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Latest revision as of 23:06, 26 March 2017

By: Koradhil Posted on: April 02, 2011

Many years ago, the Cove was rocks and death,
Blood and flesh from sailors fed the lions of the sea.
Simmons and his woman, retired mariners of old
Built themselves a lighthouse to give the ships safety.

He worked so many hours to keep the lanterns lit
As she wandered on the sands, collecting crabs and pearls.
Until one stormy day when he awakened to frantic cries
That would lead to the sundering of his peaceful world.

A vessel sailed toward the Cove, the sails billowed and full.
All the creatures of the sea watched it with hungry eyes.
Up to his post he flew, lighting lamps in frantic haste
Hoping to save the unknown sailors' lives.

The windcutter was of Hashani berth,
A trader by occupation. This night it brought
A hold with a rare catch for the Menagerie.
Being off-course would allow for much evil to be wrought.

Simmons called to his love, told her to be
Ready to rush to save the men. The ship sailed
Onwards into the rocks and coral, heedless of the light.
Cracks and splintering resounded as the wooden hull failed.

Grabbing a sword and shield, he dashed to the sands,
Flotsam slowly drifting toward the shore, hunted by
Lions and sharks. He drove the creatures off
But no mariners' bodies were seen by his eye.

For days after the wreck, he and his wife searched
To no avail. The ship must have been abandoned out to sea.
All the found were odd white tacky strands
In the remnants of the ship's body.

Months later, his wife wandered the beach and found
A small cave. She explored into it and found debris
From the Hashani vessel, wrapped in the same strands.
She rushed to Simmons, to tell for him to see.

He was shaken still by his failure with the ship.
He would not go to the cave, only stood by his post
In readiness. She muttered and went alone to bring
The wooden scraps to the man she loved most.

A scream broke his reverie. His woman's.
The sword found his hand and he bolted to the beach.
She staggered from the cave, covered in webs
With a large white spider following just out of reach.

Seeing her love, she tried to rush to him,
And the spider jerked its webs, pulling her back.
It leapt upon her body. A savage bite, a horrid shriek,
And her eyes glazed, her body lying slack.

Simmons sprinted toward her, rage colouring his sight.
The spider glared at him, its young erupting from the cave.
He fought back bravely, slaying the hatchlings,
But no matter his valor, his wife could not be saved.

He lives there still, minding his lamps.
He remembers every day of his advancing age
The night of the wreck, the days of searching,
And the spider that still fills him with crimson rage.