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By: Oma Posted on: August 16, 2011

A rich young merchant
With a worry that gold
Would burn holes in his pockets
If it grew too old
Whistled as he walked to the Shop of Wonders

"I could really use that flower pot,"
But when he tried to think of a use for it
He simply could not
"Or maybe that pretty golden jar…"

Just then a group of Delosian girls
Entered the shop laughing and chattering
The loveliest one had her hair in curls
"I told him no! I can’t love a man who isn’t at least 103!"

The young merchant immediately knew
What he needed to purchase
With his bag of Mayan crowns, shiny and new
He bought an Aeonic hourglass and turned it

He faced the lovely woman with a broad smile
One he thought fit of a man more than a century old
"Why don’t you and I go fishing while?"
And the girl, who thought the merchant old and distinguished, accepted

A day later the girl and the merchant
Sat in an expensive suite in the Eventide
"I can't love you anymore! I simply can't!" cried the girl
And the merchant begged to know why

"I can't love a man who isn't at least 103!"
The merchant nearly went into a panic when the girl added
" – I can't love a man who isn’t mhun like me!"
And back to Delos the merchant headed

Feeling his pockets growing lighter
And his pride nearly spent
He knew the girl’s love still grew slighter
So he asked her what he could do about it

"I can't live this way! I can't love you anymore!"
The lovely girl complained with her nose in the air
Swiftly, the merchant took her hand and headed out the door
And very soon they were crossing the bridge to Delos

The girl smiled and laughed as they hurried in a merry haze
To the Shop of Wonders
And the merchant was happier than he had been in days
The girl thought she was getting something very special

"I want to return this – oh and this too."
The merchant said, handing over his hourglass and his Gem of Transmutation
The girl stood shocked as the teller repaid the merchant's money, still shiny and new
Back to his old self, the merchant smirked and said

"Oh, and you can have this back as well, of that I'm sure!"
And left the girl right where he found her