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By: Sauti Posted on: March 28, 2009

NOTE: A play written about the events surrounding the dissolution of the Infernals guild in 301 AF when the Infernal guild declared war against its parent city of Ashtan forcing a violent reaction from the people of Ashtan led by Epicurus and the Dowager Montagenet culminating in the execution of Dacian, Martial Master of the Infernals.


Dacian, Martial Master of the Infernals

Epicurus, Master of the Garden

[A room with a table in the centre with a chessboard upon which a game is on. On the backstage wall, there is a double window half open with purple curtains billowing slightly in the wind. Stately marble pillars stand to the right and left of the stage, flanking the stage exits with white bunting draped over the tops of the pillars to the right and black bunting draped over the pillars to the left. On either side of the table, there is a cushioned chair. Dacian stands with his back to the audience gazing out through the window. His scabbards are resting against the wall and a suit of fullplate beside it. He wears a fine linen shirt, black tunic and black trousers.]

Dacian: [steps away from the window and ponders the chessboard. He steps over to the right chair and waits patiently with his hands resting on its back], "Wonder how you'll pull this one off, old friend." [Chuckles]

[Dacian leans over the back of the chair to study the chessboard. Two armoured knights, eight chainmail-clad squires, two darkbow wielding archers and two black-robed necromancers walk in from the east and assemble facing the east stage exit. A lieutenant wearing black fieldplate and dual-wielding battleaxes steps in and salutes Dacian's back with a straight-arm salute before joining the others. They have black scarves tied to their arms.]

Epicurus: [walks in from the west stage exit and smiles], "I remember where we left off, you know."

[Epicurus walks over to the chair to the left of the table and sits down. Eight peasants wielding pitchforks, two scalemail clad serpents wielding whips, two leather-clad slingers and an occultist walk in from the east and assemble facing the mob before them. A soldier of the Golder Apple Corps joins them wielding a steel-tipped spear. They are all wearing white scarves tied to their arms.]

Epicurus: "Let's see what we have here." [joins his hands over the table and ponders the arrangement. Dacian smirks and takes his seat.]

Epicurus: [moves a white knight forward] "Ah, a fine start to the session, if I may say so."

[A serpent casually works towards a squire and nudges him with her whip. The squire looks around nervously for help.]

Dacian: [peers intently at the chessboard and chews his lower lip thoughtfully. He nods and moves a black bishop across the board near the pawn.], "I was expecting something with more..finesse, a better strategy from you, scholar." [clucks his tongue]

[A necromancer mutters under his breath and steps before a squire. He promptly turns his back to the squire and glares at a slinger.]

Epicurus: [chuckles], "Tempting though it may be, I am after greater glory today, my friend." [moves a white knight away from the pawn]

[The serpent blows a kiss to the frightened squire and turns to grimace at the lieutenant.]

Dacian: "Too soft. That pawn would have cut you a path for my right flank." [gestures to his right and shakes his head], "Let's see now...my queen, eh?" [Chuckles and moves his queen across the board. He grims smugly at Epicurus]

[The lieutenant snickers and charges at a slinger with his axes and stops short between two peasants. The slinger tries to leap back but finds himself against the wall. The peasants eye the lieutenant suspiciously.]

Epicurus: [frowns], "Quite a dilemma." [He lifts a white rook], "I hate losing my men for nothing."

Dacian: "Your men don't know what they're dying for, scholar. Always a bad idea to wage a war with civilians."

Epicurus: [places a white rook back in its place. He moves a white bishop up to threaten a black bishop], "And your men do, Dacian?"

[An occultist shuffles over to a necromancer and clenches his fist before him. The necromancer snarls at him viciously. The slinger loads his sling with trembling hands looking up nervously at the smirking lieutenant.]

Dacian: "They live and die in the name of their Master." [Promptly moves the black bishop being threatened away to capture a white rook], "Just as they kill in the name of their Master."

[A necromancer turns away from the occultist and pushes his way to the second slinger. He nods at his Baalzadeen who advances slowly. He pushes his hands into the slinger's chest and pulls out his beating heart as the slinger falls down slack-jawed.]

Epicurus: [frowns at a chessboard], "This is going to be trouble..."

[A peasant grips his pitchfork and looks around wildly. A serpent barks an order at him to stand down. The peasant shakes his head and runs at a trot waving his pitchfork wildly before him towards Dacian. Three squires form a line before Dacian, pikes at ready to impale the advancing peasant. The serpent lashes out with his whip and yanks the peasant back just in time.]

Epicurus: [sighs and moves a white pawn forward between two white knights], "You will make that move yet, Dacian. The one move I need to swoop in and take your king."

Dacian: [laughs uproariously], "Discipline, scholar, discipline. If you wish, I will trade you my bishops." [Grins], "Give you something to fight with. Better than those lily-white librarians of yours."

Epicurus: "Aye, who needs delphinium when you have a sermon on the Truths, right?"

Dacian: "For your disrespect, scholar, I will have your rook." [Takes a white rook with his black queen. Holds up the white rook and says], "Just another in a long line of fools who chose to defy the Lord in the city of Evil." [continues casually], "And oh, check."

[The lieutenant snarls and closes in on a slinger whirling his battleaxe over his head. The slinger swings his sling and shoots a bullet, but misses. The lieutenant heaves his battleaxe down and beheads the cowering slinger. His head flies in an arc and lands at a few feet away at the feet of Dacian. The lieutenant wipes the blood off his blade and advances towards Epicurus, stopping short besides Dacian]

Epicurus: [rummages in his pockets and gets a pipe. He slowly lights it and turns his attention back to the chessboard], "Too bold, too bold, my friend." [moves a white king down to safety], "You should be more circumspect in dealing with your enemies." [ponders], "But then that was never something your Lord ever valued, did He?"

[Epicurus takes a long drag off his pipe and an aura of rebounding forms around him. Three peasants take up their position around him facing the lieutenant. The lieutenant spits at the ground in disgust.]

Dacian: "I'll get you yet, don't you worry." [snickers], "There can be no compromise in the path to true strength, scholar. You and your people were chosen to serve the Lord. But you denied Him over and over again."

Dacian: [grimaces], "There can be no compromise in our service to our Lord, scholar." [Moves a black knight down to take a white pawn.] "There can be no weakness."

[An armoured knight lunges at a peasant and impales him on his longsword. The peasant drops a pitchfork and tries to writhe off the sword. With a sneer, the knight pulls his blade free slicing upwards and sideways through his abdomen. The peasant falls down gurgling blood trying to hold his guts in with his hands.]

Epicurus: [shakes his head sadly], "You are missing the big picture here, Dacian, as you always have." [tender smile], "But..it is too late now, isn't it? For you and me. For you and Ashtan." [sighs and takes a black pawn with a white knight], "Check."

[A serpent lightly sneaks up on a squire and bites him in the neck. The squire lashes out at the serpent with his pike and manages to bruise him once. He stops suddenly and raises his hand to his nose. He falls down coughing up blood and bile on the ground. Everyone clears up a space around him. He looks up imploringly at the people around him as a pool of blood forms where he lies. With a cry, he falls down limp.]

Dacian: "Hmm, too predictable. And easily overcome." [moves a black king one space to the left to safety], "You cannot win this game, scholar."

[Dacian beckons to a necromancer who comes up beside him. Three squires form up in a line near the serpent. The serpent scowls miserably at them.]

Dacian: [passes his hand over a chessboard pointing at each individual piece as he speaks], "I have one bishop, two knights and one queen bearing down on you. In two moves, you're done. You have no defense to speak of. Surrender now and we can start a new game afresh."

Epicurus: [eyes sparkling with amusement], "Such arrogance for someone who just had to run for cover." [nods], "You're right in theory; I have no defense to speak of. My king is out in the open." [taps his nose knowingly], "But this game isn't over yet. As you will see.." [moves his white queen up beside his white knight], "..now. Check."

[A soldier of the Golden Apple Corps walks up and halts before a squire. He swivels on his heel to face Dacian and salutes him before pointing a steel-tipped spear at him. An armoured knight eyes him suspiciously and advances towards him halting two steps away.]

Dacian: "This is madness!" [Lifts up a black knight], "Moving your most powerful unit right in range of my knight! You're making this too easy for me, scholar."

Epicurus: [blinks], "Oh my.." [shrugs], "Well, what's done is done." [lowers his head and grins slyly. The two serpents move closer to Dacian's seat and turn to the occultist. The occultist stands ground, fidgeting nervously.] "Let's get this over with."

Dacian: [narrows his gaze at Epicurus and pauses to examine the chessboard], "I don't...I don't see any advantage for you at all. All your units are tied up." [shakes his head sadly], "Should have surrendered when you had the chance, scholar." [takes the white queen with a black knight.]

[An armoured knight grins widely and slashes at a soldier of the Golden Apple Corps who successfully parries him. After a few more feints, the armoured knight turns to a necromancer and nods. Together, they shrivel up the soldier's limbs and pin him to the ground with a soulspear. The armoured knight reahces deep into the soldier's entrails with a sneer and pulls his spine out with a loud POP, watching the soldier gurgle helplessly to death.]

Dacian: [leans back in his chair], "Now it's just a matter of mopping up the remnants." [Turns around for the first time and nods at the lieutenant. A weary cheer breaks out among the knights, necromancers, archers, squires and the lieutenant wearing black scarves.]

Dacian: [turns back to face Epicurus], "What next, scholar? Your mightiest troops have been crushed already. What have you to throw at us now?"

Epicurus: [smiles. Moves a bishop one space up to his right. Solemnly], "Checkmate."

Dacian: [frowns and peers down at the chessboard. He lifts his king piece and moves it over the board. Shakes his head], "How...why didn't I see that? Why.." [looks up at Epicurus], "Knights..and a bishop.."

Epicurus: [shakes his head], "Only over the last two moves, my friend. That knight of yours was holding my bishop in check. You moved him to take the queen." [Shrugs], "A simple gambit. Which paid off." [Stands up and nods at an occultist]

[The occultist joins the serpents and together, they flank Dacian so he cannot move.]

Dacian: [stands up tall and smashes his fist down on the chessboard], "No more games, scholar." [He turns and bellows an order at his men.]

[Epicurus claps his hands and people swarm in from the eastern stage exit. They are ordinary citizens, rich and poor alike, who seem to have grabbed whatever was at hand to be used as a weapon, ranging from butter knives to machetes and one hobbling sailor waving a wooden leg menacingly.]

[Dacian punches the occultist in the face and leaps to the wall to get his scabbard. He unsheathes his broadswords and turns when a serpent stabs him in the back.]

[Dacian falters a few steps and swings his blade in an arc, cutting everyone around him. The serpents stand their distance and snipe at him with their darkbows. The occultist flings a tarot card at him and he is bound by a mass of ropes.]

[The mob turns towards Dacian and throngs around him and soon Dacian is lost to sight among them. Epicurus holds up a hand and the crowd halts. The mob parts to reveal a bound Dacian who is badly bruised.]

[A hooded executioner arrives from the east.]

Epicurus: "No more games, Master. This is how it all ends. Not with a bang but a whimper."

Dacian: [eyes the executioner], "You'll feel our wrath yet, scholar. You will know pain and you will be the better for it." [holds his head up high and murmurs indistinctly], "Even...dust of your city...cleaveth...wipe off... be ye sure ... kingdom...LORD... unto you."

[Curtains start to close.]

[A hooded executioner pushes a block of wood upstage front. He drags Dacian over to the block, ties his hands behind his back and pushes him roughly over the block.]

[A massive THUD! is heard from the stage and a cheer breaks out slowly decreasing in volume till it completely subsides.]