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By: Mardosi Posted on: September 30, 2009

The following letters were written by a Shallamese orphan who was rescued from Tasur'ke, and sent to Shallam to live in the orphanage. The letters mention not the name of the addressee, though it is know that is implied that he was constantly traveling.

6 Ero, 370 AF

Hi! Remember me? I can read and write now. They taught me at the orphanage, and the Matrons gave me a stationary kit for my birthday. I'm going to write all of my other friends that you helped. I can't way to see what they write back. Handel let's me sing in the choir with the other orphans. They are nice. Handel says I can be a really good bard one day, if I practice more. Maybe you can come hear me sing.

Write me back! Hal


1 Sarapin, 371 AF

Happy New Year! And thank you for the presents. Handel thanks you too. Too bad you're not able to visit. You must be very busy. I would like to see you again sometime. I haven't gotten letters back from the kids you took to Ashtan. The matrons say it's because they weren't really my friends, and that I should forget about them. I don't believe that though. Have you heard from them?

Let me know, Hal


23 Mayan, 373 AF

The city was attacked again. Mhaldor is relentless. I don't understand why they attack us. We're peaceful and friendly, and everyone is so nice. Handel and the Matrons say that it's because they're evil and the sparks of light in their hearts haven't been lit. I feel sorry for them. Thank you for the food you sent from Cyrene. It's nice to have something that the Matron's didn't cook.

Thanks, Hal


5 Lupar, 374 AF

Oh my goodness, they killed Handel! And they smiled about it! I saw him; the killer came down on a beam of light, and robbed the kid who was in the library. He must not have been paying attention, because he wasn't doing anything to defend himself. After that, he just walked into the Choir Room and killed Handel and the other kids! I managed to hide... somehow he didn't see me. Or maybe he did, and decided not to kill me too. After he finished, he smiled! How can people be so cruel? I know Handel and the others will be back, but it must have been so painful...

I'll write you again when I'm feeling better, Hal


13 Glacian, 376 AF

Sorry I haven't written in so long. I've been away from the choir for a while now, and have taken up work in the city. I deliver things to the citizens who need them, and I also help the guards with their work. They really appreciate the help. One of them even asked if I want to join the town guard. I declined, though. I think I'm going to travel to Thera. Someone here mentioned some sort of trial that will help me find myself...

We'll talk once I'm back, Hal


6 Ero, 377 AF

I've gone through the Trial of Rebirth! I feel like an entirely new person! I only remember bits and pieces of things before the trial, but I do remember how you saved me from my life on the streets of Tasur'ke with those other rascals. That remained clear to me always. Thank you again for saving my life and helping me find a good home. I've now a priest within the Empyreal Assembly, and I will be studying the ways of the light to try and put an end to all of the evil I've seen in the world.

With Pleasure, Hal


Date Unknown

Oh, hell. Bloody hell. They told me what happened to the kids in Ashtan. They told me I was old enough to know the truth. You didn't know about that, did you? What they do to them? Of course you didn't, you wouldn't do that. You're a good person, a good man. This is so sad, horrid! I... I'll write you later.



Date Unknown

Now I know why you haven't been visiting. Why didn't tell me you had become an Occultist? You weren't one when you saved me, I think. I know you're a good person, so you should definitely believe me when I say Occultism is bad. It works to undo all of the deeds that good people like you and I do. I strongly urge you to reconsider your choice of class... and your choice of Home! Ashtan? I told you what they do to the children there, right? How could you choose to live somewhere so despicable? You're a good man, don't fall prey to the temptation of Chaos! It's wicked! It's going to destroy all of Creation and you with it. Please, friend. Do not continue down this path. Seek the Holy Light of Creation.

May the Light Redeem you



10 Aeguary, 390

It's been a while since I've written you, but I wanted you to know that I saw you today. My allies felled you and your wicked kindred before my very eyes. Do you not tire of such? It is our goal only to show you the perils of the powers that you wield. We do not have to be enemies. If only you would see that! You were a good man once. You can be that man again. Join me, join my allies. Repent your misdeeds, and cast away the abominable and destructive force that's taken you! I only tell you this for your own good. I do not wish to see you slaughtered by the Guardians of Light again. But I cannot protect you if you continue to wield powers that destroy creation.




15 Mayan, 423 AF

I strongly suggest you read the newly penned codex of light. Perhaps then you'll understand your folly.



Date Unknown.

Old friend, I have failed both you, and myself. I have seen many horrors in my life, but what you have done is one of the greatest. And now, the very power you sought to master has destroyed you. Why would you not heed my warnings? Why did you HAVE to be so blind, so ignorant? That you, someone with so much potential for good, have destroyed your own life to achieve some sort of 'greater enlightenment' preached by fools who hide in shadows and prey on the weak is foolish. This final message you left me means nothing! "You will one day understand, even if it's in the very end."? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I won't understand. I'll never understand this. What the hell is so great that you'd give your life for it?

I am confused so confused...




The merchant's (who has been identified as Azel), replies are currently being sorted and prepared for publication.