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By: Agrias Posted on: October 20, 2011

The air was getting crisper, and the town was all a buzz,
With the hope of Mayaween, to be the best it ever was.

The leaves are turning golden, and falling to the earth,
And children dash and zip about, the town is full of mirth.

There in the middle of the lane, this child gazes blearily.
And thus I stand, in my unending trek, swaying here quite wearily.

It was then that I noticed, of the child standing there,
A smile playing on her face; her arms wrapped 'round a bear.

A bear of the nephew of my matron, and one I'd sought so long,
Yet the retrieval of this object, from this child just seemed wrong.

I admit my mishaps in Creville, have shattered my good name,
And I admit that my experiments, have been a little vain...

Yet I cannot seem to bring myself, to sully myself more,
But surely I can distract her, without her being sore.

As I plot to myself, to undertake this feat, she tugs upon my sleeve,
"Trick or treat!"

Aha! This is it, I can trade for it, surely that's what she meant,
What do little girls enjoy, and what do they lament?

I hand her a syringe of gold, my finest batch I've made,
And reach a hand out for that bear, though Gods above, forbade.

She dashes my gift upon the earth, and cackling, runs away,
Her tiny voice calling out, "You'll regret this day!"

So I leave Thera, and wander long, to the mist-soaked Mhaldor gates,
And search her out, this placid child, my temper will abate.

I spot her just past Stygian, and advance upon her place,
When I am greeted with a horrid smell, a rotten egg, upon my face.

She cackles shrill and high, and gallivants from sight,
But though I may have egg on my face, she does not own this night.

I check upon my ledger, and I'm far behind on time,
This time, when I find her, that accursed bear is mine!

Miss de Vermiis is a fickle gal, but with power more to spare,
And if I do not succeed this task, she will warp my body bare.

So I trek on, to Hashan's streets, and vistas lined and paved,
And see her at the crossroads; I may yet be saved!

I approach her now more warily, and she recites her words a'fore;
And in response I hand a packet of gleam, with the promise there'll be more.

Again she scoffs, and traipses off - the audacity of this child!
But it is I, who shall laugh the last, though it now may take awhile.

Onward again, I continue, avoiding fair Shallam...
Their penchant for my craft, well, they do not take me as I am.

The Cyreneian tunnel is just ahead, and I enter it to see,
If this little wretch is lurking, is she waiting here for me?

She stands before the clock tower, and as I'm closing in,
Another rotten egg is thrown, her laughter; the merry din.

I have had enough of this, I fear, I cannot take much more,
Yet there is just one more stop upon my list, and I shall take the fore.

And so I journey to Ashtan fair, such a wonderful city view.
With the tree-lined streets and cobbled roads, my spirits lift anew.

And I see her yet again, just outside the orphanage.

And I approach her yet again, with but one present left to give...

Still she clutches at that bear, and still she smirks and sneers...
I have not felt so humiliated, in all my living years.

I reach into my coat, and hand a lollipop to her...
Her eyes light up, and now I see, it's sweets they love for sure.

Such cloudiness is in her eyes, as I take her through the door,
The Loving Hearts Orphanage, will care for her and more.

With bear in hand I walk away, and it's a piercing scream that greets..
From pain expressed without a care; her final 'trick-or-treat.'