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By: Annice Posted on: January 17, 2009

"I wish to be an alchemist, and transform gold from lead.

Hunting monsters takes too long, I want gold now instead!"

My mentor shook his head at me, but ne'er a word was said.

"Or I could fish!" I whined to him, "Or just catch butterflies!"

He kept his peace, and nodded, looking solemn, grim and wise

Until I found I could no longer look him in the eyes.

I want to get a puppy and a better looking dress!

I'm tired of always being broke and free stuff is a mess

His eyes grew rather chilly; What he thought, I could not guess.

I need a lot of credits so that I can trans my skills

Surely I'd be stronger then, and bound to get more kills!

I stood there, pouting stubbornly in our contest of wills.

His patience was unruffled; he exuded calm and poise.

He deftly and with elegance ignored my sulks and noise,

Immune to all my tantrums and to all my childish ploys

When finally, I'd exhausted every trick I had at hand,

Could wheedle nothing out of him, or yet one more demand.

I knew his disappointment would be more than I could stand.

He took me to a mountaintop; we stood beneath the trees.

And as I wondered of his thoughts, and shivered in the breeze

"There's something I would share with you," he said, "Be silent, please"

"I was not always stronger, or more wealthy than you are.

In fact, 'twas not so long ago my life was quite bizarre.

I didn't have clue back then that I could come this far."

His hand plucked up a blade of grass as I pondered his words

He fiddled with it as I got distracted by the herds

Of goats, in valley far below and by the songs of birds.

"But you're so wise and have so much!" I cried out in frustration

"How did you ever get to be a noble in this nation?

You can't have been confused like me, I need more explanation."

He chuckled at my outburst and a grin grew on his face.

"It's all about decisions, lass, and planning out your pace.

Nothing good comes overnight, and this is not a race!"

"Make a plan and stick to it! Choose goals that you can meet!

Take smaller steps - don't try to run and tangle your own feet

To gain reward without the work is only self-deceit."

"I'm here for you," my mentor said, "But I can't live your life."

"My job is not to do -your- job, but hone you like a knife

Until the day you're strong enough to triumph over strife!"

"Remember though, he gravely said, "That skills are not enough.

The hardest part of growing up is learning to be tough

Inside yourself!" he winked at me. "For you, that may be rough."

We started back to Cyrene then; in silence we did go.

I pondered long upon his words as we trudged through the snow.

I'd have to conquer first, myself, 'ere I began to grow.

Now I am watching others and have started my own plan

It isn't too ambitious yet; in fact, not much more than

Be careful of my actions and to do the best I can!