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By: Kiusha Posted on: February 29, 2008

It was a pleasant evening in Xhaiden Dale, and the fallen leaves of autumn rustled quietly around the amrunal bushes and laumspur plants. Though the wind was chill, the sky was clear, and the last rays of sunlight shone, bright and beautiful. It was with delight that Irsich of the Obele shouted his farewell to the day, "Sisters and brothers, the night is almost upon us. Finish your work and prepare to rest."

The delight was wasted on the Ganeve. Whispers of unease and dislike travelled through their caverns at the sound of the Mahjed's voice. Only when the last sunlight faded beneath the hidden entrance did they sound a sigh of relief and start their nightly activities.

Ready for his guard duties, Perditus shoved the emptied crude bowl back onto the rickety table between the rest of them and stood. Unconsciously fingering his knives, he made his way towards the cave entrance. At a gentle turn in the cave, however, he suddenly held back his step. There she was... all alone, reading in some ancient tome. His eyes hungrily went over her body, taking in every inch, but finally settled on her tousled black hair.

"Oh Veshina..." he mused to himself, "how I'd love to run my fingers through your hair." He glanced around carefully, and came to the realisation that if ever a time was good to approach her, this was it. The corridor was empty, except for the two of them. Slightly hesitant, he stepped out of the shadows and cleared his throat. Veshina turned to face him.

A frown crossed her face as she saw him, but he barely noticed as he fell into her water-blue eyes. "Why do you interrupt me?" she snarled. His legs trembled, but he stepped forward with all the grace he could manage. "Veshina..." he began, "there is something I mus.."

His sentence was cut short as a whip came flying in from nowhere, strangling him from behind. His eyes went wide, and he quickly turned to face his assailant. Serpent fangs glistened in a proud Mhun face, and three golden suns gleamed on the otherwise pure black outfit. A Dawnstrider.

Knife already in hand, he crashed his body against the Serpent and knocked him over, raking the blade across his skin. With lightning speed, the Mhun stood back up, and garotted him again. "Out of my way, servant." he snarled. "My business is with your -lady-." The sarcasm was unmistakable. He released the whip and pushed Perditus out of the way.

Veshina was prepared. A ball of lightning crackled between her hands, and as the Mhun charged her she released it, and it struck him with full force. It could not, however, prevent him from sinking his fangs into her shoulder, and she cried out in pain as the camus entered her bloodstream.

Shocked, Perditus flung himself between the Dawnstrider and his beloved, accidentally knocking her over. Her curse fell on deaf ears, as Perditus plunged one of his knives into the Serpent's neck. The assailant gurgled and spasmed, and fell to the floor, his eyes now unseeing.

Indignant, Veshina raised herself from the dirt, and glared at Perditus. "If you'd have been at your post this wouldn't have happened." she growled, clutching her wounded shoulder. Glancing at the corpse she added, "His friends will soon be here for his body. Go to the entrance and keep it safe. -I- will need to sleep, since I got wounded because of your negligence." With that, she stalked off, deeper into the caverns.

Flinching at her words, Perditus turned and made his way upward to defend their lair.

No new attackers came, and eventually the Dawnstrider's corpse disappeared. The guard duty was tedious, and Perditus' thoughts kept drifting back to Veshina. He felt so guilty for letting her get hurt. Eventually, he faded into the shadows of the caverns, and stealthilymade his way towards the residential caverns.

She was still asleep when he reached her. Quietly, he knelt beside her, watching the movement of her chest as she breathed. "Veshina..." he whispered. Hesitantly, he reached out a hand, and he began to gently stroke her hair.

Suddenly a stern voice cut through the silence of the night, with but one word, "Perditus". He leaped back in shock and turned to see Sarat, Mistress of Necromancy stare at him coldly.

"Would you care to explain what you think you are doing?" she asked, in a voice that could cut steel.

"I was wondering the same." The cool, collected voice of Veshina so close to his ear made him jerk his head. Although he didn't notice, he had broken out in a cold sweat. "I.. I.." he stuttered.

Veshina raised an eyebrow questioningly, but neither of the women said another word. The silence was oppressing.

Finally, he stammered with one long breath, "I was worried about you, because you had gotten injured, and I couldn't stop worrying, and feeling guilty because it was my fault and... and I had to come see if you were all right, because... because I love you."

The stunned silence that followed was even worse, so much, that when Veshina burst into a fit of laughter it was a relief.

Suddenly she stopped laughing and grabbed his arm in an iron hold. "Love is weak." she said, and pointed at him with her other hand. A blast of frigid air chilled him to the bone. "Defend yourself." she said.

Perditus instinctively reached for his knife, but halted. "I can't hurt you." he said softly, and before the last word left his lips another blast of freezing air hit him.

Sarat snorted. "Your weakness disgusts me!" she sneered, and a jet of black nothingness flew from her fingertips. Perditus raised his hands in a futile attempt to ward it off, but the cloud engulfed him. A searing pain in his lungs made him gasp for air. "Please..." he finally managed to mutter.

With a shake of her head, Sarat wove a final spell. In horror Perditus watch as his flesh began to wither away. An overwhelming weakness spread through his body, and he lost the strength to do anything but pleadingly gaze into the eyes of his beloved.

With an inaudible sigh, Veshina released his arm, and he immediately dropped to the floor. After a few seconds, even his breathing ceased. With a last snort, Sarat turned and stalked off.

After she left, Veshina knelt besides the corpse, tracing a thoughtful finger across Perditus' cheek. "I thought you were stronger..." she whispered, and a single tear dripped from her eyes.

Then, she stood and turned away, once more her cool, collected self.

It was a pleasant night in Xhaiden Dale, and the fallen leaves of autumn rustled quietly around the amrunal bushes and laumspur plants. Though the wind was chill, the sky was clear, and the stars sparkled, bright and beautiful. Ourania's glimmer cast the valley in an enchanting glow, and Aneesh, the Ka'ah Serpent smiled in delight, blissfully unaware of the tragedy that had taken place deep within the earth.