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Revision as of 06:57, 21 November 2017

Krug was the house and guild merchant of the Maldaathi Knights, in Mhaldor. His home was located within the Spire of Annihilation. He was a stubborn man, who refused to evacuate the crumbling Maldaathi Househall during the Mhaldorian Renaissance, and was trapped beneath the rubble.

He sold the following items:

      sabaton20210 a pair of armoured, spiked sabaton            100    1000gp
      greaves36108 blackened greaves                             100    1000gp
         coif51331 a blackened chainmail coif                    100     500gp
        glove51787 a leather falconry glove                      100     200gp
      journal93080 a small journal                                25    5000gp
    scabbard112971 a Shaitanic scabbard                           25    1000gp
    scabbard166615 a polished ivory scabbard                      25    1000gp
    backpack140546 a Mhunskin backpack                            50     500gp
   medallion161983 a blackened medallion                         100    1000gp
   gauntlets197843 a pair of razor-edged gauntlets               100     740gp
     bracers202489 a blackened pair of bracers                   100    1500gp 
    scabbard418034 a Sartanic scabbard                            25    1000gp