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Revision as of 23:46, 25 March 2017

By: Kitarel Posted on: March 11, 2012

The progeny of de Sangre were poised to inherit the throne; But coming of uncertain death none was assigned alone.

Mycale was at least proper at one thing, despite the male stock; A sickly little child, come evil in adulthood - as a puppet he would walk.

Castomira the true string master, her little plots she planned; To take down the beautiful Catarin - an assassin from distant lands. A poet and a warrior, Lucaine Pyramides was the best; Emerged from slavery in the land of Kashar, filled with the oppressed.

He sailed to Sapience with a crew half dead by his hand; A simple mercenary for hire - a whisper in the sands. Upon sight of the fair Catarin; his sword he did sheathe; For beloved of her he was, in his heart of her he'd breathe.

Enraged at the contracts non-completion, from the dust did the puppet master rise; Her fury now within her belly, Lucaine she now did despise.

At her behest the assassin known only as Trenton Deis; Would stalk her prey and take him down to rot amongst the flies. Single-handed combat was far too much for the shadowed man; Who fell to his knees before the champion in a heated last stand. Not worthy of a soldier's death, he was sent to fall before the gallows; But do not underestimate a man who flirts with shadows. Dropping the chains of his prison he sought his revenge; On a man who shamed him - his pride to avenge.

Before his beloved, awaiting her arise, Lucaine sat down to ponder - no thought of demise. From out of the shadows, death took his hand, Only pen now wielded in his last stand. Parchment now tossed aside and written in blood Tells of his heart meant for his beloved. Lips pressed to his in final embrace, Catarin held him close, blood drained from his face. His final goodbye written in ink- Love now bound in heartache's last drink. What happened next is now written in stone A Queen holding staff, she ruled all alone. He challenged an army and stood out among men, But brought to his knees by love's last lament.