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A '''resplendent quetzal''' is an [[artefact]] [[minipet]] that can be obtained only via the quetzal talisman which became available to [[achaean|Achaeans]] as a side-effect of an [[Atavian]] trade ship shipwreck in the [[Sefyric Ocean|Sefyric]] in the early seventh century AF. The quetzal is a bird of brilliant colour: its plumage of emerald and ruby iridescence draw attention but its long, fern-like tail feathers are its most striking feature.
A '''resplendent quetzal''' is an [[artefact]] [[minipet]] that can be obtained only via the quetzal talisman which became available to [[achaean|Achaeans]] as a side-effect of an [[Atavian]] trade ship shipwreck in the [[Sefyric Ocean|Sefyric]] in the early seventh century AF. The [[Azatlan|Azatlani]] bird is a creature of brilliant colour: its plumage of emerald and ruby iridescence are prized but its long, fern-like tail feathers are its most striking feature.

