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By: Alondra Posted on: September 11, 2008

The Guardian Dragons

Written by Alondra

I stopped, my jaw dropping as I took my first step into Lodi. There stood the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. Poraeus, the bronze guardian dragon, stood before me. He stood so tall before me, I almost screamed, before seeing the slight smile tugging at his lips, the kindness in his eyes. Mustering my courage, I curtseyed low, even lowering my eyes in respect, as I murmured a soft, "Hello, sir. I hope the day finds you well." That smile brightened, and I heard a low grumble of content, before a voice touched my head, as kind as the eyes that looked at me.

"Hello, Lenaya. How are you this day, child?" He settled himself more comfortably, looking a bit more relaxed, though still prepared to protect Lodi should he need to. My fear dissolved away to nothing, and I took a seat before him, looking up at his great form and smiling. "Oh, I'm quite well! Just exploring. I'd heard of Lodi, and thought I'd come visit, though I hadn't really expected to find a dragon, sir. I'm incredibly sorry about my ignorance."

A great, rumbling laugh came forth from the dragon, a plume of orange smoke escaping his lips. Reaching out with his long neck, he further surprised me, his large muzzle nuzzled at my shoulder comfortingly. "You have no need to fear child. With the Great Dragon spirits that reside in adventurers so common, I can see how I might seem a legend. But it is my job to protect you, and other young ones in Lodi, from those who would harm you. If you have need of anything, you've only to call. I can help you reach Gheladan and Minia, too, if you wish."

Smiling, I stood, and on impulse, hugged the muzzle that still was in front of me. "Thank you, sir! I'm going to go explore Lodi, now. I've heard of vile wildcats and missing sheep! I shall see you again before I'm too strong to return here, I hope. Be well, kind dragon!" With that, I waved goodbye, and walked further down the road. I explored the village of Gorshire, taking time to speak with all those I met. Everyone was so kind, and after speaking with Beck, I knew I had to help them with the wildcats!

Taking a brief nap, I awoke, and adjusted the armour I'd found in my city's donation chest, and gripped tightly at my sword. I wouldn't let those wildcats harm anyone else! Looking at my map, I made my way to wildcat's lair, and quickly helped them find their way to death. I made a sweep of the fields surrounding, and returned to Beck, informing him of my success. With a much larger stack of gold in my pack, I returned to the Poraeus, and smiled.

"Back again, child? How did you find Lodi?" The soft voice was a comfort in my head, and I sat once more as I told him all about my adventures in his beautiful area. I told him of the kind gnomes, and the poor farmers in the area, then tilted my head, and considered a moment. "Have you met those you protect, Poraeus?" He looked at me, and I could see the surprise in his eyes, his head tilting curiously, one large eye spinning as it looked at me. Blushing, I shook my head, responding, "I just meant, I've never seen you leave this spot. I know you guard the entrance, but I wasn't sure if you'd met those in the area of that which you guard the entrance of."

He smiled again, resting his muzzle on the ground, a grumble of assent being heard. "Oh, yes, child. I've met the gnomes, and the farmers, the wildcats and their Queen. And now you have met them all, too. Perhaps you'd like to go meet another of the guardians for now? You can always return and we can speak some more, at least until you're no longer allowed within Lodi."

I bit my lip and nodded. It was really hard to think of leaving this beautiful valley and the kind dragon. Slightly hesitant, my voice shook as I said, "Will... will you take me to Gheladan, please?" He smiled, and closed his eyes, concentrating. An orange smoke surrounded me, and when it cleared, I stood at the entrance of Gheladan, standing before its guardian dragon.

I stood and gaped, openly, at the beautiful, copper dragon before me. Friendly, yellow eyes gazed at me, with a gentle smile on her lips, though just as Poraeus, her form was looming and intimidating. Her voice was soft and gentle as she spoke to me. "Hello, child. My brother has spoken to me of you, said you're a wonderful, wonderful child, and extremely kind and helpful. My name is Lasune, and Gheladan is my home."

I curtseyed low, once more, raising my eyes to look into her own. "Thank you, m'lady. Your home looks lovely from here. I hope you don't mind if I explore it. I'll return here when I'm done." Lasune beamed at me, shaking her head. "Go right ahead, child. I'll be here upon your return."

Adjusting my pack on my back, I headed off, and up the mountain. It was a lovely little area. I met the rat-like Nilari first, a little village. Everyone seemed kind enough, and I helped where I was asked. Though unsure what to do about their quarrel with the Murinae, which led me to travel further up the mount and meet them as well. A bit more violent than the lower village, I could only shake my head. I wasn't going to slay either of them. It would just be too cruel for my heart. With a sigh, I continued up the mountain, finding the hornets and the bees. Helping the head worker for the bees, I gathered up their eggs and pupa, returning them. For some reason, though, I found myself unable to slay any of them. With a sigh, I returned to Lasune, and plopped myself down in front of her.

The great dragon turned her head, eyes whirling curiously, as she pressed the tip of her muzzle to my shoulder gently, voice concerned as she asked me, "What's wrong child? You seem a bit sad." I shook my head, and looked out to the west, where the sun was just setting. "It's nothing, really. Just it's sad. Everyone's fighting with each other. Everywhere I go, I hear, "If you kill this enemy of mine, I'll give you gold!" I just don't know what to make of it. Or how to know what's right, or what's wrong."

Lasune smiled softly, shifting her weight, her tail curling comfortingly at my legs. With one of her forearms, she lifted my chin so I looked up into her eyes. "Oh, child, that's the great question everywhere. Every person in this realm has a different set of beliefs, of ideals. Some slay only innocent beings, others only evil. Some will slay nothing sentient, and only the creatures of the wild, while some will slay nothing at all, choosing only to help as they can. You will find, in your own heart, the answers you feel are right."

I nodded my head to her, and pulled my legs to my chin, curling my wings around me. Sighing, my voice was soft as I spoke. "I'm sure you're right. I'm young yet. To me, killing the wildcats in Lodi was in a easy choice, even after finding out they could speak. This world is so big, and I'm afraid of making the wrong choices."

The dragon only nodded her head, and sat with me in silence as the sun finished setting, and the moon rose high. I yawned, the days travels getting to me, and she looked down and smiled. "Come child, sleep here next to me. None will harm you, and I'll keep you warm from the nights chill air. A bit of rest will do you good." Smiling shyly, I nodded, and crawled over beside her curling up next to her side. Closing my eyes, I drifted to sleep, and next to the kind dragon, I dreamed only good things.

The dawning sun in my eyes woke me, and I blinked, stretching, taking a moment to get my bearings. Realizing I was beside a dragon, I scrambled to my feet, and backed away, before remembering it was Lasune. She smiled softly at me, her voice kind as she asked, "Did you sleep well child? What plans have you for this month?"

I nodded, and rubbed my chin thoughtfully. "I slept well. Would be willing to take me to Minia, please? I think it's time I met the inhabitants there." Lasune nodded, and closed her eyes. Yellow smoke enveloped me, and when it cleared, there sat a mighty green dragon.

There was nothing in looking at her that made me fearful. I trusted her completely. She was old, I could see, just from looking at her. Wisdom shined in her blue eyes. It was unavoidable. My trust of her, the kindness in her eyes, made me reach out, and hug her the best I could. As I pulled back, and blushed, the dragon smiled at me. "Hello, dear child. I welcome you to Minia, and hope you have as great a time exploring here as you did Lodi and Gheladan. Poraeus and Lasune say you're a delightful child. I'd be happy to speak to you, any time you wish."

I smiled, fluttering my wings happily. "Thank you, Lady Auma. I'm going to go seek out the Imps and Pixies, first. I'll come see you again later!" With that, and a wave, I skipped away, seeking first the Pixies.

Green and full of life, they fluttered and flittered all over the place. Mischievous little children, playing games and tricks, but they were just so sweet, I couldn't help but smile. I met the queen, and curtseyed low, and she told me all about their troubles with the imps. I frowned slightly at the words, and wandered off, stopping briefly to say hello to Auma before continuing. I traveled the road to the Ember Tower, and stared in amazement at it.

Drawing in a breath of courage, I entered, walking past imp guards and hellcats. Climbing the tower, I explored every inch, before finally climbing the final staircase and meeting the Imp Lord. I shuddered as I listened to him. The thought of slaying the beautiful, lively pixies just tore my heart to shreds. I returned to Auma, shoulders slumped, and weary from the days events.

The dragon, like Lasune, just looked at me with concern. I sat down beside a tree, and laid my head on my knees, closing my eyes. Within a moment, the dragon was at my side, a wing curling around me comfortingly. "Oh child, how the days events must have taxed you. This world isn't an easy one, for those not prepared. Many go into their rebirth, thinking life will be a grand adventure. They're right. Not many, though, think of the hardships. It makes me happy to see, though, that you're considering this all very seriously, though I hate to see the pain it's causing you."

Smiling softly, I shifted, settling my weight against her side. "Auma, do many stop and talk to you?"

Her wise eyes came into my view as her neck stretched out, turning to face me. "Oh, a few do, yes. Most ask for help getting to the other lands for you young ones. But every now and then someone is more curious than that. Now, more questions can wait until you sleep. Just sleep. I'll watch over you. We can talk more on the morrow." I smiled, and nestled up beside the great dragon, sleeping once more peacefully.

Morning broke, and Auma nosed some bread in my direction. I smiled and ate it, not realizing how hungry I'd been. A glass of milk followed, and I smiled happily. "I should go see the Kobold King and Pygmy chief now, Auma, to complete my explorations. I'll return this evening!" The dragon nodded her head my way, then gently pushed me in the right direction.

The Kobolds were first on my list, and I wandered their caves quietly, listening to what they said. It saddened me deeply when I met the sick man within their caverns, and I frowned, unsure of what to do. Deciding a delay was in order, I returned to the Pixie shaman, obtaining a potion to help the sick kobold. My thoughts were mostly inward as I traveled to the Pygmy village, meeting with those there. I felt completely drained as I left. There was so much to think on. And these areas were only for those young. What would I do once big enough to be out amidst the normal world?

I returned to Auma, and not really feeling like speaking, I sat and listened to her. She told me stories of Minia, Lodi, and Gheladan. Her voice eventually lulled me to sleep, and off I drifted.

Voices shouting woke me in the morning. Someone was arguing at the Archway! Fearful, I asked Auma if she'd take me to Lodi, and she agreed. I helped the villagers of Gorshire with the wildcats again, and then returned to Poraeus. The day was still long, and I felt a need to explore, so I bid him farewell, and left through the entrance, stepping onto the Highway.

With no map, and no real idea of where to go, I wandered off the Highway, into the Sirrocian mountains. The day was beginning to wane, and I realized I needed to find someplace to sleep. I wandered through the mountains, unable to find a suitable location. Suddenly, through the dusky light, I saw the entrance to a cave, and hurried towards it. Just a few feet away, I heard a low growl.

Whipping around, I saw, just barely, the outline of a wolverine in front of me. Gulping, I stepped backwards, and another growl was heard, seemingly from behind me. Turning my head, I saw another wolverine, and began to shake with fear. I knew I was no where near strong enough to handle one of these creatures, let alone two. To the side, I heard yet another growl, and whimpered in fear as I realized that the vicious wolverines had me surrounded. I didn't know what to do. I had a House but calling to them or my city never crossed my mind.

My mind cried out, reaching to the three I knew the best. Poraeus, Lasune, and Auma. Fear raged in my voice, panic overtaking all my senses. From the sky, I heard three bellows of rage, as the three Guardian dragons swooped down to my location. Encircling me they growled, eyes whirling at the wolverines surrounding me. Now it was the wolverines who whimpered in fear. Growling only, the dragons stayed where they were, and the wolverines could see they were overpowered. Turning tail, they ran into the mountains.

I whimpered once more, more with relief than fear, and collapsed into a sitting position on the ground. The dragons turned towards me, concern in their eyes. It was Poraeus who spoke first. "Child, are you okay? Did they harm you?"

I shook my head, hugging my knees to my chest, as I breathed in deeply, trying to calm myself. I could hear nothing, but saw the dragons looking at eachother. Finally, one by one they nodded, Lasune and Auma returning to the air, and to their homes.

Poraeus lifted himself gently to the air, taking me carefully in his forearms and flew me back to Lodi. Collapsing with exhaustion, I fell asleep curled up with the dragon I'd first met. I dreamed of armies of evil and starving children that night, my mind awhirl with what had happened to me. I also woke with a firm purpose, and knowing what I should do. I hugged Poraeus, and looked him in the eyes. "I will go to see them, but I want to thank you, and Auma, and Lasune. Your kindness to me has helped me choose my path. I wish to help those like myself. To new to the realms to know what to do, and too weak to protect themselves from the areas outside of here. Thank you!"

Poraeus merely beamed at me, grumbling slightly, without saying a word. I could see a tear in his eye, as I strode into Lodi. I would only harm that which would harm innocents. The wildcats would be my foe. I hunted for that day, then the rest of the month, stopping as I realized I was coming close to being kicked out these lands.

I made a detour then, to see the dragons that I'd befriended, thanking them individually, and giving a last hug to them all. One last wildcat would be all it took, and I'd never see the valley I'd grown so fond of again. With a smile, and a deep breath, I took that last hit, the cat growling as it died. I suddenly found myself outside of Lodi, and sighed, one full of regret, and sorrow, though tinged with pride. As I began to walk my way to Shallam, I saw three figures fly overhead, and though none said a word, I knew it was the Guardian dragons, saying one last farewell.