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By: Iolanthe Posted on: July 25, 2007

Trapped. I'm trapped. There's nowhere else to hide. What was I thinking when I
took up this job? Ever since I did, all I've faced was death after death after
death. I've doomed my poor followers, those guardians of Nature, and I've tried
to release them from their service to me, but they stubbornly cling to me,
insisting on staying to see everything through. With that sort of courage,
they're more fit for this job than me. I mean, what could I have been thinking?
I believe I am one of Lady Tarah's strongest followers, yet I act upon a desire
to fight back instead of seeking a compassionate way out; everything points to
the fact that heading this way was wrong.


Daria secreted a dose of aconite, letting the drops of venom drip onto the
dirk. She grinned evilly, "That little atavian boy has it coming to him." She
licked her lips.

"You're one to talk," scoffed Caerus. He placed his calloused hand on top of
her head and stuck out his tongue playfully. "Shorty." Despite them both being
mhuns, and being small, Caerus was taller than Daria, a fact that he flaunted.

Daria flicked her whip and hissed. "Less talking from you. Rune me up before
our target runs away."

Putting his rapiers aside, Caerus began sketching the basic hunting runes on
his serpent friend. "Relax, love. He's still hiding in that grove. I doubt
he'll be leaving any time soon, seeing how badly he was just beaten by Litori."
He paused to admire his perfect Berkana on Daria and began sketching on himself
and his rapiers. "Why did that fool join as an Ivory Mark anyways? He's just
going to get pummeled over and over. Only fight he's won as a Mark was against
Edwin, but we all know Edwin doesn't have the competence to even spin his own
crystals properly. Maybe he is a good fighter, but by now he's probably failed
so many contracts that his confidence is completely shot." Daria nodded in

As Caerus finished up and whistled for his jet-black Maldaathi falcon, Daria
called for her own death viper. She reached out to stroke it's shimmering
scales and curled her lips into a sneer. "Let's get him."


I can't rely on Mother forever, staying in her grove every day and night. I'm
just endangering her, but where else can I go now? I've exhausted all other

When did I turn into this? I dreamed of a life as an Ivory Mark, helping the
weak gain their vengeance on those who have wronged them. A life of valour and
honour, a life of providing service to the people! What service was I providing
by sitting here? My behavior is disgusting; just one step out of here can end
these disgraceful acts. Being courageous and facing my fear... I can certainly
do that! Just one step. Just one step.


"Hey, look, the twerp stopped hiding!" Daria snickered. "I guess even his mommy
got tired of him. Let's go, Caerus. There are two of us, so I'll work on keeping
anorexia on him, draw him north where you'll have a sleeper totem and have you
try keeping him asleep with voyria. I'll confuse him with illusions and
overwhelm him with monkshood. Understand the plan?"

Caerus nodded, preparing his wunjo, inguz, mairat, and three fehus totem
sequence. He slipped out to the north and stood his totem, pushing back the
remorse he felt for dragging Irrylath into an unfair fight. He was Maldaathi. A
fight like this should not be allowed. He murmured silent prayers to the Lords
of Evil, although he knew he was to be punished later for this deed if Lord
Shaitan decided to take this fight into consideration. Caerus heaved a heavy
sigh and ordered his falcon to circle above the clearing to the south,
sincerely hoping that Irrylath would rip Daria to shreds.

Daria took a deep breath, preparing herself for the fight ahead. She sneaked
into the forest clearing phased so that Irrylath wouldn't be able to see her
until the last second. As she did her final mental preparations, she
materialized and smiled. "Greetings, Irrylath. Enjoy your visits to Maya?" And
the ambush began.


A thrill rushed through me as I bond with the jaguar spirit. Come on, old
friend, I think, help me out one more time. Daria is a well-known serpent
assassin, but I know better. As a mhun, she wouldn't be able to live through a
lot of damage dealt quickly. This probably isn't precisely right, but it's my
only chance. I'll just keep mauling away at her, and urge my forestal entourage
to keep at it.

I'm trying to keep a level head and stay confident, but the good feeling I had
before vanished completely. She's winning. I feel it. Victory is slipping from
my grasp as her illusions overwhelm me. Also, Daria was known for her
treacherous strategies, so just overwhelming me probably isn't her plan. What
is she up to?


Daria swore underneath her breath. This kid cured well despite looking
completely terrified, so anorexia wasn't sticking, and he was dealing quite a
bit of damage. Finally, she saw it. His epidermal salve ran out, because he
stopped applying it every time she tried double stabbing with slike.

She smirked and pricked him with aconite and slike in quick succession. Then,
with a swift snap of her fingers, brought her pitiful target to the north,
showing no mercy in the hard glint of her storm-gray eyes. She slid out to the
north to join the fun and to ensure her partner was not being stupid. Caerus was
a good fighter, but he was a bit soft in the head. Lord Shaitan needs to teach
him a lesson someday, she thought.

Caerus grinned weakly, almost feeling sorry for the atavian. He blocked the
only exit to the south and rewielded his rapiers. After a quick double slash of
voyria and slike, he stopped to watch. Daria stood next to him, her heart fueled
by Irrylath's pain.


I fell asleep. So stupid! She's evil, having an accomplice north. Two against
one is hardly fair. They call themselves Marks when they are afraid to fight
one on one? Ugh, I better vent my energy in the fight against them instead.

I feel the urge to vomit, and the worries of the world lift from my shoulders.
It feels so good to be able to just give in and forget the world, just vanish
completely from the realms... No, I can't! Life can't just end like this. This
world has people who need me and love me, and those who depend on me to be
there for them. They were the reason I became an Ivory Mark, and unlike these
jerks, I have a reason to wake up each day, live on through this bitter world,
and pound all that treat others like vermin into the dirt. For them I will
struggle on forever. I vow to them that I will fulfill my duty as an Ivory
Mark. By by spear, I shall protect with my life.


"Another job well done," Daria said with a tinkling laugh. She took a cloth
from her scroll case and began wiping off her dirk.

Caerus checked the atavian's pulse and rose to his feet. He murmured, "Pity. He
would've made a good fighter, if he just didn't lose confidence.