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By: Drauka Posted on: September 10, 2009


I write this down in the shadow of night.

Words no one will hear,

I must retell this tale...

of horrid history, faces grown pale,

faces that follow me, eyes glowing bright.

It is getting hard to sleep,

it is a story almost too sad to share.

This is just a way I can clear my mind,

I must get it out.

I must retain sanity.

I know all hope is up for me.

I know these words may not be all too kind,

yet I've faced horrible things...

and you must know what it's all about.

So, please excuse any mistakes in this

I may not have time to review,

or even finish all I have to say.

I hope finish and stash this safely away

I am not one anyone would miss

but I would dearly desire

to learn from these mistakes, not make them anew.

When Joy Existed

It all began several years ago, I think.

(time runs together these days)

I was busy with my studies outside of Jaru,

(I miss eating fresh food)

ignorant of the world I was, so naive..

So much can happen in the time to wink.

You have nothing really at all.

I've come to realize this in oh so many ways...

I remember hearing about it, how it would make

all our lives better, finally!

Through all our diligent research, rituals, and studies

we have an idea how to leave these bodies!

We have a plan, we finally have a sound plan!

True freedom was at hand!

Not everything goes to plan, I'm afraid.

It could not have ended more horribly.

You may never hear of her, yet she is quite famous,

at least in our little cabal.

She is of great intellect and Chaos understanding.

she works long hours; her rituals demanding.

She is a tireless model of what I'd like to be,

at least I did then, now you wouldn't believe.

She performed an unapproved high risk experiment.

Shakira led us all our grave eternal.

Nowhere To Hide, Nowhere To Run

While I do not know the details of what happened,

I am quite aware of the result.

For some reason, she turned into a beast of destruction,

no longer her self, we had no protection.

Some of the elders thought they found a error,

thought they could complete the ritual and save her.

They failed just the same, killing us all,

killing their own families, we had lost our fold.

Our cabal was in ruins, maybe we never understood anything,

were we wrong about Chaos the whole time?!

Is everything I grew up to know all a lie?

Yet, now is not to think, I must now survive,

I run as quick as a can, half-regret now when I sleep.

If I stayed behind, I would be dead, I know, I've seen

our own killed by our own.

Toying with Chaos, punishment to fit the crime?

I am not sure where to go next. I am lost from my world.

I know no one. I have nothing.

I am hungry. I am tired. I am alone. I am afraid.

Everyone I know is now dead or chaotically insane.

I will try to head East, Shallam may offer shelter.

They have been helpful when we needed it before,

they should be able to take me in and help.

I am without hope, but I must keep breathing.

(I'll continue this again tomorrow, hopefully in a warm bed

for these dark times in the city of Light. I'm hiding this,

just in case... someone must know what happened here.)