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Revision as of 18:22, 19 March 2017

By: Arwyn Posted on: September 28, 2005

Madame Vermiis, I did love thee
Once, before that gift of candy
Before I learned how to see,
Past your elegant cruelty.

Once, I was grateful to live in your home
No longer left in the streets to roam.
How happy I was, not to be alone
Having won a spot in your heart of stone

How pathetically grateful, I was, to you!
To be given my very own room.
Told that I would ever see you soon
And for years, I danced to that tune.

While, from my companions I was cleft,
Never exactly understanding why they left.
In those white washed rooms, I was bereft
Of all hope, till there was only your portrait left

Smiling at me benignly through the years
Never changing, despite futile tears
Never answering even when my worst fears
Were confirmed, making my stomach churn

Even after the bones were found,
Never did I make so much as a sound.
My faith in you continued to astound
Even when the evidence was all around.

Without bounds, almost beyond the reach of reason
My devotion to you weathered all seasons.
Though I dreamd of being your liason
I did not think I would rise to this station.

Now, at your bidding, so do I teach
Your shining wares, soft as snow, I peddle and preach.
Of their virtues, always in your memory I seek
Always to remain serving, within your arm's reach.