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By: Anoshia Posted on: March 25, 2008

Spring had settled, and the blanket of snow covering the Vashnar Mountains slowly melted away. Genji was once more alive with new merchants eager to cross the slightly less intimidating pass as the warm sun rose, and the village was bustling with commerce. Visitors crammed into the local shops to see what trinkets were for sale, and others walked the tidy stable rows in eager pursuit of the village's fabled beasts.

Litya, nearly eighteen years of age, walked briskly back and forth from her superior's stockroom, carrying bundle after bundle of newly fletched arrows. Of little surprise, the stock was constantly depleted. Soon she would need to gather another batch of crisp white feathers from across the street, which to the young girl's delight meant a chance to mingle with foreigners. Knowing Tinja would not so eagerly send her out to socialize when there business pending, she waited with bated breath for a chance to pose the problem to her busy master.

"Sir," Litya called out from across the store's counter, "We seem to have run out of feathers. I'll be off to gather a few more from the stableman?"

Tinja, who was occupied by a heated debate involving a plump dwarf merchant, only inclined a single nod towards Litya before returning to his conversation. Litya beamed widely as she crawled under the counter and skirted off to maneuver the lively streets.

Once outside, Litya was swept away into a cloud of pushing bodies, roped steeds, and groups of chattering adventurers from all over the world. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she ducked and darted through the crowd, catching curious glances as she wove her way down the street.

As she skirted down an alleyway towards the stockroom, Litya's eyes met a stranger's long-lashed gaze by chance, though it was quickly broken as the girl disappeared into the mass. Litya shook her head, briefly mesmerized by the woman's bewitching stare. Still, there was work to do and people would be waiting, so Litya quickly came to her senses, gathered the feathers needed, and jogged back to the shop.

Hours later, Tinja waved a very worn and tired Litya goodbye as the two departed into the dim streets of Genji. Litya's friends waited outside the shop for her along with several new foreigners who chatted eagerly with the resident Atavians. However, Litya was almost openly taken back as she stepped into the circle of friends to discover the strange, bewitching female from earlier amongst them. In person, the unfamiliar Atavian was equally beautiful as she was tall and slender. Her tanned skin and tawny wing feathers were tribute to a sun unknown to Litya so high in her snowy village. The girl smiled warmly, and their eyes stayed fixated as the group wandered into a nearby tavern.

Drinks were ordered, and Litya took a seat next to one of her local friends. Seconds later, the strange girl took a seat to Litya's right, scooted in her chair, and placed her flagon quietly upon the table. Litya's eyes remained on the glass in front of her hands.

"My name is Athotia," the dark-skinned Atavian said softly.

Litya's heart jumped, and she turned sheepishly towards Athotia. "I'm Litya."

Athotia smiled. "Litya, it's nice to meet you. After seeing you earlier in the bazaar, I thought you would be far away by now. You are from Genji?"

"Yes, I've been here all my life," Litya replied as her mood lightened and she felt warmth towards Athotia, "And you?"

"Oh, I'm not really from anywhere. I have been living in Hashan the last few years, have you been there? I grew up in El'Jazira, but ever since then I've just wandered wherever I feel comfortable." Athotia smirked. "I've seen a lot, but this is the first time I've been around so many of my kind."

Litya nodded and sipped her drink.

"I- I hope you don't think I'm crazy, and I'm not usually nearly this open, but I couldn't stop thinking about you all day. Something about you."

"I..." Litya stammered as her cheeks flushed instantaneously. "I thought about you too. I wanted to find you, but you disappeared so quickly"

Athotia beamed, and took her glass in her hand, quickly downing a large portion of the flagon. "What's it like, Genji?"

"You want to know about Genji?" Litya laughed. "Well, I'm sure it is way too cold for you coming from the desert. We don't usually have many people here with the snow and all. Honestly, I've never seen much outside of our village's walls." Litya shrugged and downed the remainder of her drink.

"Let me get you another," Athotia mused, waving her hand as she rose and walked away. Litya cast a quick glance at the Atavian who now leaned against the bar. Her head was slightly aloof from an empty stomach coupled with her large drink, and the anxiety that tugged at her insides did little to help. Athotia returned with two flagons brimming with ale and a carefully balanced pair of shots. The two raised their glasses in a toast, and quickly tossed the alcohol back. Litya coughed slightly.

"I want to know more about Genji and your people. Our people, maybe?" Athotia mulled.

Litya gulped down a drought of ale. "The mountains are beautiful at night, I should show you. That is, well, uh..." Litya blushed. "That is, if you would like to see them."

"Let's finish these drinks and go."

The young Atavians quickly drank and bid the rest of their much-ignored friends goodbye as they departed the bar together. While the strolled the quiet streets, Athotia slipped a soft hand into Litya's. Soon they came to rest on one of the village's most northern ledges where a veil of stars unfolded before them into the night sky.

Litya pointed northwards. "That's where you are from, yeah? The desert? And over there," she said as her hand moved to the left, "Cyrene and Caer Witrin?"

Athotia nodded.

"I wish I could see it all. I want so badly to leave this place and explore like you."

"You can though," Athotia encouraged. "You are almost eighteen, right?"

Litya blushed.

"I remember when I was your age. There is a trial, a passage of sorts, and if you can accomplish it, it will change your life. You should find it, Litya, I know you could do it. I could help you find it."

"I don't know," Litya whispered. "My family, my home..."

"You don't have to decide now." Athotia pulled out a piece of parchment from her satchel and scribbled a few words as she spoke. "Keep this, it is the name of someone who can help you if you ever want to leave. No pressure. It will be difficult to find her, but I will also give you directions to the Flame."

Athotia passed Litya the paper. Litya pursed her lips as she read over the notes. The pair continued to speak of what waited for Litya beyond the Vashnars and of rebirth. Several hours passed until the girls finally felt the sweet relief of the evening's drinks wear off and tiredness creep upon their beings. Still, the night continued on as a willowy moon rose over the northern skyline.

"Litya, I could stay here with you forever," Athotia whispered into the night. "Let's hold onto this, yeah?"

Litya nodded gently, turning with relaxed, outstretched wings to Athotia who leaned a tanned cheek against Litya's pale shoulder. Litya's lips curled into a smile, and she kissed the strange Atavian's brow lightly.

"In the morning I must depart."

Litya sighed and nodded, knowing their time drew quickly to an end. Athotia buried her face in Litya's hair.

Gradually, Athotia slipped into sleep. Litya's heart yearned to wake the girl from her dreams, to tell her how much their mere moments meant, and of how badly she wished to live the life of an adventurer. Still, no words came to her lips, and she found herself staring vacantly into the familiar stars spattering the ebon sky above small Genji. Thus, as she too began to drift into slumber, Litya drew her wings in close, singing softly the lullaby of her people:

"Sweet dreams, dear one,

I'll stay by you through the night.

He of the elements watch o'er you,

Until we once more take flight."