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Revision as of 18:39, 19 March 2017

By: Alistaire Posted on: September 15, 2005

The Waters flow from every point
A Naiad's song deep beneath
Reaching out, begging you
"Please, come home to me."

Green Lake's Protection
Silent guardian, strong
Nature's perfect warrior
"Anger holds naught strong."

Soaghal to the north, secluded
Where the Black Boar roams
Voices Echo from deep within
"Keep your pants on."

Muurn within the Heart
LightHouse on the Island
Source within the rock kept safe
"Justice, if you do wrong."

The Pacachea and the Zaphaar
Sate the thirst of living things
For Her they gave up nearly all
"Kastalia, our Lady Patron- Safety."

Ourania's tear in temple dwelt
Neraeos' priest did strong protect
The Ivory Water Lily does represent
"Explore, but let not death beckon."

The Father roams the Sea, Eternal
Neraeos blocks both beast and greed
Scholar, Philosopher, and Warrior
"Be not certain of your fate."

Shastaan Cove starts the path
Gaerath does over the waters pass
Fear that which lurks, always near
"The unknown is not always pleasant.

Upon Mysia, Pirates dance
They drink and swagger, ego-bound
Their quest does call for your pain
"Off-plane welcomes all- to death."

Near Tas'urke, dare you venture
For Magi, the pearls do beckon
But if you wander into the Sea
"The Sharks will make you a meal."

Riparium lies off the coast
The water is air to merpeople there
The Kraken roams the sea unleashed
"Be careful what you might set free."

No matter where you think to go
Remember what I've whispered here
The Father and the Daughter guard
"Irk not those who rule the Water Realms."