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By: Zaol Posted on: August 13, 2008

Hail and good day, my name is Zaol,

And it's Zaol like Z-Ohl. Oh, and I'm a Troll.

I traveled to Achaea, from a land so far away,

I thought I'd just visit, now it seems I'm here to stay!

My Trollkin call me Uggzol, 'cause they aren't so good with words,

But they're really kinda handy, when it comes to eating birds.

They tried to send a letter, to a place not far away,

But they simply ate the flapper, and slept happy another day.

Most humans think us trolls are dumb,

Sitting, chanting Fe-fo-fum,

But they simply do not know us well,

Gee, ya think, is it hard to tell?

So anyway, it's time to tell you this,

The story of my path to bliss,

Well maybe story isn't right,

Just a little sum-up, that I wrote tonight.

So I stomped on through the trials, wondering 'what the heck',

Then I was reborn and traveled, and met a gnome named Beck,

The wildcat Scylina, with her claws as sharp as glass,

I quickly tried to kill her but she kicked my trollish... bum.

The gnomes and pixies, kobolds and cats,

The fluffy slippers and bunny-shaped hats,

All of these things, I promise, await,

The Newbie adventurer, seeking his fate.

Flashes of light, the gods and their will,

Praying silently, staying so still,

Vials of salve, and herbs of all kinds,

Serpents who track you and play with your minds,

Wardens who seek, with their powerful runes,

To bring to their enemies, terror and gloom,

Shamans and Monks and Jesters and such,

Muttering curses, able to kill with a touch,

The lands are so full of excitement and fun,

Even the Dragons, so powerful, aren't done.

I promise you this, oh seeker of fame,

Patience and time are the name of the game,

If it's instant glory and power you seek,

You might end up bored, by the end of the week.

On the start of this path, I find myself struck,

With awe and excitement, come quick, we must look!

And to those who weep, thinking 'Woe, has he departed?',

Fear not, don't cry, Zaol's story has just started.

One last bit, I have to say,

Before I leave you, on this day,

I want to thank Uunguarl, a dear troll friend,

Without his help, this'd never have been penned,

'Cause you see, my friends, a shock, here it comes,

Zaol he bes not good at writing.. Zaol bes a little dumb,

Zaol sees that! Yous rolling yous eyes!

Another dumb troll, yous is making troll cries!

Hmph! Watches yous steps! don't bes calling us dumb!

Zaol may not bes smarts, but hes got his myrrh gum!

Zaol did penned this withs the helps of hes trollkin Uunguarl. Zaol bes uglier and smellier!

(Seriously, penned by the hand of Zaol.)