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By: Caecilius Posted on: November 21, 2005

-=Another Achaean Play=-


(Marik gathers lumber at dawn. The woods are dark. Little light can be seen. Marik is wearing rags.)

Marik: How dull is sun while honour Fills my master's barded face While he recalls the days of past And glories of the men as In the galls of Logos people Went and when a single death Meant more than words could tell.

Before the world has split And demons came abroad, The life has different been For men, for plants and surely for the gods I wish my eyes could fill with tears Of time when Maya laid Nicator's staff Upon the champions arms And when Vertani came across the planes With their cubes of dread But even then, the life went on And laughter echoed through cerulean skies While joy has filled their faces In a world of beauty…

(Picks up another dead piece of wood.)

There times have passed forever No deity is strong enough to bring them back And as I speak the last of Paladins Is leaving there day of eternal pain To cross the river of the dead and Meet his long dead friends,

Today, he promised, to tell the Final story of his life Before the days of Cursed Spawn Before the death of love.

(Puts away the axe, enter a small wooden cottage.)

Act I

Scene 1

(Knight in full plate enters the stage, followed by an archer in serpentine scales. The area resembles a wood with a little wooden cottage in the middle. A campfire is burning outside.)

Hondoras: And thou arest indeed sure that This is where your friends seeks refuge. To meh it looks more like a robbers Den than house of noble warrior.

Poliniz: I am most certain, Paladin. And though this is no larger than a Merchant's shop, I have no Slightest doubt that here we'll Find great Amis of Hashan.

Hondoras: Now tell meh, serpent, who is this We're seeking. He'd better beth A man of trust if we are to take Him on our journey. Those manticores are the most Horrifying beasts I hope I'd ever Have to lay my eyes upon And if one of thou chooses then To fly, I'd rather go in by myself

Than fall with naked back.

Poliniz: Thou have my word, the man Of whom we're speaking has Lions living in his spirit. He bled as many times for my discretion Life as bow of mine has fired.

Hondoras: A son of Rahamala he must beth Indeed, if thou are telling truth. And even though a serpent, I will Take thou's word, young soldier of The dreadful lands of north.

(Amis enters from behind holding lumber under his left arm and a dead wolf on his right shoulder.)

Amis: The man your speaking to has earned My trust and means more to me Than world save wife and daughter.

(They turn around.)

But, hail! Who are ye, if you Don't mind saying.

Hondoras: My name is Hondoras. I am a former Paladin Shallam's, descendent of Great Manu and a son of light. I cometh to though because of a Grand concern that your friends hath Laid upon my shoulders.

A child is very ill, the plague has Filled her mind. She is more of a Demon than a girl. Her eyes have Turned to satin while her nails are Smoking with infernal flame.

Kortoxian had a look at her and said There could be only little hope to Bring her mind to saneneth once again He asked for gold and boiling blood of Manticores grand leader in change for Syrup that can cleanse her body And her mind.

Amis: T'is is a tragedy indeed, in which We are but puppets. But son of Light, excuse my recklessness, I cannot come with you, I have a Business of my own. The tailor Will be here in day or two and If I don't have enough furs, My family will starve.

Poliniz: O Amis. The girl we speak of you Do know so well.

Amis: T'is so? Who be this wicked Child you speak of?

Hondoras: It'd be a virgin of Hashan, Named after once great mage Whose death hath shaken pillars of Our hopes and almost crushed the Ever living doom upon us

Poliniz: (interrupting) Name is Gora.

(Amis lets the wolf and the lumber fall as he descends on the earth.)

Amis: (whispering) My only child…

Hondoras: We must depart at once if we're to Reach the caves at time. The Horses will be ready as we Shallth cross Delosian Bridge by morrow. From there it is but chance That hold your daughters threat Of life uncut, but by divines, O Lady Miramar, I shall not Let the rings of scissors touch. It is my duty and my omen, To help the weak and the exhausted And even though the blood of honours Flows within thou veins And even though thou muscles couldth Break the mithril alloys of my blade You are both, feeble and fatigued, And thus, by Lady, I shall follow thou.

Amis: I don't know if I can. Perhaps those are The cogs of time or wages of fate, But I don't know. Oh Lady Maya, why my daughter? Why does this plague befalls Our lands and takes away our children? Not even Sartan can be evil so to take Away our rays of light!

(Poliniz kicks him between the ribs.)

Poliniz: Alas, great warrior is weeping like a Child. Who are you, monk or mouse? The Paladin is right! The time is short.

Amis: O sands of time are forming dunes Of destiny…

Poliniz: Be still, you wimp. The child's in Danger. This is no time and if You have a chance to save her, Take it!

Amis: The sun goes down and so are Forces of my wife. Nilia, sweet Nilia. If we shall fail not even Her great dwarven heart will take it. I cannot lose them both. The dusk of our era is reaching it's Most nocturne state. I sense that This plague is but a beginning of Some much greater burden on our Lives. But on my friends, no monk, No snake around shall see it.

(Stands up)

Alas! The day is reaching it's own fate, And night will soon take over. Let us be swift before the thieves And wolves will open hunt for us While we shall head to Delos!

Poliniz: It's time!

Hondoras: We shall move on! (Everybody leaves but Amis. He picks up a little stone and puts it in his pocket.)

Amis: (quietly) … to our final destination.

Scene 2

(Hashan. Room of War. Regent's standing at window. Drazik's sitting at the table in the middle.)

Katia: I would presume the raid is Over.

Drazik: I'd say it is indeed.

Katia: It is but luck that kept us going Through this fight. Outnumbered We were and are yet indeed. T'is Long since I have seen a massacre Like this.

Drazik: Aha! Those bloody raiders cost us Crates of gold. The Crown of Ithmia, Hah! If this continues we will have To sell the walls and make a living of them For us, the great leaders.

Katia: Do not be foolish. My minions Can go on. The enemy's no match To us! It's but for other houses, Whose heads can't give orders To their troops.

They should just thank me and the Gods, for my engagement as a regent And your most honoured work.

Drazik: Your speaking truth! They're nothing But the scum of streets with Those minuscule ideas in their minds. Removing their corpses causes much More trouble, than their skill of fight.

Democracy! What good is it to Me, who Reached the top already. They need Commands and iron fists to clean their Minds from thoughts of liberty. It's But for Us, superior beings, who Shall rule over this havoc.

Katia: How right you are once more, the Ruler of Hashan till end of time.

(a young soldier storms into the room)

Katia: How dare you break our strategic Meeting.

Soldier: Most Noble Lord, most trusted regent. Forgive me for my rudeness, the second Wave is coming. Swishowski's forces Have already taken gold of gates.

Katia: As you have just perceived, Milord. Here is the second wave you were Expecting.

Soldier: You are a master tactician, Sire. It Is an honour to serve you. Only a fool like I Could have thought that the siege Was over!

(bows and leaves the stage)

Drazik: Ary! Time to kill those swines and Remind me about this little man once later.


Act II

Scene 1

(Amis leads the troop through a paths in Ithmia. Poliniz and Hondoras follow him behind.)

Hondoras: Thou friend sure knowth the woods, As for a citizen of Crown. If Amis doeth not slow his pace We'll soon be lying, choking, on The leaves of bloodroot.

Polyniz: Aye, t'is been a long since I've Seen him cleansing through the forests. It is but for life of Nilia and Gora. But tell me, paladin, You have a wife?

Hondoras: No, no, dear Sir. Like many men I lead a life of quite desperation. My armor shines like sun and Many have I slain, But when it comes to woman's heart, I'm nothing but a mouse. Though might not note it now, but It's a spleen I feel, like arrows Cutting through my veins, on every Darkened morrow rise, when Loneliness comes hither.

I searched for love, but found just disappointment In giving soul and heart to the most fairsome Lady, which was already taken.

Polyniz: Well tell me of her, knight.

Hondoras: She was the fairest tale my eyes have Ever read with voice that has diminished Singing of the birds and laughter of The woods. Her gentle skin was softer Than the silks of our Jewel, while Her breath perfumed the deadly Fumes of roaming death around me. And as she rode her pearl white steed, A daughter of the banker, yes she was Indeed, her dark-blond ringful hair Has slashed through elemental air. Not being larger than a common dwarf Her absence and rejection of my love, Still leaves my heart in scars of agony.

Polyniz: Ah, knights. You are all like a band Of brothers, you know one, you'll Recognize the other.

Though noble and well trained, you are Still very young. As time goes on, you'll To cope with minor matters, like a Silly woman's heart, who knows no More than showing off with men of Her's among her bloody friends.

Hondoras: Thou speakth a lie! My lady is much More than skin and flesh, she's but an Angel landing on this sinful worlds To sing her godly song.

Polyniz: Nonsense! You'll learn to lead your Melancholic fits into the dungeons of Inferno. This is a dialog of brain and Heart that we are leading.

Take my advice, young knight, your Only digging your own trap by giving In to woman's smile, her shine of Eyes or other of her filthy tricks. They Are but hawks who seek the prey for Their daily comforts and after that They leave you to the scavenger named Feelings. If you are to be victorious In battles of this type go take the Scabbard while it is still fresh and after Time, as fun will turn to trouble, find Another one to once again serve as a Sheath to your great sword!

Hondoras: I might be young, well possibly naïve And though areth right, I'm led by soul Rather then mind, but if your words are True, how come that we are running.

Amis: (screaming) The town of Delos is In sight!


Scene 2

(Vertani fortress. Throne room. The Lord holds council. Lord, four sages and messenger are on stage.)

Sage1: Our encampment's growing steadily.

Sage2: The balance on resources still remains In plus.

Sage3: No raids this week.

Sage4: We have the cure for the us Threatening plague.

(Lord nods)

Lord: How are our relations to the outside World?

Sage2: All cities now went neutral. Shallam is Still supporting us where can, Ashtan Is still biting its lips and Mhaldor Has not yet figured out what happened.

Lord: Tell me, who is the strongest state, Who has the largest army and where Could we seek allies if one shall Breach our walls?

Sage3: That we are not sure of.

(Lord nods)

Lord: Than call me 7 of your most trusted Men.

Sage1: Milord.

(Sage1 goes to the messenger and whispers something, the messenger runs out of the room)

Sage4: Why seven, Lord. Please tell us of Your thought.

Lord: Can you not think, Demetricus?

Sage4: Well, I might have some ideas on It.

Sage1: We'll send in spies dressed as our priests.

Sage2: Who'll act as if they want to spread Our culture and beliefs.

Sage3: But will keep their eyes wide open.

Sage4: 6 for each city of these lands.

Lord: And one for Delos.

(Messenger enters with 7 Vertani with staves.)

Lord: In the name of the Vertani Empire, I Suspend a task on your behalf. Consider it being an honour, that you Are permitted to work on this most Important task. Shall you fail, I Shall personally burn down your homes and See your families flee into the woods. Demetricus will give you the objectives.

Spies: Yes, Milord.

(start leaving)

Lord: (speaking to Vertani in red) For you Accoris, I have a special task.

(He claps his hands. Everyone but Accoris leaves)

Accoris: (kneeling) My liege?

Lord: I knew your brother before I Could count till ten. He was A true imperial Mage and a Man, who earned more trust Of mine than I can think of.

Accoris: He fought like a wolf, my liege.

Lord: Indeed, but now he is gone and There is nothing that could ever Return him to us.

Accoris: I'm not sure that I understand, my liege?

Lord: I need somebody else to be my Guard. I could announce a turnier And appoint the champion as my New right hand, but I shall not do So. You and your brother have the Same blood flowing through your veins, And, indeed, he talked of you with Pride.

Accoris: It's an honour to serve you, my liege.

Lord: Now, now. Do not be too hasty. I cannot appoint someone by a Simple clap of hands for such an important Position and thus I will bestow a quest On you.

It will not be an easy task, but I Believe in you. It's a mission with No return for the next few decades And I'm afraid, I cannot permit You meeting your family before The objective is accomplished. Would You accept those conditions, son?

Accoris: I am ready to die for the glory of The Empire and the prosperity of our Citadel.

Lord: Very well, but I need you alive, Understood?

Accoris: Yes, my liege!

Lord: Very well. (sigh) I'm sending you on a journey, Accoris, A long, long journey.

Your destination is Hashan, where you Will do everything possible to earn The thrust of the citizens and gain Access to the council. You shall Join the city's guard and help The common folk. You are more than Trained for it. Do you know anything about Hashan?

Accoris: It's one of the grand cities on this Continent. Located in north eastern Reaches of Ithmian forest. Named The "The Crown of Ithmia" after it's location.

Lord: Indeed. (nods)

However, much more important is it's Current conflict with Ashtan. Hashan Is on a bring of war. The current Seneschal, Drazik, might well let It come to the worst. The streets are Already covered with bodies of both Sides. This is just what we want. If our troops shall ever reenter this Plane, Hashan would be a great ally. Not even it's neutrality will keep It from falling under our control, If and only if, we will have our Man in their government. And this Is precisely your mission.

It shall not be simple, but the Empire believes in you.

(He stops for a second and gives a parchment to Accoris.)

Give this to the quartermaster and he'll provide You will all the necessary equipment For your journey. Now let me be By myself. Be ready to part by the Morrow. It will be the last occasion For questions to be asked.

Accoris: My lord. (stands up) It's an honour.


Scene 3

(Marik gathers the lumber)

Marik: Six years have past since my master's Parture into halls of dead. His tomb Has grown with moss and soon will sink Into the darkness of the waste that Falls on our lands by bits with everyday.

Like fleas it hides behind our eyes But day by day, it grows and drinks More and more of our juices.

Alas, good master! Your death has comn On time, for even halls dead are Like a paradise in our lives, but I Have sworn to fight when my time Comes and yet I am a living dead already.

The Spawn is growing larger and these Little people can be nothing but his slaves, But yet I sworn to my freedom And to tell the story of your life.

(stands up)

And time shall come when I'll fulfill My duty to the dead.


Scene 1

(Mountain range. Top. Hondoras and Poliniz standing next to a wooden pedestal. On it lies Amis, eyes closed, holding a red ribbon belt in his hands, wrists resting on his chest. Hondoras stands with a burning torch in his left hand.)

Poliniz: Complete the ritual, paladin.

(Hondoras solemnly makes a slow nod closing his eyes in the process.)

Hondoras: As the flames of our mutually bound bodies Extinguishes, the everlasting ethereal fire Of our souls engrowth. Thou hath offered Your life for the life of your child, by Taking, our path of doom, but though hath Not yet lost the infinite existence. The trinity Is no more and our fellowship ends here, Grand Amis.

Thou shall knowst that your offer will Not go unnoticed. Your daughter will Be saved, dear friend, whatever the cost We'll have to carry.

(lays 1st coin in Amis' left hand)

In Lady Miramar's name, I beg the ferryman Of fate to carry you across.

(lays 2nd coin in Amis' right hand)

In Lady Miramar's name, I forgive you all the Evils you've done, though of doing or passed your Ears over without kneeling to the Garden.

(takes a thin stick and breaks it into two placing the first half below Amis'es hands, the second breaking again into two, gives one to Poliniz and placing the second in his vest.)

Poliniz: (placing a red plate next to Amis' feet) The manticore that took your life is now No more and Lady Kresis takes away your Duty of retaliation. The retribution has Been done for you. Now the devil that Has pierced your leathers is at you feet. Do not be tense, we will continue fighting.

I shall part to Hashan at once.

(takes the torch from Hondoras, lays beneath the woods. Flames cover the pedestal.)

Farewell, brethren.

(leaps onto his steed and gallops away at full speed.)

Hondoras: (looking at the cloud of dust and slowly disappearing figure of Poliniz) Take care, brother…

(Hondoras looks around and breathes in the fresh mountain air. A touch of coolness tickles his hair as he stares into the far. He focuses his eyes on Amis, draws his sword and kneels to him, while laying all his weight over the sword before him)

In the name of Lady Miramar and by the Powers given to me through the Holly Church, The Order of the most honourful Paladins and The Pearl City of Shallam, I perform this Last ritual to your name and dispatch thou Body from your soul, sending it to it's Final destination and the eternal salvation.

By the devotion of my brothers and Sisters of the Holly Order, I remove the Final entanglements of your deeds… Thou shall not part forgotten, By the will of Lady and her servants, I shall Perform this chorale…

(quietly sings his prayers.)

Scene 2

(Dark stage, Deep male voice with soft accent.)

Male Voice: And the dragoon knight rode on as cold Winds of Chronos whistles pass his ear. He shivered, but the first time in His life an inner warmth of his heart kept The spirits high.

(A cough of a little boy or girl can be heard. Feeble voice of a little girl rings through the air)

Feeble Voice: But wasn't he afraid to ride through Ithmia Alone in night. Mummy says, that there are many Evil monsters in Ithmia.

Male Voice: Of course he was, but he had a mission and The life of the princess was only in his hands. With a promise on his shoulder he had the Strength and the courage of twenty trolls.

Feeble Voice: But… but even trolls are afraid of dark.

Male Voice: And so are you little princess? I'll give you This gem. It's a present from my elder brother. I want you to have it. Take it in your Hands and say "Al'lices".

Feeble Voice: (cough) Al'lices!

(Dim blue light overfloods the room. A simple bed stands in the far corner. Little girl lies there. Next to her sits Accoris.)

Male Voice: You see now. There's no need to be afraid, my Little Gora.

Gora: It's so beautiful…

(Gora pulls the little gem closer to her chest and turns to the wall, cuddling below the blankets.)

Accoris: (smiling) I will return by noon, sleep for now and you Will feel better before the cocks will sing their Songs.

Gora: But you didn't finish the story yet, Master Accoris.

Accoris: All to it's time, All to it's time, Gora

Gora: Good night (yawns and falls asleep)

Accoris: Night, little princess, your story is far from Over…

(covers her with another blanket. Exeunt)

Scene 3

(Encampment. Mercenaries pass by the scene. Orders can be heard in the far. The Tower of Elements of Hashan can be seen on the horizon. In the middle, a table covered with maps. Two men, Swishowski and Polyniz stand pointing at different locations. Swishowski's wearing a mage robe with reinforced protection vest. Elemental staff gently lies on the tree.)

Swishowski: Right, let me get this straight, you are Asking me to give you a cover while you deliver The vial to Kartoxian and therefore risk the Lives of my men without even being aware of His presence in Hashan. You cannot be serious?!

Poliniz: Absurd, isn't it? But I've sword to a dieing Friend.

Swishowski: Who appeared to be a Hashani monk.


Look, Poliniz, I know how much your promise means To you, but remain sane, we cannot do it.

Hashani troops are reforming, the mages have set A cataclysm in the area, the monks have sunk Into their concentration and the serpents are Just waiting for us to reappear, lurking in their Shadows.

If we strike now, we will never get the Chance to leave again. Apart from that we are Waiting for the reinforcements to arrive.

Poliniz: Surely you could give me some sort of aide?

Swishowski: Indeed, I can give you a good advice, Poliniz.

Come back to the real world! The only thing which Awaits you in Hashan is your own doom. You Are an enemy t them, just like everyone else in this Camp and I are your allies. If you even Try to put your feet unto their grounds… well, You know what will happen.

Just think about it. You are risking your life For a Hashani, whom you don't even know, who Might already be dead and who might give You to the guards as soon as you appear. You Are committing a suicide without knowing it.

Want another advice? Join my forces and you Will get everything your heart desires… Gold, Fame, women! It can all be yours. Just think about it for a minute… You are A good warrior, Poliniz, I'd be very grateful To lead you into the next assault.

(little pause)

Poliniz: I have sworn and…

Swishowski: Right, I see, you want it to go the hard way, Let me propose a little deal to you.

Poliniz: I'm all yours.

Swishowski: There is a secret entrance to Hashani sewers. I know it from the times when I used to bash There with a fellow Sorcerer. If you join my Army after completing your task, I will give you The directions.

Poliniz: If there's no other way, then tell me where this entrance Is.

Swishowski: Good… You there! Come here! (Man enters)

Man: General?

Swishowski: Get me a carrier pigeon, I need to contact someone.

Man: Yes, General!


Act IV

Scene 1

(Katia waiting amongst the blue fogs of the Erreptor Street, Hashan. Soldier nears her.)

Soldier: Lady Katia! (bow/kneel)

Katia: Bad news again?

Soldier: Not in the least, Lady!

Katia: How so? Has Swishowski put his hands to rest or Has Drazik been accepted by Hashan at last? What News have you brought to me, dear.

Soldier: We have captured one of the enemies.

Katia: Execute him immediately.

Soldier: But, Lady, it's…

Katia: How dare you speak against me? You doubt my Orders? Who are you, minion, to go against a Member of the council and the leader of Serpentlords?!

Soldier: Milady…

Katia: Your doing it again, are you not, dear? Do you need some Serous punishments and discipline? How dare you Insult me, my house and everything I stand for?

Soldier: It's Poliniz, Lady…

Katia: Poliniz the who?

Soldier: Poliniz of Shadowsnakes, we caught him in the old Quarters…

Katia: Why didn't you tell me this earlier? Are you Completely stupid or do you just like playing A food? Where are you from, dear?

Soldier: Delos, Lady.

Katia: I knew it. Surely a son of some jester and A stable girl, correct?

Soldier: (smirks) I'm a Serentesh's grandson…

Katia: A bloody idiot! That what you are and now Bring me this scumbag!

Soldier: Yes, Lady!

(walks away)

Katia: Poliniz, Poliniz, Poliniz…

(claps her hands together)

Who could be more appropriate to the situation we are In, but Poliniz… (grins) Poliniz, most welcome to Hashan, you'll like it here, Before we chop of head of yours and place it on the Crossroads of the grand…

Poliniz, the last witness of the unwitnessable. It is Upon time to seal this knowledge in his grave, For I shall not retreat and give away the power Granted to Me by My words.

When shall I, if not now pour poisons in the food Of my beloved Poliniz…

The secrets will become a never retold legend and My will shall flourish.

(The soldier enters with Poliniz in cuffs)

Soldier: To your order, Lady Katia, the prisoner is under Your custody.

Katia: I know…

Soldier: Permission to leave, Lady.

Katia: Denied, you will stay here for a while longer.

Soldier: Yes, Milady!

Katia: Hush! … well, well… what can you say in your defense, Poliniz…

Poliniz: I think you've put on some weight, honey.

Katia: Speak what you wish. Noone will hear your wretched Tongue ever again, my dear.

Poliniz: That's fine by me, just make it quick. It's been Seven years since we last met , and I still tend to Get those headaches from your voice, however, it's good That you kept your good, old bad habits of calling Everybody "dear".

Katia: Be still and tell me when and where you've Entered Hashan!

Poliniz: Hard to complete them both at the same time, but if you Ask me in this manner, I bribed one of your sleeping guards And walked down the Road to Eternity at dawn.

Katia: Then you went to the old city, killed the Vertani Missionary, got caught by my best men…

Poliniz: And quickly robbed each treasure vault of Sapience…

Katia: And while attending to my office, you have slain Another Hashani citizen and a member of the guard… (grins) Guards! (Soldier comes closer)

Soldier: Yes, Lady.

Poliniz: (Jumping and tripping over the cuffs)Nooo! Run you idiot!

Katia: (ticking with her tongue) Ta-ta, too late you imbecile! (comes close to the guard)

Soldier: Milady?

(Katia jumps up in the air and with a sleek move slits the throat of the guard.)

Milady… why? (drops on the floor dead)

Katia: And got caught by me, Poliniz… Stand up, you twit, the gallows will not wait Till dusk…


Scene 2

(Deep woods of Ithmia. Troop of armed men. Swishowski stands leaning on his staff)

Swishowski: (singing a child's song) Ding, dong, cut the snake's head Ding, dong, with a dagger cut it off Ding, dong, cut the snake's head Ding, dong, but the fangs are not yet dead

Ding, dong, follow the path of light Ding, dong, fight for freedom not delight Ding, dong, follow the path of light Ding, dong, and in the end you'll win…

Ding, dong…

(Mercenary approaches)

Mercenary: Chief!

Swishowski: Ding, dong, and we ride on…

Mercenary: Chief!

Swishowski: I'm not deaf, you nitwit. What is it?

Mercenary: There some strange man in dark robes Waiting for you.

Swishowski: Strange? In what way?

Mercenary: Well… Uh… tall, bigga than me!

Swishowski: A troll?

Mercenary: Dunno, but speaks funny!

Swishowski: Disarm him and bring him here.

Mercenary: Not armed, chief!

Swishowski: At night? In Ithmia? Strange indeed… Bring him here!

Mercenary: Yes, chief!

(Mercenary leaves)

Swishowski: Arox! To me!

(A small goblin comes up to him, wielding a dark shortbow)

Swishowski: I want your archer team to wait in these bushes. At My mark, I want you to fire your best score at this Sartan-junior…

Arox: Aye, cheef.

Swishowski: Just wait for the mark this time, ok?

Arox: I told you it wasn't me the last time, cheef. The Arrow just appeared from nowhere!

Swishowski: And killed my cat…

Arox: Tough luck, cheef! Must be a sign!

Swishowski: They're coming. Get in those bushed, before the Sign will twist a giraffe out of you.

(goblin hides)

Greetings stranger (mercenary enters with a cloaked man) And welcome to my camp! Take a seat! (the cloaked figure nods and sits down) Who are you?

Figure: No time for courtesy, General. My name is of no Importance. My race is a reason alone to be haunted…

Swishowski: T'is so?

Figure: Yessir.

Swishowski: Well, you are safe here, however I do no speak With people who are afraid of their own faces.

Figure: Very well then. (remove hood) Accoris of Vertani, at your service.

Swishowski: (jumping up) A Vertani!

Accoris: No time for this, General. I'm but a messenger And a runaway from your enemy.

Swishowski: Well?

Accoris: Here is a letter. I was told to give it to you Incase something happens.

Swishowski: Something happened?

Accoris: Read for yourself, General, I'm to head for home now. Be well.

Swishowski: (nods while staring at letter) Lead him out and do not chase him… Lower your bow, Arox.

Mercenary: To be done, chief!

Swishowski: Now, now… (removes the seal) To General Swishowski, Confidential…

(opens the letter, starts reading)

Hail comrade,

I'm writing this letter to you from the home Of a most noble lady, Nilia, the widow of My friend Amis. The security got tight Here and I do not believe that I can ever Make it out alive. Maybe you were right, Mate. Most probably, I'm being executed As you read this letter, but it doesn't matter Anymore. The Vertani told me who and what I Am. Nothing matters now…

I'm asking you for one last favour before my existence Will be nothing but another page of the book of Dead. Neither, Ashtan nor any other state, has A slightest idea of what grows beneath us. Not Even the Gods can predict the future now. If you Do not complete my task, there will be no tomorrow For the next generations.

Seek out the Paladin Hondoras and give him the ring From your left pocket… (Swishowski stops reading) Ring? (He grabs for his pocket and removes a ring with a missing gem.) What a crazy thing. (continues reading) This ring was given to me by my father and he got It from his father, who received it from Nicator himself. Until yesterday, it was nothing but a piece of jewellery To me, however now I understand and so will you as Time passes. Give it to Hondoras and tell him that The ring is his, but not for him. He should keep it, But he shouldn't take it with him. Do not tell him Anything else, not even "Hail". How you do it Is your problem, General, but it needs to be done, no Matter what it costs.

With these final lines, I announce that my ink is almost out, Just as are my forces,

I bid you fare well and safe travels.

Truly yours, Poliniz d'Ashtan

(Swishowski puts down the paper, ponders for a minute and calls to arms)



(Gate of Shallam. The walls have taunted black. The sky is crimson red and a dark cloud hovers above the city of light. Malik stands in the middle of the stage with his sword unshed. He is wearing Hondoras' platemail. Next to him a young lady, semi-tanned in white dress.)

And thus Poliniz laid his life to permit our future The time he gave us is now over and we have, but One last chance. By my masters blade I swear to Fight until the last drop of what once was called Blood and to besiege the inhumane creation of the human Envy.

(Exclaims to spectators. Light wind blowing from the left. The girl turns away from the stage and looks in the far.)

The time has comn! Today, we, the people of Achaea, shall pay our final Toll for the mistakes of our ancestors. Today we shall once again return the balance to Divines and make the evil perish. Today is the last day of our slavery and the last Day of the dead.

The time has comn for life to flourish, For love to be reborn and for justice's return. Though weary and entangled, our Lady Miramar, Will smile upon our last crusade and Lord Prospero Will recount his wealth before our Lord Neraeos Will once again sail on his ship. We cannot loose a Thing, but our half-dead bodies!

But today, be thou an orc, a man or dwarf, The blood'll be blood, the life'll be life, For we'll recall our mutual right to fight.

(The girl nears Marik and places her hand over his)

The virgin of Hashan and bearer of the gem Of truth, Please lead us on.

(He kneels to Gora placing his forehead next to her hand) (whispering) Lead us on, sweet Gora…

Gora: (takes a small gem from a coral necklace)

Al'lices and Sapience unites…

(Bright light pierces through the skies striking the ground and forming an aura around the stage)

(Curtains close…)

By Caecilius Azon