pokes out several inches above the rim. Located at the very base of the drink, a dull flash of grey reveals a small, semi-obscured object. A brisk smattering of cracked black pepper swirls slowly atop the beverage, fighting against the gelid fury of the red tide.
;Fruit wine (small decanter of Fontis Wine) - 300gp: The glass walls of this small decanter are perfectly clear, smoothly sloping from a slim neck down to a rounded body. A clear rubber stopper closes the decanter's mouth, surmounted by a small decorative glass orb that can be grasped to open the passage. Within, a rosy pink wine sloshes about merrily. Masses of tiny bubbles rim the liquid's surface where it meets the edge of the glass, sparkling like miniature gems, and clouds of slightly darker rose billow within it to create an impression of constant churning.
;Gin (small, carved glass of sloe gin) - 250gp: Wafting from the small glass, the scent of ripe sloe berries and sugar blends with the sharp tang of gin. Carved upon the base, a simple and elegant crown decorates the surface.
[[Category:Hashan Denizens]]
[[Category:Hashan Denizens]]
