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The following is the written law of Mhaldor. This law shall apply to all citizens and visitors of Mhaldor. Ignorance will not be tolerated. Failure to follow the laws of Mhaldor will result in loss of their protection. Abusing the protection of the city will not be tolerated and could result in being enemied from the city of Mhaldor.

Security officals will be obeyed at all times in all matters pertaining to the enforcement of Mhaldorian law and the protection of citizens. Failure to obey will result in the use of force. Repeated violations of city law will result in harsher penalties, including permanent enemy status. Mhaldor is a dictatorship. The laws are enforced without exception.

To have the status of enemy to Mhaldor removed one must speak to either a Viceroy or the Minister of Security. It is at the Tyrannus and/or Minister of Security's discretion whether or not to remove this status.


All save for city enemies may enter the gates of Mhaldor.

  • None with the skill of Runelore may enter the city without the permission of the Minister of Security or Runemaster Saillaria.


Enemies of Mhaldor will be attacked on sight and removed from the city by any means. Aiding city enemies to enter or leave the city by any means (this includes acting as a portal target, if done knowingly) is an offense. Bringing city enemies into Mhaldor will result in enemy status and a 3,000 gold fine per person brought into the city.


Public drunkenness and public displays of affection are prohibited within the walls of Mhaldor. Yelling will be reserved only for those instances when the entire city must hear. Those of slave rank shall not yell or shout unless given express permission by someone of above slave rank. Problematic citizens will be referred to their respective guildmasters. Individuals without a guild in Mhaldor will be dealt with as the law dictates by a relevant official. Citizens and visitors alike are expected to refer to those in positions of authority during their visits to Mhaldor.

Anyone found littering (eg leaving glasses, packs, rat corpses, releasing butterflies) the streets or buildings will be fined 2,000 gold, per offense. A second offense will result in a 5,000 gold fine. Further offenses will be dealt with by a Viceroy. Any spying, heresy, public slander, or unsolicited graffiti will result in being enemied and fined at least 5,000 gold.

Citizens are not to fill the city channel with chatter, or air personal problems/grudges across it. Citizens will direct any questions to their guild before bringing them to the city. At all times a citizen will maintain a sense of formality on public channels, and remember that their actions are a direct representation of our Lord's city. As such, Mhaldorians of slave rank are not permitted to shout or make public posts. Citizens and allies will not loiter or idle within the subdivision of Mhaldor.


Members of non-Mhaldorian guilds may join Mhaldor through application made to the Ministry of the Ambassador. The application requires a 5000 gold fee (3000 at the time of application and 2000 at the time of induction) and a letter describing the following:

  • Reason for application,
  • Name of a Mhaldorian sponsor of above slave rank,
  • Past history with Mhaldor
  • Any past crimes against Mhaldor.

Members of Mhaldorian guilds may be inducted into the slaves without any mandatory fee. There is no penalty for leaving Mhaldor, nor do we restrict citizens from leaving to other cities. Rogues will be dealt with as their departing guild sees fit. Viceroys, as Guildmasters, reserve the right to revoke the citizenship of any member of their guild found breaking oaths they swore to that guild. Guildmasters may also enemy that individual at their discretion.

Enemying should only be made upon their approval unless there are extreme circumstances. Only aides to the Ambassador and Minister of Security may cast out citizens due to criminal issues. The Aide should message both the Ambassador and Minister of Security in such cases so relevant information can be compiled.

  1. ASSAULT/MURDER...Any unsolicited aggressive act involving bloodshed against a citizen of Mhaldor by another citizen, which has not been pre-approved by a official, will result in the offender losing citizenship.

Any unsolicited aggressive act against a citizen of Mhaldor by a non-citizen, within the city of Mhaldor, will result in the offender being branded an enemy of Mhaldor for a minimum of one year.

A fine of at least 5,000 gold will be imposed. Any murder of a Mhaldorian citizen within the walls of Mhaldor will result in the murderer being enemied to the city of Mhaldor for a minimum of three years. A fine of at least 20,000 gold will be imposed. Repeated attacks upon citizens (including theft) will result in a fine of 100,000 gold and a minimum of ten year enemy status.

  1. THEFT

Any theft, successful or not, from any citizen, store, or organization within the city walls is considered a crime against the city of Mhaldor. The fine for theft is 20,000 gold per attempt. Stealing from a citizen of Mhaldor will result in being enemied for a minimum of three years. Any successful attempt to rob a Mhaldorian shop will result in the offender being enemied for a minimum of 10 years and fined 100,000 gold.


No one may place a permanent or semi-permanent construct (including sigils, wormholes, totems, etc) on public property without the consent of the Tyrannus, or Minister of Secruity. Non public areas include houses, shop stockrooms, and guildhalls.

Anyone found altering permanent or semi-permanent constructs within the walls of Mhaldor, against the wishes of the ruling Council of Mhaldor, will be enemied and fined (See section 8: Damages). Anyone found uprooting a city totem will be enemied for a minimum of ten years, and fined 100,000 gold. Creating or placing an illegal construct will result in a 2,000 gold fine plus the cost of removing the construct. If anyone was harmed by the construct an assault charge will be added.

  • All wormholes must be approved by the Naga or the Minister of Security. It is the responsibility of the Naga to monitor all wormholes within Mhaldor proper. A shopkeeper who installs or has installed a wormhole to another city without express consent of the Minister of Security and without informing the Chancellor may face seizure of the shop and its assets.
  • Totems cannot be placed anywhere without consent of the Tyrannus, or Minister of Security. No trap or totem can be set or tuned against citizens or allies of Mhaldor.


Anyone found defiling Mhaldorian shrines shall be enemied permanently, slain, and fined a minimum of 1,000,000 golden sovereigns. The slaying of Mhaldorian guards will result in being enemied a minimum of three years, and a fine of 20,000 gold, per guard slain. Destruction of property, including constructs, will result in a 2,000 gold fine plus the value of the destroyed object. Mhun and Orc slaves are property of the city of Mhaldor, and thus, are protected as such.


Any action taken by a citizen with the intent to endanger or harm the city or its citizens is considered treason. High treason will always be punished to the utmost extent of the laws with a minimum fine of 100,000 gold and ten years enemy status.

  1. SHOPS

Mhaldor will not enforce, investigate, or report any goods being sold in violation of various inter-guild agreements, Venom or Enchantment agreements. The venom Vardrax, as a threat to the majority of the city, is outlawed for sale in the city of Mhaldor. A shop within the city found to be selling this venom will be seized at once.


Allies of Mhaldor are viewed as partial citizens of Mhaldor. No Mhaldorian will rob, attack, take contracts against, Markhunt or seek PK on full allies of Mhaldor ANYWHERE IN SAPIENCE. Allies are also expected to extend this curtesy to Mhaldorians, anywhere in Sapience.

Breaches of this section should be reported immediately to the Ambassador and Minister of Security.

  • Any ally found in violation of this agreement will be fined in accordance with the City's laws, i.e. killing a Mhaldorian citizen will earn a fine of 20,000 gold. If a shop owner is found violating this agreement, their shop will be closed until the applicable fine has been paid. A second offense will result in a double fine, plus the loss of ally status for a period of no less than two years. Any shops an ally may have owned within the city of Mhaldor will be forfeit unless the shop owner pays a 5,000 gold fee, per year. This fee will allow the shop owner to retain ownership of their shop as a partial ally, until they regain full ally status.

ANY MHALDORIAN FOUND IN VIOLATION WITH THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE FINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MHALDOR CITY LAW, i.e attacking a full ally will earn a fine of 5,000 gold. Mhaldorian citizens are to treat allies as citizens and bring all related issues to the attention of the Mhaldorian Council in a timely manner.