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(separate page for lists, rather than trying to stuff all the details on the vision page.)
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Revision as of 19:58, 7 August 2018

Lists is a series of abilities to quickly examine items in your inventory. It is a novice ability within the general skill of Vision.

Many of the syntaxes listed here may be shortened. For example, ALIST for ARMOURLIST, ELIST for ELIXLIST and LLIST for LETTERLIST.

ARMOURLIST will list out all of the stats on your armour.

BOOKLIST will list out all of your journals and books.

CLOTHESLIST will list out details on all clothing you are wearing.

  • Same as INFO INV WORN or II WORN

DECAYLIST will show all your decaying items.

  • May also use DECAYLIST <item> will allow you to refine the search for description or number.

DOLLLIST will show you any vodun dolls that you possess.

ELIXLIST will show you all your curative liquids.

ELIXSUM will show a summary of all elixirs in vials.

ENCHANTLIST will list all of your enchanted items.

FISHLIST will list out any fish you have caught along with a summary

JEWELLERYLIST will show you everything about jewellery you possess.

KEYLIST will list all keys and what they open.

LETTERLIST will list any letter in your inventory.

PACKLIST will list out all containers in your inventory.

PETLIST will show the locations of all your living pets.

PHIALLIST will list out all your formulation phials.

PIPELIST will list out all of your pipes and their contents.

PUPPETLIST will show information about puppets that you possess.

RUNELIST will identify any runes in your current location.

SHARDLIST will show details and summarize the shards in your inventory.

VENOMLIST is the same as ELIXLIST but for venoms.

VENOMSUM is the same as ELIXSUM but for venoms.

WEAPONLIST will list out all of the stats on your weapons.