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By: Chryenth Posted on: July 13, 2011

I didn't particularly like sea travel. Something about the rocking of the waves
disagrees with me - much to the amusement of those who witness my unease.
Whoever heard of a Magi who disliked water?

It was in such a nauseous state that I staggered onto Ulangi. I walked - slowly
and hesitantly - away from the ferry. I had only taken a few steps, however,
when a troll knight, dressed head to toe in chainmail, stepped into my path. He
looked young, no more than twenty-five or so, and as brawny as all trolls look.
He was also rather emphatically armed - a rapier in each hand, one of which was
pointed at my throat. I put my hands a little way out to my sides, so they might
be out of the troll's view.

'So!' he exclaimed. 'You're the one killing the Horkvals!'

I had, previous to this date, never been on Ulangi before. I was also fairly
sure the word was 'Horkvali' not 'Horkvals'. On the other hand, he was pointing
a sword at me - a sword which, I noticed, was glowing with runes. Squinting down
the blade, I could see several unfamiliar runes sketched on his body as well,
his thin shirt notwithstanding. I decided not to take immediate offense.

'Actually, I'm just here to learn-' I began.

'Admit it!' He was obviously not going to let me off on the basis of anything
like proof or evidence, then.

'Look, son,' I started again kindly, 'What's your name?' As I spoke, I reached
into the Rift, drawing out a pentagonal and a cylindrical crystal. If he
wouldn't listen to reason...

'Page Serr, of Shallam. These islands are under my protection.' He looked deadly
serious. 'That means no Ashtani. Leave.'

I almost blanched. A Shallamite claiming to protect these islands? No Ashtani?
What madness was this?

'Well, if I see anyone from Ashtan then I'll be sure to tell you.' I moved to
step around him, but he moved to block me.

'Perhaps you didn't hear. I said leave!'

'Actually, I heard fine. But as far as I'm aware you have neither the authority
nor the power to stop me doing as I wish, which in this case involves no
physical violence whatsoever. So if you will excuse me, I will be on my way!' I
snapped, momentarily forgetting the sword at my throat.

His face clouded, as if he was unable to accept the fact someone was disagreeing
with him. Perhaps my outright defiance had confused him. Then his expression
cleared, the clouds passing. To overextend the metaphor - the clouds vanished,
to reveal the angry faces of a quartet of dragons. Not a pretty sight.

'If you won't listen, then I'll force you to leave!' he yelled, lunging forward.
Luckily, I managed to leap to the side fast enough that I only ended up with a
deep cut to the chest, rather than perforated intestines. I spin both crystals,
forcing one to embed itself in the sand at my feet - the 'palpitation' vibration
immediately sprang up, and I saw Serr gasp and clutch at his chest for a moment
- before taking a slug from an oaken vial and swiping towards me again. I
reached over my back, pulling my staff from where it was secured onto my pack,
just in time to smash Serr over the head. I remembered to call on Garash and
watched with some satisfaction as Serr's left leg shattered. Not that that
stopped him impaling me through the stomach.

Pain exploded through me, radiating outward from the point of impact. I reached
for a heath vial, desperately trying to free myself from the end of the sword.
As I raised the black glass vial to my mouth, Serr lashed out with his foot,
kicking it away. Then he stabbed with his free sword, skewering my sternum.
Curiously, there wasn't a great deal more pain - my senses were already
overloaded. Then Serr slashed left with one blade and right with the other.
Everything went black.

Next thing I knew, I was walking down a strangely familiar hallway, framed by a
pair of murals.


The travel to this Strife-forsaken island hadn't thrown me out me this time. The
multitudinous vibrations around me were surprisingly soothing. The efreeti
alongside me was also a welcome presence. The staff in my hand was equally
reassuring. And the quarry I was hunting was as up for a fight as ever.

'Halt, Ashtani! Your kind is not welcome here!' Serr was rushing towards me,
brandishing his swords as before. Perhaps it was just my perception, but he
looked better fed and better dressed than last time - and just as covered in
runes, which can't have been cheap out here. Where had he gotten the gold, I

'Ah, Serr. I was hoping to find you here. I hope you remember me?' I wasn't
expecting an answer, because as I finished speaking Serr stepped into range of
my vibrations. Instantly, he stumbled forward, smashing into the floor as the
'lullaby' and 'tremors' hit him. He surged back to his feet - presumably under
the effects of kola - before slumping back down onto the sand, a look of
confusion on his face. He was still looking vacantly at me when my efreeti blew
forward, causing his clothes to burst into flame.

Over his pained screams, I yelled, 'Meet the power of Freedom, Shallamite!'

Then I pointed my staff at his chest - the largest comparatively still area I
could see - and channeled fire, striking him with a focused burst of bright,
burning power. The blast threw him onto his face, shrieking with pain has his
Trollish skin burned an blistered. I stepped over him, turning him face up, and
tucked the end of my staff against his chin. His eyes were full of fear, the
'creeps' obviously taking hold- and then they were gone, vaporized in a
scintillating burst of elemental fire.

I dismissed the vibrations and the efreeti with a wave and a sigh - it had been
a large expenditure of crystals to set this up. I would have to go hunting for
some pearls later.

I left to corpse to rot on the beach and wandered further onto the island. Lord
Pandemonium wouldn't want such poor fare, and I wasn't going to sit on a dead
Shallamite whilst learning Grook.