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By: Ayleth Posted on: March 06, 2011

426 AF, gathered at the Planetarium of the Crown,
Greeted by a man who knew not how to frown.
He disappeared the next day, vanished at dawn,
Nowhere to be seen, Tavarius was gone.
Noon that same day, something happened to the sun,
Three planets aligned, something sinister was done.
The strange man was found, awhile after noon,
Accompanied by others, one was the priestess of the Moon.
Strange event occurred, during this period of Eternal Night,
Some because of Tavarius, others from the lack of sunlight.
The tritons of Riparium had suddenly left their home,
A nychtaur appeared, the cities it rampaged and roamed.
The spirits of each forest vanished from sight,
Ethereal nightmares roamed the during this period of night.
A strange portal appeared, leading others astray from their fate,
The Oracle of the Manneseh, Apollonia, had disappeared without a trace.
To find light, Octavius from Tasur'ke, his village he nearly burned,
Marianna of Caer Witrin, toxic candles she churned.
A strange flower made Utata fall gravely ill,
A young Theran boy started a fire against his will.
Kobold's rose against the pygmy's under darkness' cloak,
The manticores invaded Genji, home of the Atavian folk.
Back at Mr. Nicator, held immobile within a mysterious ward,
Tavarius was somehow gathering solar energy to hoard.
Ritualists were led by the priestess of Lady Sol,
And uncovered the truth about Tavarius' true soul.
He was Slith, the undead prince, foe of hall humanity,
He made the Moon disappear, sparking a sense of insanity.
For Her Order cried out in fear, gripped with an icy dread,
For She disappeared, Her assuring voice failing to spread.
Gathering at the cliff, a sacred spot to the Moon,
The focus of Her faithful, become obvious so soon.
For the three visages of their Lady stood here,
Chanting a poem, for Her faithful to hear.
A riddle She spoke, leaving a net in Her place,
An answer they found, instantly working at a fast pace.
To find the moon's light, to empower this net,
Though how to find the disappeared source, they could not get.
Til it was discovered that the moon was in the lakes,
Of the six cities, the reflection preserved for humanity's sake!
Moving to each one in turn, spreading the net alone each site,
They were rewarded to see it shimmer with the power of moonlight.
According to the riddle Lady Ourania told,
They put the net over the nychtaur to hold.
Kaixis hurled this Divine net over this beast,
The creature transformed into a stallion, its rampage it ceased.
Then out of the blue, arrived Death and Dreams to shine,
They swiftly discussed an old agreement, everything appearing fine.
The Lady of Dreams took the stallion and the lesser ones too,
The land free of nightmares, the eclipse still here, that's true.
Relief spread when the nychtaur had taken its leave,
Through the Moon's faithful, visions were weaved
Of a great white bat, tormenting a sleeping Divine,
Fearing the worst, they sought out Her daughter to shine.
They begged for Her aide to find Her lost mother,
Lady Kastalia agreed, entering unknown planes cover.
While the Goddess searched, something appeared that would fight,
A great white bat sat int he Garden of Moonlight.
Attacking on sight, the Ouranians' put the beast in a prison,
A cage that held the bat from their visions.
Boasting the triumph over the Moon by his master,
Only urged the Order to find their Lady a lot faster.
Already revealed to be the undead prince named Slith,
An enemy of humanity since the beginnings of myth.
He may have gained aide from a priestess of the Moon,
Making sure Lady Ourania did not interfere so soon..
Though caught by the power of that great white bat,
She was able to send the net to Her faithful, and that's that.
Not only did it stop the rampaging nychtaur beast,
It served as a bridle for the pregnant nightmare's harm to be ceased.
This mare gave birth to something they needed,
A young unicorn to make the departure of Slith up to speed.
It shattered the ward, shattering the plants of Slith,
Making his form to return him only to myth.
After months of waiting for the Lady to be found,
It wasn't long before Kastalia was Order bound.
Carrying Her mother, unconscious in both arms,
The Order was relieved, but was also alarmed.
They placed Her in the temple to sleep the eclipse away,
To await when the assuring voice would return to sway.
Not long after the night had turned to sunlight,
The Goddess awakened, the moon returning at night.