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By: Ayleth Posted on: August 17, 2012

The sun rose low over the horizon as the moon fell beneath it,

The ocean water stained with the colors of the coming dawn,

Clouds were scattered among the fading stars, whispering softly,

As they were nothing more than wisps of ivory against a painted canvas.

Swirling black clouds curled up from a single volcano,
A loud roar of contempt reverberating throughout the skies,
Signaling the wrath of the dragon roosting in the landmass,
Of the barren isle of Polyargos, harpies screaming in response.

Within the caverns of this volcanic, Cataclysmic home,
The red dragon, Yudhishthira, paced in utter irritation,
His sanguine scales gleaming in the dimly lit room,
As the black smoke of the volcano flared from his snout.

His tongue lashed out at the heated, sulfuric air,
A grimace apparent on his large, draconic snout.
"What is that taste among the air, what is it?
What is that horrible, horrible taste?" he wondered.

"It surely can't be the harpies, or the lepers,

Nor the mortals that do well to keep their distance."

He was angry, upset that he couldn't figure this out,

This feeling that something was awry somewhere near.

"Come; follow me to find out what is going on,
To see what the winged mortals have up their sleeves."
His wings stretched out, filling the cavern,
The dragon's glare falling on the wyverns.

With a curt nod, he dashed out of the volcano,
Taking flight into the painted canvas of the sky.
The sanguine scaled dragon flew over the mainland,
Disappearing among the small wisps of clouds.

As the great red dragon fled to the isle of Erymanthus,
The atavians that resided there were busy at work.
Caring for the sick and wounded from the battle last night,
Between themselves and the tritons whom followed the Seas.

Chenubis slithered and turned, keeping his eye on the mortals,

His tiger-like head turning, his wings flexing at any small sound,

Normally he would remain at the gates of the palace,

But this was an unusual day for them all, even the Guardian of Arcadia.

Yet, he couldn't quite place the apprehensive feeling of dread,
As to why he would be patrolling the streets of the grand city,
The city that is so greatly protected by the forests and caverns below,
And by the city guard and those who swore to protect their home.

The serpent's body pressed low to the ground, his blue eyes narrowing,
As the sound of an earth-shattering roar reverberated from above.
Was this the feeling of dread he was trying to shake from his mind,
Or was this a test to prove himself to the Lord of the Skies?

The ground shook beneath the atavian's feet, knocking few to the ground,
As the cobbled streets split in twain, magma flowing to the top.
The angered scream of the red dragon, Yudhishthira echoed throughout the city,
Calling to the residents to defend their home to the death.

The wounded cried out in fear and rushing around in a blind panic,

Not wanting to wander through the halls of the Mother to plead,

That their lives were not yet complete, not yet fulfilled,

To the standards of their Father, the Ruler of the Skies, the Lord Vastar.

In the pure and terrifying rage that the sanguine wyvern felt,
He lashed his tail, turning in a graceful circle despite his size,
Knocking the stones, the foundation of the dwellings around him,
Letting the buildings fall, crushing the panicked atavians that fled.

With an angered roar, great streaks of fire streamed from his mouth,
Setting the trees and plants within the city ablaze, no creature safe from his wrath.
He gave a satisfied snort, the black smoke billowing from his snout,
As he listened to the crackling and popping of the trees falling and burning.

His gaze turned to the flickering shadows, curious as to where the serpent resided,
Only to see nothing that would aid him, except to hear the loud hissing from a far.
A growl leapt up his throat, his limbs flexing as he took to the skies,
Observing the damage that he and his wyverns had caused.

Buildings lay in ruins, black smoke forming pillars in the skies,

As the plants and gardens continued to burn, leaving nothing but char.

Yudhishthira enjoyed the sounds of the winged mortals screaming,

The clamor nothing more than sweet music to his ears.

He turned his attention to the constant sound of the serpent,
Watching the creature slither and occasionally fly,
To the only standing building that his wyverns did not touch,
Not wanting to invoke the wrath of the Divine who ruled the skies.

He was not worried about this, and instead changed his course,
Landing in front of the winged serpent that protected Arcadia to death.
"It seems that your city has fallen, young serpent,
What is it that you wish to accomplish by retreating to this tower?"

"My only wisssh isss to dessstroy you, great dragon,
The terrorizer of my Lord's refuge for hisss creationssss."
The sanguine beast snorted in amusement, the smoke flowing from him,
His head shaking in disbelief at the words of Chenubis.

With another snort, the lesser dragon summoned flames from his belly,

The bright fire licking at the cobbled ground, forming a circle,

Around both him and the winged serpent of Arcadia who spoke boldly,

"Then we shall fight to the death," Yudhishthira spoke calmly.

With a quick lunge, a quick jab, the dragon's claws gleamed,
Ripping into a single wing of the guardian of Arcadia.
The serpent let loose an agitated hiss, blood coursing down,
Covering his white wings the same color as the dragon.

Chenubis returned the lunge, his pointed fangs exposed,
He attached his head to Yudhishthira's neck, latching on tight,
As he attempted to rip a chunk of his body from the scales,
The scales that protected the dragon from most physical harm.

Another earth-shattering roar left the dragon's red snout,
His wings flapping in excitement as he stood on his hind legs,
Stretching his neck out far as he shook his head violently,
Snorting in approval as the serpent released his grip.

The sound of weight hitting the side of the tower echoed,

The sanguine wyvern settling down before taking a deep breath.

As he exhaled again, instead of the air leaving his mouth,

A giant wall of flames licked the body of the serpent.

The giant winged serpent opened his mouth, releasing a scream of rage.
The air filled with the scent of singed fur,
As the serpent lunged again, his gaze not leaving the dragon,
Only to be met with the dragon's red tail.

Chenubis' vision turned red, his eyes closing as he regained his composure,
After all, he had his Father on his side, surely he wouldn't lose.
Yet, the dragon of Polyargos was causing more damage to him,
Surely this was only a fluke? Lord Vastar wouldn't let him die.

He felt himself hit the wall of the tower, pain flooding his body,
Parts of the tower fell and hit his already bloody body,
As the red dragon raked his claws along his scaled abdomen.
A smirk crossed Yudhishthira's visage at the scent of the blood.

A roar of triumph echoed throughout the heavens, the wyverns joining in.

The ground shook as he ran his body into the serpent, pushing him closer,

Closer against the red-stained side of the tower to the Sky,

As another rain of fire scorched the flesh of Chenubis, the scales turning black.

More of the building fell to the ground, the dragon moving backwards,
Keeping the stream of fire going, never ending, to ravish the body,
To burn and char his foe, and opponent, not showing mercy until he stopped,
Taking a deep breath of air in order to speak to his dying foe.

"You have fought bravely, young serpent, you have great potential ahead,
If only your Lord had given you the strength to uphold the protection of His realm."
He grinned in satisfaction as a large piece of the tower fell to the ground,
Landing on the middle section of the serpent.

"I'm sorry to say goodbye so early in the battle, but alas, it seems,
That your time is up in this realm for the time being now,
Please give my regards to the Mother when She bids you entrance to Her hall."
He raised one gleaming claw, ready to cleanly take the head off in one swing.

With his failing strength, Chenubis leapt up, wrapping himself around the dragon,

His body straining with the sheer mass, hoping that his plan would work.

With an angered growl, the red dragon pulled himself away, pulling the serpent too.

He gave a shriek of irritation as the rock loosed itself from the midsection,

One of his wyverns racing towards him to rip the serpent from his body.
The winged snake growled, flinging the wyvern into the circle of flames,
Only to hiss as he was slammed against the tower, more rubble falling,
Hitting his abdomen, until he suddenly let loose a blood-curdling howl.

A corner piece had fallen, ripping open his scaled abdomen,
His grip loosening as he fell to the ground in defeat.
Yet, Chenubis didn't give up, he didn't falter,
Fighting back weakly, but instead, an invisible shield surrounded his form.

Yudhishthira, the red dragon, laughed loudly, watching with mild interest,
Speaking calmly, and out of breath, "You fought well. I'm terribly sorry,
Sorry that it had to come to this in order for you to admit defeat.
Perhaps your Lord will reward you greatly for your courage facing me."

Regaining his breath, he gave a sharp inhale,

Only for the fiery flames of the inferno to coat the frail form of the serpent.

Chenubis' body turned black from the heat as he falters, exhaling one last sentence,

"I'm sssorry, Lord Vassstar; please forgive me for my weaknessssesss."

At the mention of His name, but who should appear before the red dragon?
In a whirlwind of air, the Lord of the Sky did show Himself as His servant died.
"Yudhishthira, the red dragon of Polyargos, what made you decide,
To cause destruction and strife among the land of My people?"

"Did the old form of Makali and the Lord of Strife, Pandemonium, visit you in your dreams?
What reasons do you have for sending My followers to the Realm of the Lord Death?"
The red dragon snorted, shaking his head at Vastar's attempts to find him out.
"Something was awry, I had felt it in the volcano, and something was amiss."

"So I had traveled to the isle of Erymanthus, the feeling of dread was strong here."
With a turn of his head, the dragon of Polyargos took wing to the skies,
Disappearing in the newly risen sun as he fled from the scene of the destruction,
Leaving the Lord of the Skies to ponder what he had just said.[[Category:Winner]