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By: Kiusha Posted on: January 23, 2007


This first half of the collection contains the revised and final versions of the following poems:

1. Life's Only Certainty Lord Thoth
2. Unicorn Lord Agatheis
3. Patience Lord Oneiros
4. Books and Scrolls Lady Lorielan
5. Suffering in Silence Lord Apollyon
6. Wild Horses Lady Tarah
7. Rogue Lord Hermes
8. Shadow Lord Twilight
9. Periwinkle Lady Selene
10. Riches Lord Prospero
11. Music on the Wind Lord Scarlatti
12. Sing me a Lullaby Lady Valnurana
13. Failure Lord Shaitan
14. Home Lord Phaestus
15. The Pack Lord Lupus
16. Rain Lord Vastar
17. Vow Lady Keresis
18. Mists Lady Kastalia


1. Life's Only Certainty - inspired by Lord Thoth


In life the only certainty is death
As we go from the cradle to the grave.
Lord Thoth will greet us at our dying breath.

Approach the end not cowardly but brave;
Lord Thoth does not care how we live our lives
As we go from the cradle to the grave.

He cares not for the mortal joy and strive.
As long as we don't have our lives cut short,
Lord Thoth does not care how we live our lives.

Each day we have to live in full before
Our souls will join the others in His realm.
As long as we don't have our lives cut short,

We need not have regrets at last farewell.
And when the end has come for us at last,
Our souls will join the others in His realm

And leave behind the mortal life that's passed.
In life the only certainty is death,
And when the end has come for us at last,
Lord Thoth will greet us at our dying breath.


2. Unicorn - inspired by Lord Agatheis


Lord Agatheis, trapped in mortal form
As punishment for Triumvirate crimes:
An alabaster horse with a tall horn.

The other unicorns met their demise.
Lord Agatheis had to take their place
As punishment for Triumvirate crimes.

Forever lost with all their charm and grace,
The other unicorns have found their deaths.
Lord Agatheis had to take their place.

He lived as unicorn, lived in their stead.
He got what he deserved for what he'd done:
The other unicorns had found their deaths.

So he replaced the others that have gone
Until at last the Logos pardoned him.
He got what he deserved for what he'd done:

The waking of the Smith lifted his sin.
Lord Agatheis trapped in mortal form
Until at last the Logos pardoned him,
An alabaster horse with a tall horn.


3. Patience - inspired by Lord Oneiros


Please tell me you will be the patient one,
And that your temper will not be at stake.
Although what passed before won't come undone,

You know how to prevent further mistakes
As long as you make sure that you'll stay calm,
And that your temper will not be at stake.

You know this can't go on as it begun.
Be good and fair, and peace will soon ensue
As long as you make sure that you'll stay calm.

You are the one to get this treaty through.
Misunderstanding is the only threat.
Be good and fair, and peace will soon ensue.

Just focus on the task that lies ahead.
The way of peace will never lose its glint.
Misunderstanding is the only threat

So listen well and gather every hint.
Please tell me you will be the patient one.
The way of peace will never lose its glint
Although what passed before won't come undone.


4. Books and Scrolls - inspired by Lady Lorielan


The pile of books around me here is tall.
They're filled with knowledge I have never found.
Yet I have little time to read them all.

I spread the books and scrolls here on the ground,
and feverishly read them without end.
They're filled with knowledge I have never found.

The world shut out, I sit in silence, and
without a word I focus on the books.
I feverishly read them without end.

I hope they would not mind it if I took
a scroll along. But time! I don't have much...
Without a word I focus on the books.

So different all: this one I should discuss,
that one so wise... I know I'll have to take
a scroll along. But, time, I don't have much

time left. I read and read... so much at stake!
The pile of books around me here is tall.
That one so wise I know I'll have to take.
Yet I have little time to read them all.


5. Suffering in Silence - inspired by Lord Apollyon


Behind my smile I suffer silently.
There's no one who can help me through this pain,
And I will not allow it to be seen.

There is no point in trying to explain
Because no one could ever understand.
There's no one who can help me through this pain.

Unsure how long ago this pain began,
Now in the mirror death is all I see
Because no one could ever understand

Just how much this is hurting me. I see
So many people happy and alive,
But in the mirror death is all I see.

I've lost the will to try, the will to strive
For what seems lost forever to me now.
So many people happy and alive,

They mock me with the faith heard in their vows.
Behind my smile I suffer silently
For what seems lost forever to me now,
And I will not allow it to be seen.


6. Wild Horses - inspired by Lady Tarah


A herd of horses, running wild and free,
In fluid motion through the swaying grass,
Moves with the world around in harmony.

It doesn't matter who is first or last.
They're all connected as they run as one,
In fluid motion through the swaying grass.

Through every weather, be it rain or sun,
They are at peace with everything around;
They're all connected as they run as one.

Their hooves, they hit the earth in rhythmic sound.
Not one of them stands out in pride because
They are at peace with everything around.

The herd runs free and wild, showing no flaws,
With every horse assuming its small role.
Not one of them stands out in pride because
Each single one is part of the large whole.

A herd of horses, running wild and free,
With every horse assuming its small role,
Moves with the world around in harmony.


7. Rogue - inspired by Lord Hermes


I go my own way as a bird so free;
No ties can bind me. I can hold my own
Each place I go. The winding road guides me

Across the lands of Sapience. I roam
From place to place and stay nowhere for long.
No ties can bind me. I can hold my own

And need none other than myself. Along
My path I only take my luck with me
From place to place. I stay nowhere for long.

So many people trapped in certainty
While everywhere and nowhere lies my route,
My path. I only take my luck with me.

My luck will keep me company and ensures
I will be happy always as I go.
While everywhere and nowhere lies my route.

Where I will next go only time will show.
I go my own way as a bird so free.
I will be happy always as I go,
Each place I go. The winding road guides me.


8. Shadow - inspired by Lord Twilight


Between the light of day and the night sky,
Deception and illusion rule the dusk.
In shadow lie seems truth and truth seems lie.

Lucidity received an end too brusque
While phantom sights confuse from all around.
Deception and illusion rule the dusk,

And clarity is nowhere to be found.
A veil of darkness keeps it out of sight
While phantom sights confuse from all around.

The Serpent walks in shadow out of light.
He hides himself beneath a veil of lies.
A veil of darkness keeps him out of sight

Allowing him to hypnotise and spy.
Lord Twilight's dusky fingers touch the lands.
He hides them underneath a veil of lies

And makes things difficult to understand.
Between the light of day and the night sky,
Lord Twilight's dusky fingers touch the lands.
In shadow lie seems truth and truth seems lie.


9. Periwinkle - inspired by Lady Selene


She is as brightening as a bouquet
Of periwinkle. Each time I feel down,
My Periwinkle always makes my day.

Her warmth will melt away both tear and frown.
A moment is enough to be beguiled
By Periwinkle. Each time I feel down

She cheers me up with that really cute smile.
She dances through the day and makes it shine.
A moment is enough to be beguiled,

And it's enough to make me feel divine.
When she's not here the sky seems grey and dark.
She dances through the day and makes it shine.

In each dull hour she can strike a spark.
My precious daughter, beauteous flower girl.
When she's not here the sky seems grey and dark,

And when she is time passes in a whirl.
She is as brightening as a bouquet,
My precious daughter, beauteous flower girl.
My Periwinkle always makes my day.


10. Riches - inspired by Lord Prospero


A sovereign here, another sovereign there.
I build my wealth up one step at a time,
And to the Merchant Lord go all my prayers.

I pity those that must resolve to crime
When so much can be earned by playing straight.
I build my wealth up one step at a time.

My trading skills I call my finest traits.
I always start my business with a smile
'Cause so much can be earned by playing straight.

These days even my friends will fear my wiles
Regardless of how much I give away.
I always start my business with a smile,

Go home a little richer every day.
My vault is always filled to overflow
Regardless of how much I give away.

Lord Prospero has blessed me, that I know.
A sovereign here, another sovereign there.
My vault is always filled to overflow,
And to the Merchant Lord go all my prayers.


11. Music on the Wind - inspired by Lord Scarlatti


The world is drenched in music's spirit muse.
A melody is drifting close to touch.
It's colouring the world in vibrant hues,

And all around the world will sing, so much.
Just listen to the wind and you will find:
A melody is drifting close to touch,

A spark of song within the pale moonshine,
A hint of music floating on the creek.
Just listen to the wind and you will find

There's music everywhere if you'll just seek.
The birdsong is suffused with joyful tunes,
A hint of music floating on the creek,

A glorious theme around the hour of noon.
Euterpe can be found so close to heart.
The birdsong is suffused with joyful tunes.

No, once you've found your muse she won't depart.
The world is drenched in music's spirit muse.
Euterpe can be found so close to heart.
She's colouring the world in vibrant hues.


12. Sing me a Lullaby - inspired by Lady Valnurana


If you will sing a lullaby for me
And lull me back to sleep in your strong arms,
I can let go, my mind can wander free:

Enchanted by dear Valnurana's charms.
All that you have to do is hold me close
And lull me back to sleep in your strong arms.

Some nights it can be hard to find repose,
But to ensure this night my rest is well
All that you have to do is hold me close.

Tonight I will forget your sad farewell:
Pretend that you are really by my side
Just to ensure this night my rest is well.

I will remember when I was your bride,
And I will hear you though you are not here,
Pretending you are really by my side.

You are with me, there's nothing left to fear.
If you will sing a lullaby for me,
Then I will hear you though you are not here.
I can let go, my mind can wander free.


13. Failure - inspired by Lord Shaitan


Another chance to learn complete control
Is lost among the blood upon the floor.
To take another step towards your goal,

You tried to make this feisty girl your whore.
But now the chance you had with her is gone.
It's lost among the blood upon the floor.

You are unsure of what you have done wrong,
Of why this girl defied you to the end.
But now the chance you had with her is gone.

Your failure is decided by her end.
"My Lord", you pray, "please tell me how I failed
And why this girl defied me to the end."

Her sightless eyes betray how she prevailed.
You say a prayer while kneeling on the ground.
"My Lord", you pray, "please tell me how I failed."

Another girl will surely soon be found,
Another chance to learn complete control.
You say a prayer while kneeling on the ground,
And take another step towards your goal.


14. Home - inspired by Lord Phaestus


If all goes well I should be home tonight,
Be back amongst the ones I left behind,
Back where the fire in the forge burns bright.

I left so long ago, feeling confined.
Now I can't wait to be back home once more,
Be back amongst the ones I left behind,

Where smiths and craftsmen have so much in store.
I have explored for many, many miles.
Now I can't wait to be back home once more.

Home where the smithy's filled with laughs and smiles,
And love is unconditional and true.
I have explored for many, many miles,

And going home has long been overdue.
Home where our Father greets us at the door,
And love is unconditional and true.

I was a fool for ever wanting more.
If all goes well I should be home tonight.
Home where our Father greets us at the door,
And where the fire in the forge burns bright.


15. The Pack - inspired by Lord Lupus


The blood is throbbing strongly in their veins.
The Lupine pack prepares themselves for when
They start their hunt upon the open plains.

They were apart, but now they're one again,
With Lupus' spirit merging soul to soul.
The Lupine pack prepares themselves for when

They'll run and move together as a whole.
They're fiercely loyal, the entire pack,
With Lupus' spirit merging soul to soul.

Their hunt will soon begin, and they'll attack.
There's nothing that can stop them now because
They're fiercely loyal, the entire pack.

When they will hunt they'll do so without pause.
They hear the call of wild around them as
There's nothing that can stop them now because,

As rhythmic as the swaying of the grass,
The blood is throbbing strongly in their veins.
They hear the call of wild around them as
They start their hunt upon the open plains.


16. Rain - inspired by Lord Vastar


A tender mist of water slowly falls
From clouds that gather swiftly, steadily.
The tiny drops bemuse, enchant, enthral.

They're dripping down, so timid, dreamily.
Before too long the rain intensifies
From clouds that gather swiftly, steadily.

Their grey and black now blanketing the skies,
They pour out streams of rain, no longer shy.
Before too long the rain intensifies

And rolling thunder echoes in the sky.
Lord Vastar's rumbling laughter now resounds.
He pours out streams of rain. No longer shy,

The drops fall to the ground with whelming sound.
The rain's a perfect sign of joy Divine.
Lord Vastar's rumbling laughter then resounds

Another time before the storm subsides.
A tender mist of water slowly falls.
The rain's a perfect sign of joy Divine.
The tiny drops bemuse, enchant, enthral.


17. Vow - inspired by Lady Keresis

I will make sure that you never forget
Because I know I never can forgive.
The pain you've caused me you will soon regret,

And keep regretting every day you live.
You will meet horrors you have never seen
Because I know I never can forgive.

Today I speak this vow to vengeance' Queen:
That She will have my life from this day forth.
You will meet horrors you have never seen,

And soon will wish that you were never born.
My Lady Keresis is well aware
That She will have my life from this day forth.

It doesn't matter how much you beware
Since from now on your life is living hell.
My Lady Keresis is well aware

That I'm forever caught under Her spell.
I will make sure that you never forget,
And from now on your life is living hell.
The pain you've caused me you will soon regret.


18. Mists - inspired by Lady Kastalia


The sound of flowing water can be heard,
But nothing can be seen beyond the mists.
Beyond the soothing water nothing stirs.

The river seems to be all that exists.
A sudden gust of wind may move your hair,
But nothing can be seen beyond the mists.

Though you seem blind, no matter how you stare,
Unseen, unheard, the Lady still subsists.
A sudden gust of wind may move your hair

Preceding Her arrival in the mists.
You never can be sure if She's around.
Unseen, unheard, the Lady still subsists.

You feel that She is there though still unfound,
And you feel honoured in Her presence though
You never can be sure if She's around.

Respectfully you bid Her a hello.
The sound of water flowing can be heard,
And you feel honoured in Her presence though
Beyond the soothing water nothing stirs.
