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By: Lodi Posted on: January 25, 2012

As Lupar's sun rises up higher,
A Droch sneaks into Horror's Spire.
Searching for his mentor's journal
To learn of secrets most Infernal.

Even though the young Grook's master,
An aged Satyr and Suffering's pastor,
Forbade this youth from doing thus
His tome's still found with little fuss.

He opens up his mentor's book.
With bated breath, youth sets to look
At all the secrets hidden there.
Of repercussions, does not care...

He reads aloud the opening line
And does not think, the little swine,
Of dangers held by his blind actions;
To him they are just vague abstractions.

But once his mouth speaks the last word,
Through the air, bleak scream is heard
And light explodes around the room
As into it does a daemon zoom!

"Be gone, be gone!" the novice cries,
As terror's tears fill up his eyes.
"I did not mean to bring you here!
Now leave this place, go disappear!"

"Fear not, fear not, my little friend!
I mean no harm, stand up, transcend!"
Horned daemon says with fork tongued lips,
As flaming blade its clawed hand grips.

"Harken unto my words and see
The power I can offer thee!
As payment, I just want your soul!
For with my help, you'll reach you goal!"

At this, the novice stops in thought,
As hunger round his head is wrought.
Greed in his heart's now sown to grow.
What wonders could this beast bestow?

Reading the young Grook's mind with ease,
'Neath wicked grin, beast sets to tease
And trick the youth into its trap
Of half-truth webs, as fly to wrap!

"Young master, I can give you all!
There's no more need for you to crawl,
'Neath mentor, Vicar, nor Messiah!
Just swap your soul for my hell fire!"

At this the Grook's brow sets in frown.
"Beast take me not for Jester clown!
Those men guide wisely my young path.
I hate them not, don't make me laugh!"

"Ha!" the daemon callously spits,
"Those men are weak, I'd love to blitz
Their frail forms to an early grave.
But tell me this, what do you crave?"

Thinking hard, the novice sits,
Chews lower lip, searches his wits.
Yet strangely, naught comes to his mind.
There is no want that he can find.

"You see beast that Mhaldor is home.
Dreaming of her is all I've known
Since childhood back by Ashtan's port,
When of this place, pirates me taught."

"I want not gold, nor drugs, nor girls.
No expensive clothes or jewellerie's pearls.
Power? Ah, what is that worth!
If from my hands it did not birth?"

"Everything I could possibly crave
Is in this place. It makes me brave
Knowing the Lords watch as I sleep,
Atop this mount with stone sides steep."

"The red mists outside of this spire,
Teach me thus, to never tire,
Or bed-mate temptation's disgrace.
Inferno fiend, go leave this place!"

Now angry rage the daemon makes
As above his head, bleak blade he takes
In sweeping arch of forbidden flame.
"Wrong move Droch! Let's play pain's game!"

Yet fear this Grook it cripples not,
His back stays strait as Naga's shot.
Faith fills his microcosm bright
And burns away all trace of fright.

He waits all ready for the blow
To wander Maya's Halls below.
As martyr's breath fills up his lungs,
The daemon's strike, it never comes...

Instead the air's filled with a chortle,
A noise that is distinctly mortal,
And hands that clap to say bravo
In manor fused with pride's warm glow.

"You honour me, my protege,
By what you have achieved today!
In truth, this all was but a ruse!
My subterfuge you must excuse."

The Grook looks up with startled sighs
And Suffering's Eye! What a surprise!
His mentor now before him stands
With Satyr's grin, mask held in hands.

"I had to check your will was steady
And see, my charge, if you were ready.
To learn the methodology
Of fell Demonology!"

"Indeed I did forbid you true,
From studying of the daemon's hue.
And yes, my child, you broke my rule,
The penance for which will be cruel."

"But young Droch, you stood so strong,
Facing down consequence's song!
You have now learned master knows best
And that my words hold safe interest!"

"In you I see a strength profound.
Neath demon hooves you shan't be ground!
The test you passed! The game you won!
Time to study; I said, come on!"

They leave the Library side-by-side
And into shadows fade to hide.
Teacher and pupil. Locked as one.
To make sure Evil's Will be done!