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By: Serendi Posted on: February 04, 2011

A Sestina is a poem of six sestets and a tercet. It has no set rhyme scheme,
rather it repeats the ending words of each line in a set pattern. Here is my
sestina about a Xorani and his Lady Love

There was once a Xorani so fine
With wonderful scaly limbs and a tail
He breathed in deeply and showed inner fire,
Toothsome grin and baleful eye left some afraid
When he only wanted to be beloved
By some sweet lady lizard with ridged back

He went to and fro and then went back
Looking for that lady love so fine
He knew that someday he would be beloved
By one with curving hips and ravishing tail
When she saw his grin she wouldn't be afraid
She would admire his ardently breathing fire

His very heart would be lit on fire
For his lady who would never look back
And some sweet day, he wasn't afraid,
He would find her sitting around so fine
Sitting upon her scaly legs and tail
Waiting for him, her truly beloved

One day at last for our Xorani beloved,
He at last found that one who lit is fire
He breathed his best embers and pounded his tail
She smiled her toothful smile and glancing back
She batted her scaly lids, her wink so fine
His heart pounded, he grew a little afraid.

Her scales so shiny, his heart grew afraid
What if she didn't want to be his beloved?
He edged towards her, and her wink so fine
He puffed up his chest and breathed out fire
To show off his prowess, to her with ridged back
And her curving hips and scaly tail

She looked up to see him and turned her tail
She saw his fiery breath and grew afraid
Her eyes like saucers, she turned her back
He felt so bad, he entreated his beloved
He held his breath, he breathed no fire
and promised he wouldn't harm her, she so fine

Smiling she turned back, swishing her tail
She greeted him so fine, no longer afraid
He knew he found his beloved, his heart was on fire.