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Wearing this item will enable one to see normally in blizzards condition which tend to obscure visions. It affects multiple things, including look, squint, glance, and examine, among others. These metal and leather goggles are of strange, foreign construction, and are joined with some sort of unfamiliar metal joints. Silver runes are etched across the metal that holds two clear lenses.
'''Goggles of whitesight''' enable their wearer to see normally under otherwise vision-obscuring blizzard conditions. It affects a multitude of [[abilities]], particularly looking, glancing, and squinting of the [[Vision]] [[skills|skill]], among others, such as the ability to EXAMINE. Serving the same purpose as [[spectacles of whitesight]], these leathery goggles are of foreign construction and joined with unfamiliar-looking metal joints. Silver runes are etched across the metallic, lens-holding frame.

Like many other [[artefacts]], this item can be purchased from [[Merentesh]], who has a shop in [[Delos]] which specializes the in artefact wares.
Like most other [[artefacts]], this item can be purchased from [[Merentesh]], who has a variety of [[:Category:Artefact Shops|shops]] in [[Delos]] specialising in artefact wares.
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