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By: Sobriquet Posted on: January 28, 2010

Soft, velvet textured foliage brushed against her feet with each tentative step through the undergrowth. A cacophony of noises enveloped her hearing, slightly unnerving her, yet keeping her calm in the knowledge that she wasn't alone.

Regardless of what creatures lay hidden, she wasn't alone.

The thick canopy overhead from the surrounding oaks caused slim rays of bright sunshine to cascade down onto the forest floor, the shadows dancing around her booted feet at the whim of the breeze. Drawing a deep breath, she hoisted her doe-skin quiver into a more comfortable position across her shoulders, waved the loose strands of jet black hair from her face, and set of further into the jungle. She paused as she heard the silence hit, standing steadfast amongst the ferns; the chattering of the birds had stopped. With deft precision she unfolded her wings and brought her crossbow over her left shoulder, raising it to her chin, a bolt cocked and aimed into the shadows. The soft sound of hooves against the grassy floor filtered through into the clearing, followed quickly by the heavy, equine snorting.

A deep voice bluntly pushed it's way through the shadows, "Cephenrenia..."

"Father Ehud!" She replied "I thought the Congregation had retired you gracefully into ritual preparation"

With the gentle padding of hooves the shadow slowly began to emerge from behind the great oaks. A subtle, somewhat elegant silhouette preceded by the stark, crimson eyes of the Blood steed. Towering over her, gazing down from his mount, he seemed to cast more than just the dark shadow she could see stretching out across the ground as he made his way towards her. The air grew chilled and her skin felt the unnerving ripple of icy cold wind brushing past.

Father Ehud was Mhun, and held the position of Messiah of the Damned of the Blood Congregation in Mhaldor for over 60 years, he had also established himself as a strong force within city politics as a Viceroy. Although he didn't appear to look a day older than his 122 years, Ehud had a enigmatic reputation, and was said to be a fellow of few words, using his excellent vocabulary to bring his point across. Either that or a dismissive wave towards Red Square.

His dark, blood-red chain mail bore the Divine coat of arms of Lord Shaitan, and shimmered with a pearlescent tint as he moved. Pulling the reigns of his formidable steed, he stood side-on to her, his bright bone-carved shield resting across one thigh and the solleret from his armour set firmly into the stirrup. Cold, icy-blue eyes seemed to cut through her as his gaze fell upon her face.

"The Arcadian Royalty thought of you so little they send you down here to die?", he said

She calmly kept her crossbow aimed towards Ehud's chest, and pivoted around the imposing stead to face him head on.

"As you serve the requests of your Lords, I serve Arcadia's royalty".

A snort of derision came from under Ehud's breath, before he dismounted and stood face to face with her, his imposing size blocking her view to the woodland behind. Anger crossed his face and his hot breath could be felt against her cool skin.

"You dare to compare Lord Shaitan and Lord Apollyon to a King and Queen who hide in the clouds and hardly utter two words to each other?" He took a step back slightly, calmed his steed and pulled the shirt sleeve from his right arm up to his elbow.

"Your loyalty is to be admired, even if it is misplaced".

With a stolid look across his face, Father Ehud pulled a dark, ceremonial dagger from his waistband and drew the blade across his forearm, slicing the old scars and letting the claret liquid in his veins drip to the floor. With each drip of fiery blood, the undergrowth wilted, charred to the spot where the droplets rest. A bright, blood-red flame rose from the ground, growing larger and wider to form a fiery pentagon, shimmering not more than a foot from the ground.

Without warning, a winged daemonite burst through the fiery outline and hovered close to Father Ehud's right shoulder, and within the blink of an eye, the flame-red shape had imploded upon itself.

"Your tricks are impressive, Father" Cephenrenia said with a wry smile, keeping the crossbow sight firmly trained . "But your pact with evil does little to unsettle me, these eyes have seen much"

Without a hint of emotion crossing his face, almost in a trance like state, he bowed his head and began to mumble under his breath. Cephenrenia turned sharply as a light crackling sound began to filter through the bushes, and a warm sensation followed. The woodland began to wilt and shrivel in front of her, carving a path from which a flaming Baalzadeen emerged. Standing close to six feet tall, the fiery, blood-red creature echoed his Masters outline. The face was tort and twisted with evil, and searing red skin licked with an orange hued flame. Large hands hang from the end of his thickly built arms with each fingertip tinged with fire.

Cephenrenia took a step back, the stench of slow-burning undergrowth mixed with the smell of charred flesh making her gag. Composing herself, she brought a platinum whistle to her lips and blew. No audible noise was heard but within seconds the forest canopy parts and a noble hippogriff, complete with resplendent ivory and leather armour, descended to her side. Standing proud, the noble steed moved to defend her, placing her bulk between her mistress and Father Ehud.

"Steady yourself, Armia" Cephenrenia whispers, before turning her gaze forward "She remembers our previous encounter, Father"

Father Ehud growled and pointed his outstretched hand towards Armia, stroking her flesh with his fingertips. She writhed in pain as her milky white skin began to wither and decay at his touch. A look of concentration swept across his face. "She feels your agony too, Cephenrenia" He said "However, Mhaldor calls me for now. Keep your wits about you, I shall return to finish this matter soon"

He instantly transforms into cloud of fine black mist, dispersing through the forest, quickly followed by his fearsome entourage.