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By: Ildri Posted on: June 30, 2009

Note: This work is not intended to mean that Cyrene would ever allow the actions detailed in the story. It was written for a specific assignment, with artistic license taken.

"What do you think you're doing?" The outraged voice was heard clear across Cyrene, and soon a small crowd stood around two young Kindred. It was an intriguing sight for those gathered. A petite Tsol'aa with wildfire hair and flashing emerald eyes, standing with her hands upon her hips, looking up at a much taller Siren, who wore a bored expression on her face as she prepared for what appeared to be combat.

The bored one merely waved her hand, murmuring softly to herself, and a coating of diamond skin covered her. "What I'm -doing-, Aislana, is preparing for combat. A duel, as was challenged of me."

Aislana, her small form standing taller, shook her head, her voice full of reproof as she said, "No, what you're doing, Niyane, is fighting nothing more than a babe, someone you could kill in your sleep!" The crowd murmured at this, even more intrigued. The two went on, not caring about the crowd that had gathered.

The Siren turned towards her accuser, merely shrugging. "He challenged me to honorable combat to the death, no arena, no interference. I've no reason to deny the duel."

A sigh emitted from Aislana, accompanied with a roll of her vivid green eyes. "You're wrong, you have every right. How respectful is it, how honorable, to accept a duel with someone you -know- you will kill? Are you even going to help him better himself?"

Niyane merely shook her head, an exasperated sigh escaping her. "You're not hearing me, Aislana. He challenged me. To a duel. Not a learning session. So, I will slay the pup and move on with my life. It's not the end of the world." The woman turned to leave, but Aislana planted herself firmly in front of her, her voice cold as she spoke, "Listen to me, Niyane, if you kill this child I -will- petition for the right to duel you. To teach you what it means to respect others in combat. And that no matter how big, or small, your opponent is, you can always teach them, and you can always learn."

Laughing, Niyane shrugged, looking down at her small House mate. "Try all you want, little one. I've killed you enough before to not worry about your little threat."

The crowd stood, murmuring amongst themselves as Niyane left for her duel. Many quickly ate a skullcap, or wore their Brooch of Thoth, wanting to find out what would happen after the duel. Aislana herself had no doubt, and began to prepare her petition to not only the Kindred's Council, but the Senate of Cyrene as well.

It was just a matter of moments before the results came back: Niyane had killed her opponent, a true young boy, no more than two months from his rebirth, and just barely out of the novice lands, and a magi to boot, so young he was still using his fists. Cyrene muttered with discontent that one of their own would do such a thing.

The city was abuzz while they waited for the Senate to convene. Many were petitioning for Niyane's removal from the city, while others supported Aislana's petition for a duel.

It took a full day for an emergency meeting of the Senate to be called, with all seven senators in attendance. Looks were grim, and the city waited with held breath for the results of this meeting. There was no doubt the Siren had acted in a manner unbefitting of a Cyrenian. But would the Senate grant Aislana's request before making their decision about Niyane?

The Senate listened to those who witnessed the exchange between the two magi, neither one over the age of twenty-one. Both were known to be hard-working and studious, with an inclination towards combat. They'd both risen quickly to the rank of Arcane Huntress in their House. Those who'd been going on rumor only gasped as they heard the details, and looked at the man's public records.

After nearly half a day of listening to supporters of both sides of the argument, the Imperiate finally raised her hand, motioning for silence. "We've put this off long enough. Aislana, you have the final petition of this meeting. Let us hear what you have to say."

Nervously, the young woman stepped forward. "First, Imperiate, and those of the Senate, I request that Niyane be taken out of the room. The details of my petition are best not heard by her as of yet."

Murmurs moved between the Senate, and finally a nod was given by the Imperiate, and Niyane was escorted from the room.

Aislana nodded, and turning to the front of the room. "Senators, I know that my petition will come as a surprise, and there's really no precedent for it. However, our city stands for respect. What Niyane did was not respectful at all. She should have been teaching that young one, not slaying him in cold blood."

Pacing a brief moment before realizing what she was doing, Aislana blushed, and turned back to the congregated Senate. "I petition the right for an honorable duel with Niyane. One death, with us each having a starburst tattoo, which I will pay for if she needs it. The purpose of this is not the death, but to teach. To teach what it means to respect ones opponent, no matter their strength. And to show you can always learn, and always teach."

Bowing her head respectfully, she raised it to catch the eyes of each Senator in turn. "I ask that you let me complete this duel with her before making your decision on whether or not to cast her from the city. That is my petition. I only ask you think it over carefully before making your decision."

The Imperiate nodded her head, and concluded the meeting. Before departing the room, she spoke in a quiet, forceful tone, "Any who speak the details of this petition to Niyane will be punished." With that, she bowed her head, the Senate convening to their private rooms. The crowd mingled outside, waiting, murmuring quietly to themselves.

A day passed, with only a page entering the room to bring the Senate their meals. At long last, the Senate reemerged, taking their seats in the Council room. The Imperiate beckoned to a page, whispering in his ear. Moments later, the bells rung out, calling all to the Council chambers. After a few minutes, the Chamber's were full of mingling people, though all quieted down as the Imperiate raised her hand for silence.

Her voice was regal and sure as she spoke, "Niyane and Aislana, please step forward." Both women wore nervous as they moved to the front of the room. The crowd somehow even grew more silent. Not even the shuffling of feet was heard. "Niyane, you have been accused of acting in a way most unCyrenian. Attacking a mere child who had no chance against you, without even the benefit of teaching him anything. Aislana has asked for us to hold back our judgment. She wishes to duel you."

Niyane nodded, knowing this, though her eyes flashed a bit with indignity. Clamping her mouth shut, she tilted her head, listening to the Imperiate.

"This has been a hard decision for us. We allow the Wardens their Rites, but this isn't that. This is, almost, killing a fellow citizen in cold blood. However, due to the finer details of Aislana's petition, we have decided to allow this. You both will be given starburst tattoos, and the duel will be to the first death. After this duel, we will give our ruling on Niyane's citizenship. You have one day to prepare. Do both of you understand?"

Both nodded, Niyane openly blinking in surprise. She'd assumed she'd be finding herself cast from city and House, not preparing for a duel with a House mate. She turned to the Heart of the Arcane, raising her eyebrow, wondering if the House would allow this, now that the city had. Jianna caught her eye, and beckoned her and Aislana to her, and they went to the House Estate, to Jianna's private quarters.

As they shut the door, Jianna sat at her desk, and shook her head. "You both disappoint me. Niyane, treating the young like that was a -huge- disappointment to me. You're so much better than that. And Aislana, asking to a duel a House mate, asking the Senate at that, without first coming to the House is just shocking. You should have told us first, asked us first, before going to the Senate. Once this duel is decided, punishments will be given to both of you."

Silence stretched before both nodded. Jianna clapped her hands sharply, and rose. "Well, the two of you have a duel to prepare for. I trust you'll both act honorably." She gave them each a severe look before dismissing them.

The two spent the rest of the day preparing, having vials refilled, and buying herbs. Most of it was really spent in silent contemplation. Both accepted a dose of delphinium, to be sure they rested well that night.

The bells at dawn woke the entire town, shortly followed by a summoning bell. The city gathered at the gates, milling about in a circle around the area. The Senate stood in the centre, beckoning the two girls to them. Both curtsied as they approached, and stood, waiting to hear what the Senate would say.

"None of us will interfere. The Senate will give our decision about Niyane's citizenship an hour after the duel. Prepare, and begin."

Aislana turned to curtsey to her opponents, preparing her defences, and found herself hit by a blast of lightning. With a gentle word, a reflection of herself appeared, and she frowned. Touching her shield, she shook her head sadly. "First lesson first, Niyane. When dueling another, you should always give them time to prepare. It's a fair fight. Give them time, and make sure. Meet on even ground."

As Aislana ceased speaking, she finished the last of her defences, and curtsied to Niyane. "Ready?" The Siren nodded her head, and Aislana's strong, steady voice rang out, "Begin!"

The crowd watched expectantly. Aislana leaned in and whispered to a fiery efreeti that stood beside her, and it immediately began to spin towards Niyane. Touching her own shield, Niyane began to draw out crystals, spinning and embedding them. As various tones rung out, Aislana shook her head again. She clapped her hands, and the tones began to slowly cease.

"Niyane, have you truly not learned any honour? What honour is there in fighting a fellow magi with vibes? Only you can use them, or only they can. We fight, skill to skill, without the use of those things only one of us can cast." Aislana stood, prepared for the moment Niyane would strike.

It came in a mere moment, acid hitting Aislana's flesh. She quickly followed the attack with a bolt of lightning, which stripped the other woman's blindness. As Niyane stood in surprise, Aislana twirled her staff dexterously, the quick patterns transfixing Niyane, immobilizing her. As Niyane struggled to break free from the state of transfixation, Aislana began to speak once more, her voice soft, mesmerizing.

"You should always consider your opponent's knowledge. Agreeing to fight someone smaller than you isn't always a bad thing. If you're intending to teach, and not just murder, it can be a good thing. They can teach you, too, no matter how experienced you are. Don't forget to writhe, sweetie."

Blinking in surprise, Niyane began to writhe free. Setting her jaw in determination, she sent staff cast after staff cast of ice at Aislana, who managed to cast reflections of herself quick enough to deflect them all. Aislana's voice continued with it's mesmerizing, teaching tone. "Never let anger take control of your actions. You miss things you'd be able to see otherwise. You should always act coolly, in control of your emotions."

Her voice harshening slightly, both waterweird and efreeti began to attack Niyane. Calling upon the elements, a storm suddenly brewed overhead. The entire crowd went completely silent as Aislana raised her hands to the heavens, lightning bolts shoot from them, hitting Niyane forcefully. Giving her no time to recover this time, Aislana followed the attack with a scintilla of light from her staff. Seeing Niyane weakening, she raised hands once more, the storm rumbling overhead. This time, the attack was too much. Niyane crumbled, her life gone, before a light flashed, and she rose, blinking in confusion.

The Imperiate stepped forward immediately, clapping her hands, and separating the two. Aislana curtsied once more to Niyane, and turned to face the Imperiate. "I've done what I wanted. The rest is up to Niyane."

Nodding slowly, the Imperiate beckoned to Niyane, and the Senate retired to their chambers. With the six Senators and the Imperiate and Niyane enclosed for an hour, the city returned to its duties. The Imperiate beckoned to Niyane to sit, and rubbed her temples.

"You, young lady, have caused this city a lot of trouble. You've been lectured, by friends, city, and House. I must ask. Have you any remorse for your actions?"

Niyane drew in a breath, knowing she could just answer yes, and this would likely go away, but she remembered her House's ideals now. Accountability, Responsibility, and Tolerance. "To be honest, I didn't at first. All I could see what I'd beaten the kid, as I'd set out to do. He'd asked for it, he deserved it."

The Imperiate frowned, sucking thoughtfully on her teeth a moment. "What changed your mind?"

Niyane shook her head. "It wasn't any one thing, or person, though the duel helped. I'd never really looked at it that way. Combat was just about winning, not what was fair, what was honorable. Respectful to my opponent. I respect Aislana for thinking of all of that."

Nodding her head, the Imperiate went silent a moment. She nodded once more as she asked, "Are you willing to apologize that novice you killed, and make it up to him? Apologize to the city, and make up to Aislana for having to kill a friend and city mate? For I believe she's your friend, to go through such lengths to save you from being cast from the city."

Niyane nodded her head, eyes cast to the floor as she spoke softly, "I'm willing, Imperiate. More than willing."

The Imperiate beckoned everyone to follow her, and they exited the chambers, and the city was summoned once more. The Imperiate looked out, facial expression extremely solemn as she spoke. "The council has decided. Niyane will receive a disfavor, and be banned from being a city aide for five years. She is to apologize post haste to the youngling she slew, as well as make another apology she's aware of."

Murmurs spread through the room, silencing quickly as the Imperiate raised her hand. Niyane stepped forward, and the normally vocal woman's voice was quite subdued. "I shamed my House and city with my actions, and didn't even see it at first. Aislana took the time to, well, humiliate me as well teach me. But I know it had to be done. I couldn't see what was in front of my face. So thank you, Aislana. And please accept my apology for putting you through this.

My beloved Cyrene, I humbly ask your forgiveness. My actions were totally against all of our ideals. This second chance you give me will not be wasted. I have learned, and will do my best to teach others what I have learned."

As she finished speaking, Niyane bowed, and stepped back. The crowd cheered their approval, and Aislana stepped forward, smiling. Together, the two girls walked off, talking about combative strategies that were fair to them and their opponents.