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Latest revision as of 22:43, 26 March 2017

By: Ayleth Posted on: February 07, 2011

*A young man walks out onto stage left, holding his
hat in one hand and an elemental staff in the other.*

*He bows deeply, his nose almost touching the ground
before standing upright and replacing the fedora
onto his head.*

*A wry smile crosses his features as he nods his head
at the crowd, tugging a wrinkle out of the formal
white shirt adorning his torso.*

NARRATOR : We shall begin our story here,
In a land that will never cause much fear,
For this place had housed the first humans known,
No fights, but love were only shown.

Two brothers will begin our tale,
In a time before their fights will avail,
For nothing can hinder the love they felt,
Nor smear the hand that they were dealt.

*The man bows again, turning his attention to stage

*Two figures appear suddenly appearing as if they were

*The eldest stops, standing up and brushing his
clothing off reaching down to help the other up.*

*He turns and gestures to the sky above him*

GLANOS : Son of Carme, Son of Elara,
My dearest brother of this new era,
My one true friend, my dearest love,
Take a look at the sky above.

For each cloud that will pass us by,
For each bright light in the starry night sky,
For every fight that we may get into,
My brother, I will always love you.

SAHART : Even if there is that one girl,
Who will try to part us with one full twirl,
Our bonds, my brother, will never let loose,
Nor will they seemingly diffuse.

For you are my true flesh and bone,
And if our anger shall become full-blown,
Always shall we settle our problems damned,
Before our minds become too crammed.

GLANOS : Fear not, my loving brother, dear!
For in our lives, there will only be cheer,
Long as the moon sets beneath the hills' brow,
No lass shall ever part us now.

*The Narrator standing stage left gives a soft cough,
attempting to attract the attention of the crowd
before him.*

*He gives a curt nod, his blue-eyed gaze looking over
the crowd*

NARRATOR : Promises were made that one night,
Broken when a female entered their sight,
Having fallen for this pretty young lass,
Their love could not seem to long-last.

This female they had come across,
Their love as brothers to be forever lost,
She was torn between the two brothers' love,
Unaware of a painful shove.

This tragedy that had ensued,
Will be the cause of a long-lasting feud,
Of two city-states that we love and hate,
Which is quite stupid and irate.

*His eyes turn back to center stage where the two men
were joined by a young female.*

*The following scenes show a montage of the two men,
having fun and laughing with the young girl.*

*The curtain falls*

*From behind the curtain, and moving to center stage,
the young female stands motionless.*

ENALIA : With each passing day, I'm afraid,
I had noticed the two brother's love fade,
To think such a vile thing could befall,
Two brothers who could fight so small.

Both were dear and close to my heart,
I could not choose one and tear them apart,
Yet it seems, that not choosing one was wrong,
So their love would remain lifelong.

*She bows her head before disappearing off stage
right, the attention returned to the Narrator.*

NARRATOR : Fighting over one single girl,
Had given their fate a single large burl,
After siring three kids each with her,
The same thing they could concur.

To depart from their only home,
To create something from where they shall roam,
Only to come up with one single fact,
Love is blind, and all it impacts.

Sahart had traveled to the south,
A city he made at the Delta's mouth,
And Glanos he roamed to a northern sea,
Ashtan he made for you and me.

I guess the moral of this tale,
Love is blind, and tends to fail,
But don't let the girl that you hold above,
Remove your brother's bond and love.

*The Narrator bows deeply as he finishes, standing
straight and disappearing from stage left.*