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(Not sure if I should move the guildmaster thing to a Justiciar Prelate file...opinions?)
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Revision as of 12:25, 5 July 2005

The Guardians of Light, formerly the Paladins guild, makes their home in the Chrysalis Basilica. The strong arm of the Holy Church of Achaea, their ways are mostly martial and they require at least some basic skills in combat from their members before they allow them to advance. The Guardians are devoted to the ideals of Good, Light, Righteousness and Valour, as well as the tenets of Honour, Chivalry, and Service.

The Guardians have a long and rich history. Originally the Templars, they weilded bladefire with such strength and power that it was eventually taken away by the will of the Logos, citing that such a power had proven much too powerful for Mortal hands. The Templars recieved forging as a replacement, and was now able to make their own weapons and armour.

Later, the Templars were renamed the Paladins, although this change did not affect their resolve to fight Evil, Darkness, and Chaos.

The Guardians were previously composed of those of the Paladin class only. However, with the growth of Houses in the realms, on the 20th of Scarlatan, year 395, Sir Lereas Sparrow opened the House to those of all non-conflicting classes so that those who wish to fight for the Light do so as part of a closer community and feel less alienated.

Modern Leaders of the Guardians

Modern Guildmasters of the Templars and Paladins

# Name Term Comments
1 Gawain 11 Mayan 174 Gawain is the first of the Templars.
2 Agamemnon 14 Sarapin 197 After another extended absence by Gawain, Agamemnon is named GM.
3 Isildur 12 Sarapin 209 Agamemnon decides to step down as GM. He names Isildur as his replacement, but Oberon challenges. Agamemnon believes no one besides Isildur is strong enough to stand against Khaseem. Oberon then withdraws

his challenge.

4 Jaxamine 11 Miriman 213 A new election for GM is called for, with Jaxanime challenging Isildur because Isildur is not in the realm that often. This is the first time that the GM position has been challenged without the GM standing down. Isildur thinks that Jaxanime is not strong enough to lead the guild.
5 Isildur 17 Miriman 218 Nimos, representing Ashtan, demands that all shrines outside of the Church, Delos, Pash Valley, and Shallam must be destroyed, save one shrine in Azdun. The alternative is that Nimos and his followers will kill all the Templars and destroy all the shrines. It is suggested that

the Templars should give in to these demands because the stronger Templars aren't in the realm enough to protect the rest of the guild properly. Isildur uses this as an opportunity to challenge for GM, claiming that the current leadership is weak and that the guild must not surrender.

6 Pierce 19 Chronos 228 Pierce is voted GM and is appointed Church Prelate by Aurora.
7 Zaklin 2 Valnuary 238 Caerid challenges Pierce for GM, claiming that Pierce is never around. Pierce later wins that election. However, Zaklin, AJ at the time, declares himself to be the temporary GM, claiming that the change is only until Pierce returns. Shortly afterward, he officially contests Pierce as GM and wins the election.
8 WarMaster 3 Mayan 245 Isildur asks that someone run for GM as Zaklin is having an extended absence. WarMaster doesn't seem to have much of a platform, as he only asks that the guild vote for someone.
9 Perseus 13 Sarapin 249 In 247AF, Caerid contests WarMaster as GM, claiming that he is never around. Isildur claims that if the guild is truly falling apart due to a short absence of the GM then the secretaries, including Caerid, are not doing their job. WarMaster apologizes for not being around and appoints

Caerid AJ, and there is no actual election. Perseus later challenges WarMaster, saying that he is not fulfilling his duties as GM. Aldair, although very young at the time, also runs in this election. WarMaster does not contend, and Perseus beats out Aldair.

10 Aldair 24 Lupar 255 Perseus steps down as GM, recommending Juno and Aldair as candidates to replace him. After two elections are called for and two ties are reached, Juno withdraws his candidacy.
11 Yeshua 22 Valnuary 265 Yeshua challenges Aldair as GM, believing he can bring new energy to the guild. Aldair does no campaigning on her behalf, claiming to be tied up in Church matters.
12 Seosamh 1 Lupar 269 Yeshua steps down as GM. Seosamh opposes Caerid, stating that they need to bring focus on the Church back to the guild. Cyre and Molotov also declare candidacy, but Seosamh wins in the end.
13 Caerid 5 Glacian 273 Seosamh steps down as GM, saying that he can no longer stay in the realm. Tylin declares candidacy, asking that people bring their concerns to him directly. Tarlin also runs, stating that, as of late, the Paladins have been splitting into splinter factions and that the Guild

was going downhill, a sentiment shared by Seosamh. Maalor joins the race, stating that the problem in the guild is a lack of unity and a lack of devoted knights. Despite having been particularly vocal during his previous runs for GM, Caerid manages to win without making a single post. Angelina later contests Caerid as GM in 275AF, claiming that he makes too many mistakes. Caerid says that she is just being spiteful following an incident for which she was reprimanded, and he retains his position.

14 Brinn 9 Chronos 276 After being thrown out of Pentharian's order, Caerid attempts to change patrons to the recently awakened Aurora, who declines to accept without a guild consensus. Caerid calls for a referendum, which, after being cut short, passes 3 to 1, but Aurora still does not accept patronage. Caerid

then betrays the guild by putting most knights on probation and naming Sartan as the guild's patron. Grifter contests Caerid as GM but is outguilded. Desesden, the Sultan of Shallam, kicks out Caerid and his wife Malia, and Brigit, the AP, has them excommunicated. The Church then holds an unofficial vote between Brinn and Cyrile. Brinn is named acting GM, and he immediately challenges and beats Caerid as GM. Brinn points out that Caerid's actions actually help the guild by uniting them against Sartan. He vows to punish those who supported Caerid, and he brings back Pentharian as guild patron.

15 Aldair 21 Phaestian 278 Brinn promises an open election after all the "true" Paladins that Caerid had either probated or outguilded during recent events returned to the guild. He invites any who think they can do a better job to contest him. Aldair and Darknight believe they can, and Aldair wins for her second term. Disapproving of current leadership, Tylin unsuccessfully contests Aldair as GM in 280AF, complaining that he did not oppose Aldair in the previous election because he was not around.
16 Brandilar 15 Miriman 294 Aldair is appointed AP, and steps down as GM. Brandilar, AJ at the time, runs unopposed.
17 Viran 21 Daedalan 318 Brandilar steps down as GM, challenging that someone else needs to step forward and continue to improve upon the guild. Qwilleran and Trenia compete, as does Viran, who was AJ at the time. Walter also declares candidacy, but later withdraws.
18 Trenia 14 Sarapin 329 Qwilleran challenges Viran as GM, claiming that the guild is currently on the wrong path. Trenia also contests, stating that Viran has called to fight against evil but has not taken any action. Viran felt he was merely overambitious, stating that his Mustering system, while possibly

effective for volunteers, was difficult to apply to the guild as a whole. Baldazar enters the election as well, but his platform is that he agrees with the path Viran has set and hopes that people will vote for him if they don't vote for Viran.

19 Baldazar 12 Lupar 344 Trenia steps down as GM, citing that she no longer has the time to properly serve. Latus, who had recently replaced Gaidel as AJ, Roncli, and Baldazar run, with Baldazar ultimately emerging the victor.
20 Gaidel 2 Lupar 368 After Roncli is appointed AP without Her approval in 360AF, Lorielan steps down as Church patron (see Church 2198). Seven years later, Baldazar changes the guild patron to Tarah, stating that Lorielan has been inactive for several years and the guild can not continue with a patron who disapproves of Church leadership. Lorielan strikes him down, claiming that She was never inactive, an act which leads to much internal guild debate. Claiming that the guild has stagnated, Dru comes

out of retirement to challenge Baldazar. Latus later challenges, and Dru drops out to support him. Amist a great deal of debate, Baldazar wins the election by one vote, and Dru receives one vote. In protest of this, Verrucht gives Latus 10,000 gold and Forces him to run for GM again. Latus later withdraws from the election and goes into seclusion, but Trenia contests Baldazar before he does. Baldazar says that he's had enough and steps down as GM, giving his support to Gaidel.

21 Viran 16 Ero 373 After an extended absence, Gaidel steps down as GM. Viran, who was AJ at the time, and Latus contest.
22 Lereas 21 Lupar 387 In an action against their enemies, the Vertani destroy Thera with a flaming meteor, killing all those who were in the village at the time. They also construct a fortress, and kill those who enter. The Prelacy responds by activating several units of the Church army and considering going to war. Viran decides that the guild's participation in the city charter would conflict with the Church's interests, as Solar, the sultana, has decreed her intent to ally with the Vertani rather than go to war with them. He thus threatens to withdraw from the city charter in one year if the Council does not address his concerns. Lereas challenges Viran for GM, believing that Viran did not give the guild proper notice of this plan, and that a solution can be reached with the city amicably. Brinn also challenges, proposing sweeping, fundamental changes to the

path and the way the guild is run. Viran believes he did what was in the Church's best interests, and stands by his decision. Lereas emerges the victor with a significant margin of votes.

Lords of the Guardians of Light

# Name Term Comments
1 Lereas 321 Lupar 387 First Lord of Guardians of Light