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Revision as of 06:33, 20 March 2017

By: Jiraishin Posted on: February 07, 2010

I. It surely is no accident

Candlemas, the last Lorewarden

Chose as home the deep Azdun

Rich in knowledge and in portent.

Ancient lore and hidden wonders

Open secrets passed around

All these wait in Azdun Dungeon

Light and dark and underground.

II. There I saw a mirrored hall

There was a man behind the glass

His desperate eyes spoke of his hell

He struggled on, yet remained trapped.

I turned away and left the room

His soundless screams still lingered on

I heard a miner hum a tune

Light and dark and off-key song.

III. I saw the zombies down below

The ghouls and ghasts and smirking wraiths

I saw them, knew them for my fellows

I could not turn and walk away.

I died and prayed and lived once more

How many, many, times I've bled

And to Azdun then returned

Light and dark and living dead.