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Latest revision as of 02:20, 27 March 2017

By: Vyln Posted on: January 14, 2012

This musical score has been presented upon a crisp, high-quality vellum which has been pressed into a long, elegant scroll bleached a creamy shade of ivory. Musical notes entwine about each other in a swirling pattern along the edges of the scroll that shine gold and silver as they catch the light. A few words scribed upon the top of the scroll in black, blocky letters read:

Whirlwind of Emotion
a solo instrumental for a violin
composed by Vyln

The rest of the scroll is covered extensively by musical notes displayed upon proper sets of musical scales. At the bottom of the first scale, it reads, "V - Violin", marking out the piece once more as one only suitably played by a violin.


V0a: runs the bow over the strings..
(interpreted) V0a: [Performer] runs the bow over the strings..


V1: lifts the maple bow into the air and resets its position at the
middle of the violin. [He/She] holds herself still, the only movement
coming from the fingers of her left hand which settle upon the
correct strings.

V2: Without further ado, [Performer] jerks the bow downwards,
starting the piece with a sharp, long note that reverberates
ponderously within her surroundings. [He/She] slowly pulls the bow
up the strings, sustaining the single note for a moment longer
before releasing it. The note refuses to fade, lingering in the
still air for a few scant moments before crumbling into silence.

V3: resets the bow's position, jerking the implement downwards and
pulling it back up the strings, repeating the same note in the
same fashion, allowing it to linger in the still air like a
hanging question mark.

V4: This time, [Performer] shifts the bow upon the strings, [his/her]
right hand applying pressure upon them as [he/she] answers the
vacillating note, pursuing [his/her] next action with keen enthusiasm.
The violin sings out in a steady double-stop, establishing a melodious
rhythm while [he/she] works the bow across the strings with light
strokes to maintain the overtones of a carefree lifestyle.

V5: smoothly continues the rhythm, jerking the bow up and down
quickly at several instances as [he/she] introduces a fluttering trill
into the melody. Fluidly, [he/she] then shifts onto a different set of
notes which builds upon the melody through the addition of
soothing chords, striving to evoke the sense of tranquility as
[he/she] plays on.

V6: adjusts [his/her] finger positioning upon the violin strings,
blending low notes into the music which underscores the calming
chords as the bow arcs gracefully against the strings.

V7: With the left hand, [Performer] boldly plucks out a quick
descending chord, followed by another on a lower scale, the flurry
of notes dominating over the melody which has been reduced to a
muted whisper, as though the bold action taken has resulted in a
snowball of events, eventually culminating in silence as the notes
fade away.

V8: 's eyes flutter closed as [he/she] raises the bow and sets it upon
the violin strings. Starting slow, [he/she] weaves together a subtle
duality of low minor keys, alternating between two scales with
fluid elegance. Each stroke of the bow bespeaks gentleness, though
the music carries with it a melancholic edge and echoes of
confusion as [Performer] rests a finger against a random string
while [he/she] plays, toying with the timbre of the chosen keys.

V9: 's bow caresses the strings unceasingly, notes spilling over from
one to the other in a seamless fashion, rising in a crescendo. The
bow rises and falls in a frenzied movement, threatening to besiege
one with undue emotion.

v10: 's music reaches the inevitable climax and ends explosively, as
[he/she] drags the bow harshly against the strings, producing a
loud, discordant note that kills both the melody and music. Here,
[he/she] opens [his/her] eyes, staring out with the intensity of a
gaze filled with wild abandon.

V11: returns [his/her] bow to the strings, renewing [his/her] grip
upon the bow frog. Carefully, [he/she] returns to the original
melody, that of steady dual-tones overlaid with soothing chords
that assert their presence within the soaring music, as though the
emotions have cooled themselves once more.

V12: 's music unravels as [he/she] removes the chords note by note,
the absence of their timbres immediately noticeable. A finger slides
up a string, the bow shuddering across it to achieve a soft vibrato.

V13: concludes the piece, quietly raising the bow from the violin
strings. The note shivers briefly in the air and then dissipates,
leaving the surroundings echoing with the memory of the sound as
[Performer] bows [his/her] head, hiding [his/her] features from
